Family Day

Credit phb

Another successful Family Day at the bilingual Casa Da Vovo Burleigh …

More photos via Facebook Maria Ines.

Today rain here at the Gold Coast.

Credit phb
Credit phb

My wife Maria Ines is a professional art teacher with a degree from Rio De Janeiro, in 1998 she retired at the Gold Coast after her daughter married a true blue Aussie from NSW.

We both met in 2004 and started our Third Life first in the North of Germany, then back in Australia in 2012, finding our new home in Burleigh.

Maria managed to convince her 4 daughters to come to the Gold Coast as well, following her intuition and establishing her dream:

Live in a safe and beautiful community with a lot of social connections

Family First

Children are our joy and pleasure and Hope Of The Future: We continue to live in our children and grandchildren, as true love will never fade …

Mark Knopfler

In our house – we call it home and we share – laughter and joy and pleasure are the gist.

Education and Music and Arts.

With our warm greetings from the Gold Coast

Kindly yours

Maria Ines and Peter


Updated on Thu 16 May 2024

Music Is The Language

And melody and rhythm as well …

Leonard Cohen

Dance Me To The End Of Love.


My Mother and four Aunties with my cousins and partners on Sat 25 May 2024 | We Are Family | Credit phb