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Kostenlos Deutsch ueben und Sprachkurse und viele Informationen Linked
theconversation.com/google-and-microsoft-are-bringing-ai-to-word-excel-gmail-and-more-it-could-boost-productivity-for-us-and-cybercriminals-202046 and be aware: this is only the beginning Posted by phb on Thu 23 Mar 2023 Read the long article of Bill Gates on Gates Notes via LinkedIn: Gates Notes Direct Link to the Gates Notes Read Noam Chomsky in the NYTimes about the limits of ChatGPT: The not-intelligent Robot ... >> NYTimes >>>> Chomsky https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/08/opinion/noam-chomsky-chatgpt-ai.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare Noam Chomsky: The False Promise of ChatGPT Quoted: "Note, for all the seemingly sophisticated thought and language, the moral indifference born of unintelligence. Here, ChatGPT exhibits something like the banality of evil: plagiarism and apathy and obviation. It summarizes the standard arguments in the literature by a kind of super-autocomplete, refuses to take a stand on anything, pleads not merely ignorance but lack of intelligence and ultimately offers a “just following orders” defense, shifting responsibility to its creators." Linked Example of a question: Explain Horizon in Literature (ChatGPT): Explain in some detail the category horizon in literature The concept of horizon in literature is associated with the idea of horizon in phenomenology, a philosophical approach that emphasizes the study of subjective experience. In literature, the horizon refers to the sum total of expectations, beliefs, and assumptions that a reader brings to a text, which influences their interpretation and understanding of the work. The horizon of a text is composed of various factors, including the reader's cultural background, language, education, historical context, personal experiences, and…
Read the whole Letter written by Margaret Atwood in the Guardian. Linked Culture Webchats with Margaret Atwood Linked More about the author on Wikipedia Margaret Atwood Margaret Atwood is a Canadian author, poet, and literary critic who has achieved worldwide recognition for her works. She has written more than 50 books, including novels, poetry collections, and non-fiction works. Atwood is best known for her feminist and dystopian themes in her works, which often explore themes of power, gender, and identity. This assignment will delve into Margaret Atwood's life, literary career, and major works. Margaret Atwood's Life: Margaret Atwood was born on November 18, 1939, in Ottawa, Canada. Her parents were Carl Atwood, an entomologist, and Margaret Dorothy, a nutritionist. She spent most of her childhood in the wilderness of northern Quebec and Ontario, which influenced her writing. Atwood attended the University of Toronto, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English in 1961 and a Master's degree in English in 1962. She later pursued a doctorate at Harvard University but left before completing her degree. Margaret Atwood's Literary Career: Margaret Atwood began her literary career as a poet, publishing her first collection, "Double Persephone," in 1961. She continued to publish poetry throughout her career, with notable collections including "The Circle Game" (1966), "The Journals of Susanna Moodie" (1970), and "The Door" (2007). Atwood also gained critical acclaim as a…
RMA Linked (Catriona Wallaca, Sydney Australia) Louis Rosenberg on immersive Higher Education and Metaverse Linked Visit the Iteacher in Metaverse Museum Linked Microsoft introduces Copilot in the USA, integrating ChatGTP into the Office Apps … This is an amazing step into the future of AI and Work. Watch the recent demo here … Linked Updated Thu 23 Mar 2023 by phb. Read more about RMA and the Team behind the Alliance The Team behind RMA In recent years, there has been a lot of debate about the potential for artificial intelligence (AI) to replace human workers in various industries. While there is no doubt that AI has the potential to automate many routine tasks and increase efficiency, there is also a growing recognition of the importance of human skills and creativity in the workplace. I will explore here in short the possible cooperation between humans and machines and bots in the context of future AI software and applications. One of the key benefits of AI is its ability to automate routine tasks, freeing up human workforce to focus on more complex and creative work. For example, in manufacturing, robots can be used to perform repetitive tasks such as assembly, while human work can focus on design and innovation. Similarly, in customer service, chatbots can be used to handle routine queries and tasks, while human and more creative work would provide more…
www.goethe.de/de/spr/spr/24581363.html immer wieder mal schauen, ob es Neues gibt ... Mein Weg nach Deutschland Deutsch online & mehr ... P H Bloecker
Had to sell my Vintage 1974 BMW a few years ago, just have some photos in my archive and my memories between 1988 and 2015. BMW | Credit phb But glad I was able to buy myself a 2nd hand Suzuki 1000 Strom: Good bike for the Gold Coast Hinterland & more ….You will find updates and photos from time to time …. Kindly yours from the Gold Coast (Retired not tired) Yours Peter H Bloecker Credit phb The seemingly endless Gold Coast beaches are still a miracle for me, walking there morning after morning to enjoy the early hours when waking up around 6am or so - no coffee and no bite, just walking for about 5km to my favourite Cafe at Hedges and then 5 km back, often in the house shade now in summer, getting very hot around 8am. Most people here walk their dogs around 7am before starting a busy day at work, which ends with heavy traffic after school and again before 6pm. Heading north the M1 I cross the Brisbane River and visit the charming town of Maleny in the Sunshine Coast hinterland for a scenic 2 or 3 day trip. Passing the awe-inspiring Glasshouse Mountains, I do enjoy the delicious local food and wine at night or drink a Pale from the TAP in the local old pubs. And if there, include Brouhaha, the…
Screenshot phb from eMail Handelsblatt today Wed 15 Mar 2023
www.spiegel.de/thema/coaching_karrierespiegel/ muss mal wieder zum Bahnhof oder Airport FRA und einige Titel nachkaufen A bit out of date here in OZ @ the Gold Coast Best wishes from OZ Yours phb
I love black and white photography, I think portraits are more expressive and intensive in black and white. Same applies to photos of objects and … Beautiful in Black and White 1 Seen in an Art Gallery, my Screenshot … phb
Finally a day with no rain but the humidity was still high and I sat on a bench outside Lions Kiosk, which was closed, and sweated in the heat. I … Cooktown Waterfront Saw this now / not my Blog, though ….
Tja ... da sind wir also jetzt angelangt - Thank God & finally ... Kurzfassung: Wer also bisher gedacht hat, es gehe bei BILDUNG um ein Auswendiglernen und nachbeten im Sinne des Papageien, der hat sich schliesslich und endlich geirrt, ein folgenschwerer Irrtum, den jede Lehrkraft seit 50 Jahren oder mehr immer wieder versucht hat zu bekaempfen .... Meist vergeblich ... vermute ich als alter weisser Lehrer!!!! Ich muss lernen ... sieht sehr schlicht gesagt ganz anders aus!!! Ich muss lernen zu verstehen und nicht nachplappern, was Lehrer oder Vater / Mutter oder Erwachsene so sagen ...oder gar reden!!! Hier ein sehr gutes Video zum ChatBot, 15:52 Minuten, die sich lohnen ... Sagt Bob BLUME und das sagt auch CHAT, der Bot ... Linked (Youtube) Mehr dazu auf dem Kanal QUARKS ... From Gold Coast in QLD Australia with our best wishes Yours Peter and Maria Ines From Youtube Quarks copied: KI-Tools wie ChatGPT sind darauf ausgelegt, große Datenmengen zu verarbeiten und natürlich wirkende Antworten auf menschliche Fragen zu liefern. Auch auf Nachfragen kann das System antworten und so jedem User genau das liefern, was er braucht. Aber die KI ist keine Intelligenz im klassischen Sinne. ChatGPT “weiß” nicht wirklich, was er schreibt. Er liefert am Ende „nur“ eine Ansammlung von Wörtern, die er nach Wahrscheinlichkeit ausgewählt hat. Künstliche Intelligenz wird trotzdem einen großen Einfluss auf die Gesellschaft und das Bildungswesen…