W G Sebald and Vertigo

I found a website I wish to share with all my avid readers around the globe. The German-born writer Sebald lived in Great Britain and died in a car accident. The website Vertigo: Just check Sebald out for yourself via the link provided here. Linked here ... Greek Tribute to Sebald | Vertigo (wordpress.com) Quoted from the website Vertigo: W.G. Sebald is a writer whose roving takes us from the beginning of each of his texts to an out there, to an exteriority, where we paradoxically come closer to ourselves as it overwhelms us with knowledge of a complete self-awareness. And this paradox... Sebald is a stranger, and with us as his personal friends in a foreign land, he departs to observe critically from a supervisory distance of epic proportion and always with the pursuit of a certain tension in mind, as he once said, often ominous and threatening. Perhaps here the blurriness of his scattered images and photographs, the levitation embedded in them... Read the full text via the link. Author: Vasilis Papageorgiou Greek Tribute to Sebald | Vertigo (wordpress.com) —- Mr. Vertigo written by Paul Auster, published in 1994. This novel tells the story of Walter Claireborne Rawley, also known as Walt, a neglected orphan who is taken under the wing of Master Yehudi. Yehudi promises to teach Walt how to fly, both literally and metaphorically. Plot Overview Walt's…

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www.sueddeutsche.de/projekte/artikel/politik/lesen-bildung-schueler-e282486/ Wenn Schule und Elternhaus versagen und grundlegende Aufgaben nicht bewaeltigen, sind die Folgen absehbar und kaum noch zu korrigieren! Lesen und schreiben und rechnen und mehr dergleichen braucht ZEIT! Ohne Anstrengungen gelingt nichts! Von nix kommt nix ...

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Talk To Me …

Just reading this novel written by T C Boyle and on Sam and Aimee in California and the Prof of Linguistics Guy Schermerhorn. Review in NY Times Linked Yours phb @ Gold Coast QLD T.C. Boyle is a highly respected and widely read author in Germany, where he has a large and dedicated fan base. While the label "hipster" may be somewhat subjective, it's true that Boyle is known for his distinctive style, both in his writing and his personal appearance. He often wears fedoras and colorful shirts, and his author photos feature him with a signature mustache and piercing gaze. This has helped to cultivate a certain "cool" image around him, which may contribute to his popularity with younger readers and fans of alternative culture. That being said, Boyle's appeal in Germany extends far beyond any particular demographic or cultural scene. He is widely regarded as a masterful storyteller with a unique voice and vision, and his work has been translated into many languages and studied in universities around the world. my previous post Eine gesunde Sucht gleich Schreiben .... Website T C Boyle and ask the Author Linked

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Outback & more …

Just finished the novel East Of Alice which I bought because of the Outback setting and the profile of the Author Annie Seaton ... Will be her follower now, as she seems to be the Australian Charlotte Link! This is my highest reward in Good Reads .... 4 sure More via Goodreads LINKED East of Alice by Annie Seaton My rating: 5 of 5 stars Totally agree with the review of Phrynne and nothing I wish to add …The two time frames past and history plus today are well combined, the outback life of the OZ pioneers is vividly outlined and the story is good, so good I can imagine a good film version like the story of the Brissie Camel Lady! Will check out more from the author! Great and easy vacation reading and of course very good for tourists visiting the Outback around Alice …like Ruby Gap.Will get there one day myself for sure!The author is very successful and travels a lot like myself! Will follow her now and read more Country Stories. She is the Australian Charlotte Link (German Author). View all my reviews In The Bush | Credit phb My Screenshot | phb Mac Lean NSW | Credit phb Old Bridge in NSW | Credit phb My Review East Of Alice published on GoodReads East Of Alice Autorin: Annie Seaton The Early Settlers from Britain and more…

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Digital Reading

My Digital Library | Screenshot phb You wish to know more? No worries at all and I will publish some secrets here soon how to create your own library for a handful of dollars and mostly free … Education 4 Free … And create your own eBooks for nothing but a coffee or so … From Australia, where Life Is Good. Best wishes & take care Yours phb VW Bulli | Das Auto | Credit phb Die Geschichte eines Kult - Autos NDR Beach Life | Credit phb Ocean | Shades Of Blue | Credit phb Last not least ... Enjoy the OCEAN via Youtube ... Kindly yours with best wishes from Queensland Australia phb

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Education And Life Skills …

Literature and Hemingway | My Screenshot | phb Cartoons and Satire | Credit phb | My Screenshot Literature | Credit phb My Mother Annita pretending my father is BOND, James Bond. There is nothing like a good education! My father was the first born son of a framer in Holstein, North Germany. However he become THE TEACHER after the 2nd WW. A lot of my own learning I owe to my parents, both born on farms north of Hamburg and south of Denmark between the horizons. In this summer 2022 I had the opportunity after three years of Covid, to revisit the two villages where they were born, only 25 km apart. One near IZ and one near RD. I dedicate this post to both my parents and my grandparents. My father died in 2000 at the age of 75, my mother is now 96 yrs old and wants to become 100 years old. Good on her … From Australia with best wishes Yours phb Credit phb

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U2 and Salman Rushdie

“In autumn 1999, I published my novel The Ground Beneath Her Feet, in which the Orpheus myth winds through a story set in the world of rock music. Orpheus is the defining myth for both singers and writers – for the Greeks, he was the greatest singer as well as the greatest poet – and it was my Orphic tale that finally made possible the collaboration we’d been kicking around. It happened, like many good things, without being planned. I sent Bono and U2’s manager, Paul McGuinness, prepublication copies of the novel, in typescript, hoping that they would tell me if the thing worked or not. Bono said afterwards that he had been worried on my behalf, believing that I had taken on an impossible task, and that he began reading the book in the spirit of a “policeman” – that is, to save me from my mistakes. Fortunately, the novel passed the test. Deep inside it is the lyric of what Bono called the novel’s “title track,” a sad elegy written by the main male character about the woman he loved, who has been swallowed up in an earthquake: a contemporary Orpheus’s lament for his lost Eurydice. Bono called me. “I’ve written this melody for your words, and I think it might be one of the best things I’ve done.” I was astonished. One of the novel’s principal images is that…

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