
Africa, dark continent, out of Africa, literature, pictures and motion pictures…

Hemingway and more!

Who is not fascinated by this continent and its peoples?

In short, we could not wait to get there and so we did.

Jens & Peter

> New: Listen to Melinda Gates and how visiting Africa changed her LIFE … PODCAST


More about Africa on Planet Wissen

Read here about our Wanderlust.


Check out WHK on

Fly to Capetown from Windhoek.



In Memory of Jens Bloecker
Ploen with Jens | Credit phb
With Jens and Klaus and Wiebke and Lisa at Walfish Bay in Namibia | Credit phb
in memory of Lisa Anna and Jens.

Last update in May 2024 by Author Peter H Bloecker


In Memory Of My Beloved Brother Jens Bloecker

This site was designed a few years ago about my beloved brother Jens Bloecker:

Born 9th May 1951, he passed away in his hometown Hansestadt Luebeck at the age of 70 years only.

Jens came to Windhoek Namibia, while I worked as a Teacher of German and English at the German Private School DHPS.

Deeply impressed by the new nation Namibia with its Colonial roots of the German Imperial Colonial Kaiserreich, which came to an end by the 1919 revolution after WW1, Jens fell in love with Namibia at his first sight, and later revisited the RSA several times, and went hiking and camping in South Africa again and again.

At one of my last visits in Germany, my brother Jens said to me:

When in Southern Africa, I feel like a free man in a troubled country.

Jens was a very good man with a most beautiful heart and soul.

At Christmas 1986 he gave me a present, which I take with me when traveling or hiking or camping to walk through the days of our childhood, all the visits of my brother and his beautiful family at home in the true North of Germany between Hamburg and Denmark, and all the conversations and dreams we both went through over and over again.

Never will Jens be forgotten, as true Love never dies.

With Jens in Ploen at the Castle and Lake | Credit phb

Like myself, and during our pathway always two years ahead of my younger brother, Jens loved hiking and cycling and camping and the outdoors. He was a Family Man, and what I always appreciated most: He was never pretending, always true and loyal and a very clear thinker and writer. In a nutshell, he was a truly Northern German, honest and very gentle and kind, and he loved good conversations like myself and with me.

Two Brothers | Credit phb
Our parents | Credit phb
Jens in RSA – Republic of South Africa | Credit phb | Jens was a fan of Mandela like myself.
Our last Family Meeting on 20 Aug 2022 | Credit phb | Centre Hanna and Joern celebrating 60 years of their marriage: True Love Will Never Fade | In our most beautiful country family Music Was The Language | And Games and Laughter | Next to Hanna and Joern two of my aunties (left) and my mother Annita and her sister (right) | The Five Ruge Sisters, now between 98 and 85 years old.