Backyard Burleigh QLD

Not far from Surfers' Paradise I found this shop today in my Backyard. With a very nice Mural at the back, these kind people in their caught my attention. Time for a chat and 5 min of Yarning. Credit phb Linked Artist Camille Manley | Credit phb Mack Truck | Earth Movers | Credit phb Arts & Music | Credit phb More here soon about my Backyard in Burleigh QLD Australia. My Third Life in OZ. Updated by Author Peter H Bloecker on Wed 27 Sep 2023. More about Street Art & Murals around the Globe here. Andrew Diggins and his Poetry | A bit of Yarning with the AUTHOR Shark Smart | Credit phb Fatz here to tell you a little bit about my anthology. This is a collection of poems I have put together. Some date back to when I first started to write, which was when I was 21, up until now. This is not the whole lot, there are a few I have written that are not in this collection. I would like to say that my poems can come to me at any time and that's how all of these poems were created. I just start with a blank piece of paper, and a pen, and then all of a sudden my muse jumps on my shoulder and usually I keep writing then a second line…

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FAESERS KEHRTWENDE Geisterfahrer der Asylpolitik Berlin tut in der Migrationspolitik gerne so, als sei Deutschland in Europa von Geisterfahrern umgeben. So geht es jedem, der selbst einer ist. Nancy Faeser ist das beste Beispiel.  Mehr erfahren Sie auf FAZ.NET unter: Gesendet aus FAZ.NET Erhältlich im App Store  Sent by phb |

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Brecht und das Radio (100 Jahre Radio)

Aus der Serie Zeitgeister des Goethe-Instituts Linked Author Andreas Ströhl leitet vom Goethe-Institut in Johannesburg aus die Goethe-Institute der Region Subsahara-Afrika. Davor leitete er von Washington D.C. aus die Institute in USA, Kanada und Mexiko. Von 2003 bis 2011 war er Leiter des Filmfests München. Promoviert hat er mit einer Arbeit zu Vilém Flussers Kulturtheorie.

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Back in my Backyard …

With the Love Of My Life Maria Ines and her beautiful family ... I need you by my side, Darling Pretty! With my greetings and best wishes yours Peter #phb German immigration into Australia has a rich history with several key points of interest: Early Settlement: German immigration to Australia began in the 19th century, with the first significant wave occurring in the 1830s. Many German immigrants settled in South Australia, attracted by promises of land and religious freedom. South Australian Influence: The Barossa Valley in South Australia is particularly famous for its German heritage. German settlers introduced vineyards and winemaking traditions that continue to thrive today. Language and Culture: German immigrants brought their language and culture with them. German-speaking schools and churches were established, helping to preserve their cultural identity. Contributions to Agriculture: German settlers made significant contributions to Australian agriculture. They introduced innovative farming techniques, such as the use of windmills and advanced agricultural machinery. World Wars Impact: During World War I and World War II, anti-German sentiment led to the persecution of German-Australians. Some German place names were changed, as mentioned earlier, to avoid associations with the enemy. Post-War Immigration: After World War II, Australia actively recruited skilled immigrants, including Germans, to contribute to the country’s growth and development. Cultural Heritage: Today, German-Australians maintain their cultural heritage through festivals, clubs, and cultural organizations. Oktoberfest celebrations and traditional German…

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Lesen: Jan-Peter Bremer und das Wendland,sendung1371754.html Es ist eine Zäsur: Von Berlin aus geht es ins niedersächsische Wendland nach Gümse am See, ein Wechsel von der pulsierenden Großstadt in ein ländlich-provinzielles, beschauliches Dorfleben im Landkreis Luechow-Dannenberg. Ein Zuhause, das geprägt ist vom intellektuellen, politisch linksstehenden Milieu der Eltern, Treffpunkt für die Kunst- und Kulturszene der alten Bundesrepublik mit Willi Brand und Guenter Grass. Für das sechsjährige Kind prallen Welten aufeinander. Ein literarischer Stoff, aus dem heraus der Berliner Autor Jan Peter Bremer sein neues Buch "Nachhausekommen" geschrieben hat. Nach seinen Romanen "Der amerikanische Investor" (2011) und "Der junge Doktorand" (2019) geht Jan Peter Bremer jetzt zurück in seine Kindheit im Wendland und erzählt mit viel Witz und Komik vom Leben im damaligen Zonenrandgebiet, das vielen Berlinern damals als Zweitwohnsitz diente. Moderation: Annemarie Stoltenberg Moderation: Annemarie Stoltenberg Gelesen hat sie schon immer viel - und als Schülerin in Schleswig-Holstein gern auf Übertragungswagen des NDR gedeutet und gesagt: "Das sind meine zukünftigen Kollegen". Es hat sich ein Lebenstraum für Annemarie Stoltenberg erfüllt, als 1982 ihre erste Buchbesprechung im Rundfunk gesendet wurde. Während ihres Studiums der Literaturwissenschaft und Sprachwissenschaften in Hamburg hat sie begonnen, als freie Mitarbeiterin für den NDR zu arbeiten, später auch für Zeitungen und Zeitschriften geschrieben, Bücher veröffentlicht und war als Fernsehreporterin unterwegs. Sie erkundet gern die Lebensphilosophie und die Lebensläufe von Menschen. Als Literaturexpertin auf NDR Kultur versucht sie, die richtigen Bücher für die richtigen Leser…

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ARR Changi Airport 1 Sep 2023

Coffee Masters: A Taste of Marrakech since 1910. Changi Airport. Chanel unfolds | Credit phb And finally back home again after a trip of two months! The winter here in Queensland is over! During the long flight I read the novel THE OFFING, the author is Benjamin Myer - Author and Journalist (The Guardian and other Media): Benjamin Myers’ “The Offing” is a literary gem that harkens back to the romantic tradition of Novalis and his circle of young writers. Set in the aftermath of World War II, this novel invites readers on a poignant journey of self-discovery and transcendence through the lens of travel and love and poesy. The narrative unfolds as Robert Appleyard, a young man with dreams beyond the confines of his working-class upbringing, embarks on a soul-stirring odyssey along the enchanting Yorkshire coast of England in 1946. His encounter with Dulcie, a bohemian artist with a profound connection to the natural world, marks the beginning of a transformative exploration of life’s deeper meanings. Myers masterfully weaves the beauty of the natural world into the story, reminiscent of the romantic ideals of Novalis and his contemporaries. The descriptions of the coastal landscape are so vivid that they become characters themselves, guiding the 16 year old Robert  on his quest for self-discovery. The heart of the novel lies in the burgeoning relationship between Robert and Dulcie, which is tenderly…

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Vater Rhein

Leaving Germany today after 8 weeks, flying back home to the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. River Rhein from the train | Credit phb There is poesie in the air | Credit phb Vennbahn OLD Railway Bridge | Credit phb

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