On this website, I will document my daily Beach walks from our house in Burleigh QLD along the most beautiful northern and southern shores, trying to imagine what this area was like hundreds of years before it became the Gold Coast of today.
And why is it called Gold Coast anyway? I will link some websites so that visitors of the Southern Gold Coast can easily follow my footsteps walking and driving north of Burleigh into Miami and south into Palm Beach and beyond Currumbin into Coolangatta and the QLD border.
“Two young men who had been companions for some time and were on friendly terms with the natives were among the newcomers. They were Edmund Harper and William Duncan. A rafting ground was first established at the mouth of Little Tallebudgera Creek. Later Edmund Harper made his home there to which he brought his mother. Harper and Duncan remained together in the district, and associating with the natives, could speak the dialects of the Tweed and Nerang tribes so well that the locals could not tell from their speech that they were not of the tribes.”
Today (Sunday, 23 August 2020) I passed the bridge over the Tallebudgera Creek heading south, on my right the view into the Hinterland and between some hills the top of Mount Warning like a pointer, on my left the mouth of the creek and the surf of the ocean:
What a place to be!
The aboriginal ancestors must have been very happy to roam these ocean shores and live from the fish and plants of this area, enjoying the warm sun and the crystal clear water from the ocean without being washed away by the surf. I wonder what boats they had! And could they swim?
BLEACH Festival 2020 in Burleigh Park
Walking left along the beach I find the OutRiggers and imagine, they must have been designed like the aboriginal vessels found in this area.
One of my favourites in the Brisbane area is Moreton Island, which is mostly a National Park.
QLD National Parks Website LINK Moreton Island
Camping – Maps Moreton
In October 2018 I revisited Moreton Island – not far from Brisbane, an island you can only access by vessel and 4 WD, as there are no roads.
What you do is stay a few days away from civilisation and from city life just gettig back to the basics of Being … who you are!
Arriving at Moreton Island by barge from Brisbane Harbour
Here are my impressions in three little Vimeo videos:
LINK – Brisbane area and South East Queensland | Live2Camp with Matt Bloomfield
Peter Ludlow has researched and published books about the Moreton Bay area, Deception Bay and Moreton Island.
His History Of Moreton Bay is available in print and via his Worpress Blog: Thank you, Peter Ludlow, allowing me to link to your website! Peter wrote with Robin Kleinschmidt: QLD’s GERMAN CONNECTIONS, edited by Matthew Tesch – GACCQ – FB Site
Second LINK – The History of Moreton Bay – written and published by Peter Ludlow – his Profile here.
Third LINK about the book project from Hamburg, Germany to Moreton Bay, QLD.
Fraser Island on Fire / Dec 2020
The Flag
The man behind the iconic flag now free for all Australians: Who is Harold Thomas?
Harold Thomas has agreed to transfer copyright of the Aboriginal flag to the Commonwealth in a deal that finally democratises the most recognisable emblem of Aboriginal Australia. So who is the man that created the symbol? Read the full story
Shared from ABC app
Rockpool Gold Coast Hinterland |Credit phb
Read more about Outback Australia written by phb
THE VOICE and the Referendum in 2023

Pretty confusing the debate on THE VOICE in Australia at present … I am trying to get informed and find out CUI BONO & more like background Infos about Labour and Liberals and the Aboriginal Policies of the past.
It is all about the GAP between The First Nation people and white Australia and the past decades and Australian history.
ABC.com.au and other Media in Australia
Peter Dutton starts his No Campaign (WHY and what are his solutions???) and is backed by John Howard, former PM of the Liberals and the Coalitions he could form.

Marcia Langton (Public Academic and Prof. in Melbourne, born in Brisbane, QLD) has been a prominent figure in the efforts to close the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians for decades. She has been a vocal advocate for Indigenous rights and has worked on a range of initiatives aimed at addressing the systemic disadvantages faced by Indigenous Australians.
In 2008, Langton was appointed to the role of co-chair of the National Indigenous Council, which advised the Australian government on Indigenous policy. Langton was also involved in the development of the “Closing the Gap” strategy, which was launched in 2008 with the aim of addressing the health, education, and employment disparities between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
Langton has been a prominent VOICE in the ongoing debate around constitutional recognition for Indigenous Australians, arguing that awareness and recognition are necessary to address the ongoing impact of colonization and discrimination.
Langton’s work has been focused on addressing the underlying causes of Indigenous disadvantage, and she has been a strong advocate for empowering Indigenous communities and ensuring that their perspectives and knowledge are valued and respected in decision-making processes.
More to come here soon …

Helen Trinca has written a lengthy article published in the Australian Weekend Edition Easter 2023 about the VOICE and coming referendum initiated by the present Labour Government.
The Opposition led by Peter Dutton has started its NO – campaign now, which has already started a rather dirty war on terms and words like: John Howard condemns JUDAS’ attack of PEARSON (Male Aboriginal Leader) and more …
Trying to sort all this out, I will sum up my readings and research on these issues and topics here on my BLOG.
So in short: What exactly is the VOICE in Australian policies and politics?
What information does the Australian public receive about THE VOICE before the referendum, which might fail like many others before?
Is the VOICE going to change DEMOCRACY in Australia like Peter Dutton claims?
Why is there no summary of the Calma – Langton report pages 16-19 available for the Australian people before the referendum?
How can Australians vote YES or NO without having access to relevant information before the referendum?

Frohe Ostern von der Gold Coast in Queensland
Our Art (Gladys Corunna, 1995)
Our Art is a mirror.
A reflection of injustice
of a people almost buried
under the shadow
of intruders on our shores
Of voices stilled
in stolen lands
of a lost child
and a mother found
It nourishes the spirit
heals the past
and dreams the future.
Noel Pearson
Author Troy Bramston
The Last Crusade
Photos Nic Walker
Weekend Australian April 29/30 2023
Weekend Australian Magazine April 29-30, 2023
Noel Pearson is an Aboriginal Australian lawyer and community leader known for his advocacy on behalf of Indigenous peoples, particularly those living in Cape York, Queensland. Born in Cooktown, Queensland in 1965, Pearson spent his early years living with his grandmother and extended family in the Hope Vale Aboriginal Community, where he developed a deep connection to his cultural heritage.
With others he has been a leading advocate for the Uluru Statement from the Heart, which was issued by Indigenous leaders in 2017 and called for a constitutionally enshrined Indigenous VOICE to parliament. The statement was the result of a historic gathering of Indigenous leaders at Uluru in the Northern Territory, where Pearson played a key role in the negotiations.
Since the release of the Uluru Statement, Pearson has continued to be a vocal advocate for the establishment of an Indigenous voice, which he believes is essential to ensuring that the voices of Indigenous Australians are heard in the political decision-making process. He has argued that the current system of Indigenous representation, which relies on advisory bodies and consultative committees, is inadequate and that a constitutionally enshrined Indigenous voice is necessary to ensure that Indigenous people have a say in matters that affect them.
In recent years, Pearson has been involved in efforts to bring the issue of an Indigenous voice to parliament to the forefront of the national conversation. He has spoken at public events, written op-eds and articles, and appeared in the media to advocate for the establishment of a voice. He has also continued to work with Indigenous leaders and politicians to advance the cause of the Uluru Statement.
In 2021, Pearson was part of a delegation of Indigenous leaders that met with then Prime Minister Scott Morrison to discuss the establishment of an Indigenous voice to parliament. While the outcome of these talks remains uncertain, Pearson remains committed to the cause and continues to work tirelessly to ensure that Indigenous Australians have a voice in the decisions that affect them.

Website Uluru Statement
Last Update on Sat 29 Apr 2023 by https://bloeckerblog.com

More on my site Village Market
Peter Dutton and the Liberals have decided to campaign against the VOICE, which is politics in the sense of blind opposition to Labour being in power at present!
From my point of view a mistake and not in the National Interest at all!
I do trust the Australian people are smart enough to understand this shift in the politics of the Liberals and will continue to follow the reconciliation which was initiated when Kevin Rudd apologized to the First Nation people in Canberra in Parliament.
The Referendum on the Voice enshrined in the Australian constitution is now scheduled for the end of the year 2023.
#phb on Mon 19 June 2023
Get to know more about The Voice and why a Referendum is held in
Oct 2023
Ugly comments on the YES Campaign of The Voice Referendum
Hard No Votes | If you do not understand, vote NO!

Why the Referendum in Oct 2023 might fail: YES or NO?
Since Marcia Langton (see above) was quoted in the Australian press, claiming the No Campaign (Peter Dutton and the opposition) was based on racism or stupidity, the nations seems to be devided 50 to 50%:
If you vote No, you are a racist or stupid (or both)!
If you vote YES, you will divide Australia as well, but for ever, as enshrined in the Australian Constitution.
Jacinta Nampijinpa PRICE has become (like Marcia Langton for the YES Campaign) a very strong advocate for the No Campaign (Opposition).
(read the first half of the Paul Kelly article as attached above!)
The Labour Government on the Road to winning or losing The Referendum on the VOICE?
Wie die Nein-Kampagne Peter Dutton und Jacinda PRICE und Co an Einfluss gewinnen … The No – Campaign & divide et impera!!!!
How the No Campaigners are gaining momentum (Opposition Leader Peter Dutton and Jacinda Price and others) …
Read for yourself!
ONE NATION or not?
Nobody wants a divided Nation!

Perfide Strategie | From my Point Of View!
From OZ yours
Peter H Bloecker
> Profile
Linked to Fairaustralia Website! Not my views at all!
No Brainer Voting YES!
Updated on Thu 05 Oct 2023 by P H Bloecker
+++++ NACHLESE +++++++++
Read today Sunday the AFR Weekend and found an interesting article there about
WHY AUSSIES like Voting NO … (Author Michael PELLY)
He states that the biggest structural hurdle for referendums in AUSTRALIA is a DUAL requirement for national majority PLUS at least 4 out of 6 states, where Canberra seems to be too close to Policy and Politics, so the state does not even COUNT!
Interesting this fact I was not even aware of …
An expert from Britain was invited to study the path to the referendum and its possible failure (or success): Prof Mark Qvortrup from Coventry University … a global expert on constitution changes in the world – WOW!!!
Read some passages here , a summary will follow asap – very interesting are his conclusions!
UK: Any referendum in Britain can be overwritten by Parliament – it is only ONE way to get to know about the feel or worries of the population. Means: Parliament could have ignored the outcome of the Brexit referendum! WOW again!
USA: The Government in Washington would never ask for a referendeum, as people in the US have an education level politicians would not trust – a referendum is not legal, not possible in the US, in some states like CAL PROPOSITIONS were held instead of a referendum. Another WOW … Greetings from Trump Country!
Sweden: As ABBA and IKEA were campaigning during the campaign of a referendum, it failed … WOW | Celebrities and Big Companies should not take any side, pro or con ….VOW!
Imagine ALDI or BMW joining the YES campaig moving towards a YES VOTE ON THE VOICE … initiated by a Labour Government!
GOOD | DIFFERENT | Aldi votes YES …
And Volkswagen DAS AUTO as well, or not?
And AUDI? Just guess …

Updated Sat 17 Aug 2024

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