KI und USA

In a disturbing appeal, 25 renowned scientists warn of the advancing self-intelligence of artificial intelligence. This could soon act autonomously and pursue its own goals, manipulate algorithms and direct biological weapons, according to the journal "Science" (background information here). On Tuesday, the EU passed a law for more transparency in the use of artificial intelligence (via dpa). Experts believe that without effective control of AI, the world could soon spiral irreversibly out of control. However, this is also to be feared with the human intelligence currently in use. And soon means the day after tomorrow … The development of drones is an example of what war robots will look like - This is only the Beginning … For sure! Science fiction has already depicted all this very vividly: Novels and film - SOMA like Netflix and Amazon and more … ====++++==== German Version (Original Posting) |Screenshot| Created with Meta Instagram | Vivid Sydney 2024 | prompted by phb Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the image I generated. I was aiming to create a vibrant and dynamic piece that captures the essence of the "Humanity" theme. The explosion of light represents the boundless potential and creativity that arises when we come together as humans, and the colors symbolize diversity, inclusivity, and the beauty of our collective experiences. Thank you for your kind words, and I'm happy to have been…

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Nothing left to lose …

What does freedom mean to you? Watch the Jonny Cash 1996 Show at the Kennedy Centre with Bill Clinton and Hillary and good old Jonny moved to tears … With Kris Kristofferson and others like his daughter and Emmylou Harris. Chorus Hallelujah at the end I‘ ll fly away I walk the line Linked And as Music Is The Language The Highwaymen, Sweden 1992 With Cash & Kristofferson Linked

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USA und Trump | Die ZEIT

Quelle: Die ZEIT Die zweite Maxime der Doktrin, die Nichteinmischung der Vereinigten Staaten in europäische Konflikte, erschien bis vor Kurzem nur noch als historische Reminiszenz. Im 19. Jahrhundert hatten die europäischen Mächte sie gar nicht ernst genommen, im 20. Jahrhundert war ihnen die »Einmischung« der USA im Kampf gegen den Kaiser, Hitlerdeutschland und die sowjetische Bedrohung dann hochwillkommen. Bis heute beruht die Sicherheit Europas auf der Beistandsgarantie Washingtons. Aber mit der Renaissance des »America first«-Isolationismus unter Donald Trump könnte sich dies ändern. »Europa den Europäern!« würde für diese ein böses Erwachen bedeuten. Im Kreml dagegen wäre man gewiss zufrieden. Bing dazu: The Monroe Doctrine was a foreign policy statement made by President James Monroe in 1823. It declared that the United States would not tolerate any European intervention in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere, and that any such intervention would be considered a hostile act against the United States1. The doctrine was intended to protect the newly independent Latin American countries from European colonialism and to establish the United States as the dominant power in the region1. In recent years, the Monroe Doctrine has been invoked by the Trump administration as a warning to China and Russia2. However, the doctrine has been criticized for being outdated and irrelevant in the modern world1. Critics argue that the doctrine is a relic of the past and that it is no longer applicable to the current geopolitical landscape1. They also argue…

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‘I just got sick of it all’: living out of a vehicle – in pictures | Art and design | The Guardian

Some were escaping poverty, others looking for the freedom of a nomadic lifestyle. Timothy Eastman’s photographed Americans living in RVs – and heard their stories — Read on

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Viele unbegleitete Kinder: Lkw mit 343 Migranten in Mexiko entdeckt |

In Mexiko sind mehr als 100 unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtlinge in einem Lastwagen entdeckt worden. Die 103 Kinder und Jugendlichen kamen aus Guatemala und gehörten zu einer Gruppe von rund 340 Migranten aus Süd- und Mittelamerika. — Read on Grenzen müssen fallen: Alle ... Unfassbares Leid und Leiden! Alle Grenzen müssen fallen, bald ....! #Migration #Flucht #grenzenlos

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Teachers Are Not Noble …

Screenshot phb | Source Nor Are They Lazy ... Read this in my favourite cafe today Sat 5 Nov 2022 at the Gold Coast and wish to share this with my readers: Teachers are not noble, they are highly skilled professionals with an adequate income in Australia and a fair pension, not more and not less. Not talking about teachers in the USA or in the world. As their lessons are generally discussed at the kitchen table, the quality of teaching in a given country is highly ambiguously JUDGED daily based on impressions of children and students in very vague summaries like ... Again pretty boring or I did not listen at all or I was not interested like always ... plus I do not like her and she smells ... and more of this stuff. According to time consuming research and very expensive studies all over the world, I have not seen any real impact of improvement over the last decades since I started teaching myself in 1977 in West - Berlin, Germany. East Germany (DDR) was a communist country then. Adults tend to remember their school career as pretty awesome or a waste of time all in all or something in between. Self fulfilling prophecies do the rest! And your own experience here? Pls get in touch if you wish summing up your feedback. After 40 years of…

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Schluss mit der Eskalation | Jetzt sofort!

Das darf nicht sein! Der Angriff ging von Putin aus! Seit Monaten fordert die Ukraine schwere und mehr Waffen, sprich die Verteidigung der Grenzen, und eskaliert dabei auch, wie jetzt mit dem Angriff auf die Bruecke! Das Wort Verhandlungen und Diplomatie und Deeskalation scheint im Vokabular von Selenskij gar nicht vorzukommen! Stattdessen denkt er an Praeventivangriffe auf Russland, er will folglich die USA und NATO in die Kriegshandlungen einbeziehen. Das ist dann der Beginn des Dritten Weltkriegs, den manche Menschen wohl herbeisehnen! Ich nicht! Meine Antwort auf die Frage: Wollt Ihr den totalen Krieg? lautet Nein, nie wieder! Schluss mit diesem Wahnsinn auf beiden Seiten! Sofortige Verhandlungen JETZT, AB SOFORT! NIE WIEDER KRIEG!!! gez, Peter H Bloecker, StD i.R.

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