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German Sourdough | Baking l Credit #phb

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The basic ingredients for German potato salad typically include:

  1. Potatoes: Boiled potatoes are the star ingredient of this salad. Choose waxy potatoes like Yukon Gold or red potatoes for better texture.
  2. Bacon or Ham: German potato salad often includes smoky bacon or cooked ham for added flavor. It can be diced or sliced.
  3. Onion: Finely chopped onion, such as yellow or red onion, is commonly used to provide a savory and slightly pungent taste.
  4. Vinegar: German potato salad is known for its tangy flavor, which comes from using vinegar. White wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar are popular choices.
  5. Mustard: Dijon or whole-grain mustard is often added to the dressing, lending a slightly sharp and creamy taste.
  6. Oil: A neutral-tasting oil like vegetable or sunflower oil is used to balance the flavors and give the dressing a smooth texture.
  7. Fresh Herbs: Chopped fresh herbs such as parsley or chives are commonly sprinkled over the salad for added freshness and visual appeal.
  8. Salt and Pepper: Seasoning with salt and pepper is essential to bring out the flavors of the ingredients.

These are the basic ingredients, but variations can exist based on personal preferences and regional traditions.

“Pungent” is an adjective used to describe a strong, sharp, and often intense smell or taste that can be somewhat irritating or stimulating to the senses. It refers to a characteristic that produces a powerful sensation, typically associated with certain foods, spices, or substances.

When something is described as pungent, it means it has a distinct and noticeable aroma or flavor that may be sharp, spicy, or biting. It can be used to describe ingredients like onions, garlic, certain types of cheese, mustard, or even certain chemicals. The pungency of an ingredient often adds depth and complexity to a dish or enhances its overall flavor profile. However, because it can be intense, some people may find pungent odors or tastes overpowering or unpleasant.

“Tangy” is an adjective used to describe a sharp, acidic, and slightly sour flavor that adds a zesty or refreshing quality to food or beverages. It is often associated with the taste sensation that comes from citric acids, such as those found in lemons, limes, or vinegar.

When something is described as tangy, it means it has a distinct and lively taste that stimulates the taste buds. Tanginess can be found in various foods and drinks, including citrus fruits, certain types of yogurt, pickles, sour cream, or salad dressings that contain vinegar or lemon juice.

Tanginess adds a pleasant tartness to dishes and can help balance out other flavors. It provides a bright and vibrant taste sensation that can enhance the overall flavor profile of a meal or bring a refreshing element to a beverage. However, because tanginess can be intense, it’s important to achieve the right balance so that it complements the other flavors in a harmonious way.

#phb | The Teacher

Peter H Blocker at the Gold Coast QLD Australia


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Peter goes camping in NSW Australia | with wife Maria Ines | Artist & Teacher

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Author: Peter H Bloecker


Last updated Sun 25 Jun 2023