
Das geht in die richtige Richtung … Linked From a cold and wet and dark winter day visiting my mother in the True North of Germany over Christmas 2023! With my best wishes for a peaceful and Happy New Year 2024 from Hamburg yours P H Bloecker Linked Photo taken in Bavaria Nov 2023 | Credit phb

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Magnificent Rebels

“Magnificent Rebels” is an illuminating exploration of the life of the mind and the sometimes-fraught production of art1. The book is set in Jena, a small German town that became the intellectual capital of Europe in the late 18th and early 19th centuries2. This period saw the congregation of a group of novelists, poets, literary critics, philosophers, essayists, editors, translators, and playwrights, who were inspired by the French Revolution and placed the self at the center stage of their thinking3. The book focuses on the “Jena Set”, a group of mainly young writers and poets, including the Schlegels, Friedrich von Hardenberg (“Novalis”), and the philosopher Friedrich Schelling2. These individuals saw themselves as cleverer, wittier, and more poetic than anyone else2. Their irreverence led to feuds, first between the upstart Schlegels and the venerable poet and playwright Friedrich Schiller, and later between Schelling and Fichte2. Wulf’s writing is clear and flowing, making the book a pleasure to read4. She provides vivid portraits of the characters and their dynamic narrative, sparking ideas4. The book is a spirited re-creation of the world of the German founders of the post-Enlightenment movement1. It’s an exhilarating book that tells the story of what Wulf calls “the Jena set” in a lovely crazy little corner of the world2. Overall, “Magnificent Rebels” is a delightful and invigorating book that is attentive to Jena’s social as well as its intellectual…

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My best Christmas wishes & greetings come from BNE Airport …

Thu 14 Dec 2023 at local time 13:36 I‘m 15 m away from Gate 80 and waiting to go on board. SIN Airline again SQ 236. Will arrive in FRA on Friday and take the ÍCE from there to Kiel, the capital of S-H, north of Hamburg. Went to school there until 1968. Happy New Year and with my best wishes and kindest regards Sincerely yours Peter H Bloecker PS: This is about The Homecoming, as since 1999 I only went back to Germany in the Northern Summers. First flight into the Northern Winter in 2023, difference at present is 50 degrees Centigrade: 30 plus in Queensland and 20 minus around the northern Alpes near Munich. Gate 80 BNE Airport now. Credit phb Very modern and new, love this Airport in Brisbane here | BNE | Credit phb

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London Dry Gin | Ready to rock & roll back home with Sin Airline on Thu around 3pm QLD Time.

Well chosen novel for a very long flight, Paul Auster writing from the P O V of a dog. Am a real dog lover, but left my three dogs behind when leaving Africa and Germany. Too sad to do this again, instead talking to the dogs at the sunny beaches of the Gold Coast. Silence is golden ... Best wishes for the year to come and kindly yours P H Bloecker, The Blogger.

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View from my Home Office | Workplace standing …

Pisa Debacle again and again, but no end in sight! By the way: Would you become a teacher these days yourself? And why exactly? Better, though, why not? Was uns der PISA-Schock 2.0 lehrt: Die seit Jahren für die Misere genannten Gründe bleiben so falsch wie eh und je. Schulen sind vor allem dann gut, wenn sie guten Unterricht anbieten. Die Lehrer spielen eine Schlüsselrolle. Viel Geld wird jedes Jahr neu verschwendet, um diesen Gedanken neu formulieren zu können! Can education succeed? Under certain circumstances yes, but often not! Teaching is always an offer, and since Socrates a dialogue. Never a monologue, as I learnt to differentiate when in a very good High School in the middle of Schleswig - Holstein, beteeen the horizons Baltic Sea right, North Sea left! A teacher becomes a schoolmaster in the course of his life, pupils always remain pupils. Some later become teachers if their teachers were masters. Role models. More on my Wordpress blog: Education And Life Skills. From Australia with my best wishes Peter H Bloecker. Latest updates on reading what / Audiobooks included: Paul Auster Timbuktu. The Brooklyn Follies. Milan Kundera The Unbearable Lightness of Being. The Joke. Film: The Remains Of The Day, better to read the novel first. Author has Japanese Background and lives in Britain: Nobel Prize Laureate like Bob Dylan. And a Must See Film by all means:…

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USA und Trump | Die ZEIT

Quelle: Die ZEIT Die zweite Maxime der Doktrin, die Nichteinmischung der Vereinigten Staaten in europäische Konflikte, erschien bis vor Kurzem nur noch als historische Reminiszenz. Im 19. Jahrhundert hatten die europäischen Mächte sie gar nicht ernst genommen, im 20. Jahrhundert war ihnen die »Einmischung« der USA im Kampf gegen den Kaiser, Hitlerdeutschland und die sowjetische Bedrohung dann hochwillkommen. Bis heute beruht die Sicherheit Europas auf der Beistandsgarantie Washingtons. Aber mit der Renaissance des »America first«-Isolationismus unter Donald Trump könnte sich dies ändern. »Europa den Europäern!« würde für diese ein böses Erwachen bedeuten. Im Kreml dagegen wäre man gewiss zufrieden. Bing dazu: The Monroe Doctrine was a foreign policy statement made by President James Monroe in 1823. It declared that the United States would not tolerate any European intervention in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere, and that any such intervention would be considered a hostile act against the United States1. The doctrine was intended to protect the newly independent Latin American countries from European colonialism and to establish the United States as the dominant power in the region1. In recent years, the Monroe Doctrine has been invoked by the Trump administration as a warning to China and Russia2. However, the doctrine has been criticized for being outdated and irrelevant in the modern world1. Critics argue that the doctrine is a relic of the past and that it is no longer applicable to the current geopolitical landscape1. They also argue…

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Biculture | What about Germans in Australia? My idea in short, why not follow these Blogs about cross - cultural encounters and work on this, mutually improving our understanding and all the problems and difficulties in general? Or better in a more positive way: Why not share experiences and reflexions of feeling good in an environment outside your comfort zones? Give it a go ... Just lush after the rain ... Gold Coast Valleys | Credit phb Just contact me once interested! (Form on Website). From Australia truly Northern With my best wishes Yours Peter H Bloecker Access more here ... Linked Arriving in Australia in the late 1850-ies Holtermann Linked Linked Goethe - Institut Australia

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If you could meet a historical figure, who would it be and why? Goethe

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Gesagt, aber nicht so gemeint … Auch die Aussage von Precht, er sei offenbar falsch verstanden worden, ist hier nur eine Ausrede, jeder kann anders verstehen, als ein Sender sendet! Das ist Grundwissen seit Schulz von Thun, Kommunikation mit vier Ohren Modell. Hoeren ist grundsaetzlich Rezeption: Das habe ich zwar gesagt, aber anders gemeint, ist in der Regel eine billige Ausrede! Eine Frau als dumme Ziege zu bezeichnen oder gar schlimmer, kann nicht zurueckgenommen werden. Einen Mann als Luegner zu bezeichnen, dann sagen, das habe ich so nicht gemeint, ist eine billige Ausrede. Also erst denken, dann reden ...

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