This site collects infos and more in my backyard, which stretches from Gympie and Fraser and Noosa to the southern borders of QLD and beyond to Ballina in NSW.

As I travel a lot around the years, I meet people of all ages and get to know a little about why they decided to live exactly there: Time and Place and a bit more and I understand their choice.

Credit phb | Archive Google Doodles Credit

Nota Bene:

There are many ways to live a happy and successful life as long you are connected:

Just follow the Stars and make your choices at the right time!

GOETHE: The German Shakespeare:

Werde, wer du bist … | Become Who You Are!

Beruf gleich Berufung | Steve Jobs: Only work with passion or rather not at all …

Find out who you are and what you really want to achieve and live your life accordingly! Places and timing do matter, though!

At the wrong time at the wrong place might cause sincere difficulties!

Credit phb | Another Development along the Gold Coast Hwy by MPG

Blissful Living without Ownership

The allure of a beach lifestyle, here at the Gold Coast near Miami QLD, beckons many individuals seeking the tranquility and vibrancy of coastal living. While some associate such bliss with ownership, it is possible to embrace a Richard Branson-inspired lifestyle, enjoying the beach and all its wonders without possessing islands, cars, or properties. In this article, I will explore how one can live a blissful beach life, immersing oneself in the vibrant energy of the Gold Coast with the South Pacific Ocean named Polynesia, without ownership, for instance entering Australia as digital nomad.

Freedom of Experiences

Living a Richard Branson-inspired beach lifestyle means placing your priority on experiences (Erfahrungen) rather than possessions. Instead of owning property, embrace the freedom of renting a beachfront apartment or staying in cozy coastal accommodations including AirBnB. This allows you to fully immerse yourself in the beach lifestyle without the responsibilities of property maintenance or long-term commitments.

You can revel in the natural beauty of the Gold Coast plus the Hinterland exploring its pristine beaches, indulging in water sports, and relishing breathtaking sunsets. Engage with the local community, attend beachside events, and participate in activities that foster connections and create lasting memories. Embrace the beach life, allowing chance encounters and new friendships to enrich your experience.

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Accessing Amenities and Transportation

Owning a car is not a prerequisite for enjoying this beach lifestyle. Public transportation options, such as buses and trams, provide convenient access to the Gold Coast’s many attractions. Alternatively, you can embrace a more sustainable and active approach by biking or walking to nearby destinations. The proximity of the beach not more than 1 or 2 km away to many residences, makes it very easy to navigate the area and enjoy the coastal scenery.

Sure enough, not owning an island may seem restrictive for very rich people like Richard Branson, but you can embark on day trips or short getaways to nearby islands like Stradbroke, discovering the beauty of the Gold Coast and Tweed River and Northern Rivers in NSW and indulging in its unique lifestyle there. Rental services or organized tours offer convenient ways to experience the magic of this area in Southern QLD without the burdens of ownership. Once settled, you might decide to stay for good like my wife and myself did after having rented a property for three years, just to check out the QLD Gold Coast with the option to return the True North of Germany between Hamburg and Denmark (FL and RD).

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Embracing Community and Collaboration

Living the beach lifestyle (here: Beach Culture) is not just about the location; it is also about the people and your connections. Engage with the local community, participate in beach clean-ups, volunteer for conservation efforts, or join social groups that share your love for the beach and the ocean and its surroundings. By actively participating in the community, you’ll forge connections, foster a sense of belonging, and contribute to the preservation of the coastal environment.

Collaboration is key to unlocking the full potential of this lifestyle. Seek out shared resources, such as communal spaces or facilities, where like-minded individuals gather to work, socialize, and inspire one another. Embrace the spirit of collaboration by organizing beach gatherings, group activities, or beachside picnics, encouraging a sense of community and shared bliss.

Generally and in a nutshell: Music Is The Language and OTW (On The Water) or under water (diving), you will love this area and might make it your place of permanent residence like Maria Ines and myself decided in 2015: Staying at the Gold Coast for good!

Sport & Music are the ways to connect with the locals and the community.

So, let go of traditional notions of ownership, embrace the freedom to explore, and bask in the bliss of the Gold Coast’s beach culture. By living in the present moment and savoring the beauty of the coastal environment, you’ll discover that true bliss lies not in possessions but in the richness of experiences and connections forged along the way.

From QLD Australia yours Peter H Bloecker, Director Of Studies


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Wholesale Imported | Credit phb
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You are invited for the opening of the small shop in Miami QLD on Sat 3 Jun 2023 | goods to taste and more 50% off! Around 12 / noon! Check website for more infos! Casa Da Vovo and #phb will be present as

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Interested in Gardens and Plants?



More about Philosophy and Plato and Sokrates and the German classics KANT and HEGEL and MARX here via my Blog, sometimes between the lines, sometimes directly linked with friends or colleagues around the Globe.

More here soon and updated on 1st June 2023 by #phb

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With Maria Ines |Credit #phb

Exploring the Joy of Community and Serendipity


Welcome to “My Backyard,” a site on my Blog on Life Skills dedicated to celebrating the essence of a happy life, community spirit, and the significance of being in the right place at the right time.

As an Educator, I have witnessed the profound impact that strong community connections can have on individuals’ well-being and their sense of belonging. Here & today I will explore the power of community and the beauty of serendipity, which some refer to as being connected with family and tribe in any place of the planet.

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Life Music on a lazy Sunday afternoon | Credit phb
Credit phb |Avid Reader

The Power of Community

Humans are inherently social beings. Our need for connection and community stretches back to our earliest ancestors. Throughout history, communities have provided us with support, a sense of identity, and a place to belong. When we feel connected to others, whether it’s within a family, a close-knit neighborhood, or a broader social group, we experience a profound sense of happiness and fulfillment.

Community provides us with a support system, helping us navigate life’s challenges and celebrate its joys. It offers opportunities for collaboration, shared experiences, and the exchange of knowledge and resources. When we actively engage with our community, we create a reciprocal relationship, where we both contribute and receive support.

Credit phb

Finding Joy in the Mundane

Sometimes, in our quest for happiness, we overlook the simple joys found in our own backyard. Our lives are filled with countless opportunities for meaningful connections and serendipitous encounters. We just need to be present and open to them.

Take a moment to observe the beauty around you—the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, the laughter of children playing. Read Friedrich Schiller on playing and Goethe The Young Werther. Engage with your neighbors, strike up conversations, and participate in local events and gatherings. By immersing ourselves in our immediate surroundings, we deepen our connection with the community and discover unexpected sources of happiness and inspiration.

The Right Place at the Right Time

Being in the right place at the right time is often associated with luck or chance. However, from an anthropological perspective, it is also a result of our active participation in our communities. When we invest time and effort into building relationships, contributing to shared goals, and embracing the opportunities presented to us, we increase the likelihood of experiencing those magical moments of serendipity.

Magic happens!

The sense of being connected with family and best friends and mates extends beyond biological bonds. It encompasses the web of relationships we weave in our communities. By nurturing these connections, we create an environment where synchronicities and fortunate encounters become more likely.

So, step into your own backyard, immerse yourself in the richness of your community, and discover the happiness that lies just around the corner.

Credit phb

And read “The Web Of Life” written by Fritjof CAPRA.

Author: Peter H Bloecker (Pls respect copyright rules).


More here soon about My Third Life In Australia

Beaches Burleigh QLD | Credit phb

Last Update on Thu 1 Jun 2023.

Not far from Surfers’ Paradise I found this shop today in my Backyard.

With a very nice Mural at the back, these kind people in their caught my attention. Time for a chat and 5 min of Yarning.

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Artist Camille Manley | Credit phb
Mack Truck | Earth Movers | Credit phb
Arts & Music | Credit phb | Kornelimünster Vennbahn Germany

More here soon about my Backyard in Burleigh QLD Australia.

My Third Life in OZ.

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More about Street Art & Murals around the Globe here.

Andrew Diggins and his Poetry | A bit of Yarning with the AUTHOR

Shark Smart | Credit phb

Fatz here to tell you a little bit about my anthology. This is a collection of poems I have put together. Some date back to when I first started to write, which was when I was 21, up until now. This is not the whole lot, there are a few I have written that are not in this collection. I would like to say that my poems can come to me at any time and that’s how all of these poems were created. I just start with a blank piece of paper, and a pen, and then all of a sudden my muse jumps on my shoulder and usually I keep writing then a second line comes then from two is three, then pretty soon I have a verse, the page is full and I am satisfied with what I have written. There is usually no effort, the words seem to jump on the paper, as if it were magic, and pretty soon I have written a poem. I write my poems as a form of therapy, when my mind is full of thoughts and feelings it is a way in which I express myself. I hope you all enjoy my writings.

Author Peter H Bloecker on Medium | App or Website


Updated by Author Peter H Bloecker on Wed 27 Sep 2023.


Mother Nature

A poem


Die Natur ist schön und vielfältig.

Sie schenkt uns Farben, Formen und Düfte.

Sie zeigt uns die Jahreszeiten, den Tag und die Nacht.

Sie lehrt uns die Kreisläufe, das Wachsen und das Sterben.

Die Natur ist mächtig und geheimnisvoll.

Sie erschafft Berge, Flüsse und Meere.

Sie bewegt Wolken, Winde und Sterne.

Sie birgt Leben, Tod und Wunder.

Die Natur ist freundlich und großzügig.

Sie spendet uns Luft, Wasser und Nahrung.

Sie heilt uns mit Kräutern, Blumen und Früchten.

Sie erfreut uns mit Tieren, Vögeln und Insekten.

Die Natur ist weise und lehrreich.

Sie inspiriert uns zu Kunst, Wissenschaft und Philosophie.

Sie fordert von uns Respekt, Schutz und Harmonie.

Sie erinnert uns an unsere Herkunft, unsere Verantwortung und unsere Bestimmung.

Die Natur ist schön und vielfältig.

Wir sollten sie bewundern, lieben und ihr danken.

Wir sollten sie erforschen, verstehen und schätzen.

Wir sollten sie bewahren, pflegen und sie ehren.


Nature is beautiful and diverse.

It gives us colors, shapes and scents.

It shows us the seasons, the day and the night.

It teaches us the cycles, the growth and the death.

Nature is powerful and mysterious.

It creates mountains, rivers and seas.

It moves clouds, winds and stars.

It holds life, death and wonders.

Nature is friendly and generous.

It provides us with air, water and food.

It heals us with herbs, flowers and fruits.

It delights us with animals, birds and insects.

Nature is wise and instructive.

It inspires us to art, science and philosophy.

It demands from us respect, protection and harmony.

It reminds us of our origin, our responsibility and our destiny.

Nature is beautiful and diverse.

We should admire it, love it and thank it.

We should explore it, understand it and appreciate it.

We should preserve it, care for it and honor it.

Another unknown area today, explored with a lot of time, pretty cool indeed!

Went to deliver empty bottles and stopped at Cheap Auto 4WD Kings.

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Second Hand