Der Spiegel
Zwischen ChatGPT und OHP.
Kolumne Sascha Lobo
Anders gesagt: Guter Unterricht wird immer besser, wenn Lehrkraft und Schueler sich gemeinsam auf den Weg machen, nicht mehr, aber auch nicht weniger!
Dazu gehoeren dann im besonderen Ausmass Austausch von Erfahrungen und Auswertungen und Diskussion ueber das Erreichte (Outcomes): Was wollten wir erreichen und waren unsere Schritte sinnvoll? Kann der Prozess optimiert werden und wie genau? Wie arbeiten wir jetzt weiter mit unseren neuen Erkenntnissen?
Kommunikation ist und bleibt die Grundlage allen sinnvollen Lernens.
From Australia with our best wishes

Mit Angst, Skepsis und Widerwillen nähert sich das deutsche Bildungswesen dem Thema künstliche Intelligenz. Dabei ist die Technologie längst in den Schulen angekommen – ganz ohne Planung oder Genehmigung.
Digital transformation refers to the integration of digital technologies into various aspects of education, leading to enhanced learning experiences and outcomes. One key technology that has gained significant attention in recent years is Virtual Reality (VR).
VR immerses users in a simulated environment, creating a sense of presence and interactivity that can revolutionize education. In this outline, I will explore the digital transformation in education and specifically focus on the role of VR.
A. Emerging trends and innovations in VR for education: Ongoing research and development in VR technology offer promising possibilities for education. This includes advancements in haptic feedback, augmented reality (AR) integration, eye-tracking, and artificial intelligence (AI) for more immersive and personalized learning experiences.
B. Potential impact of VR on educational outcomes: VR has the potential to revolutionize education by providing engaging, experiential, and contextualized learning experiences. It can enhance knowledge retention, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and empathy development.
C. Importance of ongoing research and evaluation: As VR integration in education continues to evolve, it is crucial to conduct rigorous research and evaluation to understand its effectiveness, identify best practices, and address any limitations or challenges that arise.
D. Conclusion highlighting the transformative potential of VR in education: Virtual Reality has the potential to transform education by immersing learners in interactive and immersive experiences that go beyond traditional classroom boundaries. By embracing digital transformation and integrating VR technology, educational institutions can create engaging and impactful learning environments that prepare students for the challenges of the digital age.
Key will be how much teachers will invest in getting to know the new tools and work with their students in Higher Education and share their experiences in their area, country and worldwide using the main languages on the net, English, German, Spanish, French, Chinese and Japanese and others according to needs.
Auto translation and deep Learning tools and more will become permanent ingredients in the Digital Transformation of Higher Education.
Author Peter H Bloecker and generated by different tools including ChatGPT. Edited and verified by #phb on Thu 18 May 2023 in Australia.
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