Ceterum censeo …

Gelesen auf der Website aus Berlin: Cicero dot de Teile ich als Anregung, und nicht im Ganzen meine Meinuung, weil es immer zu differenzieren gilt: Was ist angemessen Cui Bono Vorbilder Zeitgeist Die gute alte Vorbildfunktion (From Website Cicero) see above - quoted: ... "Das meine ich dann auch, wenn ich weiter oben schreibe, dass man die Debatte über die Beauty-Ausgaben der Bundesaußenministerin – und überhaupt jede Debatte über jeden Euro, den die Bundesregierung irgendwohin überweist – in einem größeren Kontext betrachten muss. Anders formuliert: Es ist schlicht unglaubwürdig, wenn man in Medien und Politik den Verzicht predigt, aber so tut, als seien 137.000 Euro für eine Visagistin oder 180.000 Euro für einen Fotografen, finanziert vom Steuerzahler, nur eine kaum relevante Randnotiz.  Und weil dem so ist, fällt mir am Ende dieses Beitrags meine Mutter wieder ein. Bevor die sich einen neuen Hosenanzug von der Stange oder einen günstigen Lippenstift vom Drogeriemarkt kaufte, wurde erstmal der Kühlschrank gefüllt, dafür gesorgt, dass daheim alles läuft und sauber ist, dass es den eigenen Kindern an nichts mangelt und alle Rechnungen bezahlt sind. Schon deshalb, weil sie mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen wollte. Mittlerweile ist meine Mutter 62 Jahre jung und hat ein neues Hobby für sich entdeckt: Sie strickt den Großteil ihrer Klamotten jetzt einfach selbst – und sieht, wenn sie aus dem Haus geht, immer noch blendend aus." Interested? More via my Blogs…

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Family Day

Credit phb Another successful Family Day at the bilingual Casa Da Vovo Burleigh … More photos via Facebook Maria Ines. Today rain here at the Gold Coast. Credit phb Credit phb My wife Maria Ines is a professional art teacher with a degree from Rio De Janeiro, in 1998 she retired at the Gold Coast after her daughter married a true blue Aussie from NSW. We both met in 2004 and started our Third Life first in the North of Germany, then back in Australia in 2012, finding our new home in Burleigh. Maria managed to convince her 4 daughters to come to the Gold Coast as well, following her intuition and establishing her dream: Live in a safe and beautiful community with a lot of social connections Family First Children are our joy and pleasure and Hope Of The Future: We continue to live in our children and grandchildren, as true love will never fade … Mark Knopfler In our house - we call it home and we share - laughter and joy and pleasure are the gist. Education and Music and Arts. With our warm greetings from the Gold Coast Kindly yours Maria Ines and Peter Linked Updated on Thu 16 May 2024 Music Is The Language And melody and rhythm as well … Leonard Cohen Dance Me To The End Of Love. Linked My Mother and four Aunties…

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Mother’s Day

Maria Ines first time ever to celebrate with her 4 daughters at the Gold Coast The Queen in Queensland Maria Ines | Credit phb Mother’s Day 2024 | Credit phb Credit phb Maria Ines and her Kiddies Casa Da Vovo Burleigh Facebook | Credit phb

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Nothing left to lose …

What does freedom mean to you? Watch the Jonny Cash 1996 Show at the Kennedy Centre with Bill Clinton and Hillary and good old Jonny moved to tears … With Kris Kristofferson and others like his daughter and Emmylou Harris. Chorus Hallelujah at the end I‘ ll fly away I walk the line Linked And as Music Is The Language The Highwaymen, Sweden 1992 With Cash & Kristofferson Linked

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Dropping flares from a jet to a helicopter is a tactical maneuver that serves a specific purpose in military aviation. Countermeasures Against Heat-Seeking Missiles: Flares are used as countermeasures to defend against heat-seeking surface-to-air or air-to-air missiles that are fired at planes and helicopters. When an enemy missile is launched, it homes in on the heat signature emitted by the aircraft's engines or afterburners. The flares serve as decoys by burning at thousands of degrees Celsius, which is much hotter than the exhaust heat from the aircraft's engines. By deploying flares, the aircraft attempts to divert the missile away from the actual target (the aircraft) and toward the heat source (the flares). How It Works: When a missile is detected, the pilot releases a flare dispenser that ejects several flares. These flares burn brightly, creating a false heat signature that attracts the missile. Ideally, the missile locks onto the flares instead of the aircraft, allowing the aircraft to evade the threat. Safety and Professionalism: The recent incident involving a Chinese fighter jet detonating flares close to an Australian Navy helicopter was deemed unsafe and unprofessional by the Australian Defence Department. The Chinese fighter released flares along the flight path of the Australian helicopter, posing a risk to both the aircraft and personnel. The Australian government expressed its concerns to China, emphasizing the need for professional and safe military operations. Remember, flares…

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Einer wird gewinnen - und ich weiss nach einer Woche Arbeit: Es wird nicht der Bambus sein ... A long fight, but a real Warrior never gives in ... And as I am neither playing Golf nor do I go fishing ... Working in the garden is for me meditation and more ... Think first, then act. What makes you laugh?Peter H fighting against Invasive Bamboo in his Gold Coast Garden Just thought about Nietzsche and his sad ending - hugging a horse. He was looking into the eyes of the horse, and he noticed some hidden sadness there. As the horse was not able to respond, Nietzsche hugged the horse. He knew about Body Language. Then he fell silent for good. Because Silence is Golden. Music Is The Language: But Silenve is golden. Reden ist Silber - Schweigen ist Gold. Kindly yours from QLD in OZ Peter and Maria Ines Find my Profile on Microsoft LinkedIn. Linked Understanding Kafka via SZ App - Linked Bamboo Roots | Credit phb Casa Da Vovo Burleigh | Bilingual | Facebook | Credit phb Updated on Tue 7 May 2024 by Author Peter H Bloecker Linked Freier Blick } Nachbar | Credit phb Invasive Bamboo Screen | Credit phb Author: P H Bloecker Last update Sat 11 May 2024 Last round and Day 7 | Credit phb And as Music Is The Language ……

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Marcus Tullius Cicero, the illustrious voice of the late Roman Republic, remains one of history's paramount figures—a master orator, influential philosopher, and astute politician. Cicero is perhaps best remembered for his stunning oratory and literary skills. His speeches, letters, and treatises have survived centuries, enabling us to glimpse into the tumultuous world of the late Roman Republic³. Let's delve deeper into his life and achievements: Oratory and Rhetoric: Cicero was educated in Rome and Greece. His extensive writings include treatises on rhetoric, philosophy, and politics. He is considered one of Rome's greatest orators and prose stylists. Cicero's innovative approach to rhetoric became known as "Ciceronian rhetoric"². Political Career: As a statesman, Cicero tried to uphold optimate principles during the political crises that led to the establishment of the Roman Empire. He served as consul in 63 BC and greatly influenced both ancient and modern reception of the Latin language. His work has survived, and he was admired by both ancient and modern authors alike². Notable Works: Cicero's writings cover a wide range of topics: Orations: His speeches in legal cases and political debates showcased his eloquence. Philosophical Works: These include works like "De Oratore," "De re publica," "De Natura Deorum," and "De Officiis". Letters: His correspondence provides insights into the political and social life of ancient Rome. Treatises: Cicero explored ethics, theology, and epistemology in works like "Tusculanae Quaestiones"¹. In a…

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Name of the Rose ~ Umberto Eco

Credit phb Historical fiction murder mystery set in a monastery in the 14th century in the Alps of Italy. The Library and wisdom of the past … Reading this book a few times now, as a young man and a retired teacher of Literature, there is no other book like this! A real Masterpiece, crafted like no other novel before! Film version Sean Connery (James Bond) being the Master … Teaching the young monk … A must read like Faust (Goethe) and Macbeth (Shakespeare). Linked

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