Green and greener …

If you could host a dinner at the White House with Biden and Obama, who would you invite?Dublin In The Green BAERBOCKS VERZICHT Kommt jetzt der neue grüne Anlauf in Richtung Volkspartei? Die Grünen stehen nach Baerbocks Verzicht auf die Kandidatur an einer Weggabelung, die Rollenspiele gehen weiter. Führt der Weg zurück in die Nische oder in einen neuen Anlauf Richtung Volkspartei? Mehr erfahren Sie auf FAZ.NET unter:  Linked Sent by phb | Mit Robert als Vize kann sie quasi im Amt bleiben (und im Flieger) … klappt gut bisher | besser als ich gehofft hatte! Es grünt so grün … Music Is The Language! Nur Fliegen sind schöner! Kindly from the Gold Coast in OZ P H Bloecker Author & Blogger Linked

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Music Is The Language

What is your favorite genre of music? Blues followed by County | honest and pure … And Music from Heart & Soul. Bob Dylan started with Hank Williams and US Blues reflects the Soul of US Country Folks. Music Is The Language Linked Daniel Levitin's book, "This Is Your Brain on Music," explores the intricate relationship between music and the brain. Levitin, a cognitive neuroscientist, delves into how music is processed in the brain and its profound impact on our emotions, behavior, and memory. Elements of Music: Levitin explains fundamental components like pitch, rhythm, tempo, timbre, harmony, and melody. Neuroscience of Music: The book discusses how these elements are interpreted by the brain, linking them to neuroanatomy and cognitive psychology. Evolutionary Perspective: Levitin argues that music played a crucial role in human evolution, aiding in social bonding and communication. Cognitive Models: The book examines how music exploits cognitive processes such as categorization and expectation. Levitin's work makes complex scientific concepts accessible, showing how deeply intertwined music is with our cognitive and emotional lives. Source: Conversation with Copilot, 06/07/2024More via Wikipedia. Credit phb Author phb as a young man | Credit phb Gold Coast QLD | Credit phb Homo Ludens | Credit phb —- Naidoc Aunty Dulcie Flower is a respected elder who has made significant contributions to the Indigenous community in Australia. She was born in Cairns in 1938 and…

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Family First

Who would you like to talk to soon? My mother and my two sisters in Northern Germany and my son and grandson and my best friends .. just booked my annual flight to the True North of Germany, between Baltic and North Sea and Hamburg and Denmark. Nothing like Homecomings once per year .. if possible. From Gold Coast in QLD with our best wishes and kind regards Yours Peter and Maria Ines Linked Update on Fri at 15:52 Local Time 24 May 2024 My Brother Jens | Family First | Credit phb In Aachen 2022 | Credit phb Listen to Beethoven via ABC Australia Classic 2 Linked My Mother (middle) with her sisters singing | Credit phb |Dated Sat 25 May 2024. We are Family | Sat 25 May 2024 my Mother with her 4 Sisters and their children and partners | Credit phb With my happy mother summer 2023 | Credit phb

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How do you balance work and home life? Having retired after 40 years of hard work, I only work from home. Trying to finish my daily tasks by 2pm. Then I only do what I like doing until the next day! Credit phb with Stephan at Fingal Heads NSW Free views now from our Deck | Credit phb Before | Credit phb

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Nothing left to lose …

What does freedom mean to you? Watch the Jonny Cash 1996 Show at the Kennedy Centre with Bill Clinton and Hillary and good old Jonny moved to tears … With Kris Kristofferson and others like his daughter and Emmylou Harris. Chorus Hallelujah at the end I‘ ll fly away I walk the line Linked And as Music Is The Language The Highwaymen, Sweden 1992 With Cash & Kristofferson Linked

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My Dream Home

Write about your dream home. My dream home has two levels, medium sized rooms to withdraw and no room for any cars. My cars are parked under a roof outside my home. My piece of land is rather small, grass in front of the house and a lawn behind the house with a large deck. There is a fence and a rather large pool for myself, my wife and our grandchildren and many tropical plants. The main colour is lush green. And blue for the pool, the colour of the sky. And some rather small palm trees. My Dream Home Our House Beach | The South Pacific Ocean | Credit phb Beach Walking | Credit phb View from kitchen window | Credit phb Credit phb Gold Coast Parkland | Credit phb Bike Trip to Rainbow Beach | Credit phb Parkland Cold Coast | Credit phb Frangipani | Credit phb So, if you are too tired to speak, sit next to me because I, too, am fluent in silence.

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On the roads again

Think back on your most memorable road trip. Over the last 50 years my road trips in Europe and later the USA and South Africa and Australia have become part of my lifestyle. You will certainly find text and footage on many of them here following the Link > Profile. Too many, to name them. Kindly yours from the Gold Coast in Queensland Peter H Bloecker Linked Credit phb | House Beach More via my Wordpress Blog like Peter Hanns is Roadtrippin' Linked Updated on SUN 4 Feb 2024 Author and active Blogger Peter Hanns Bloecker Profile Just live your dreams and become who you are meant to be | More about J W Goethe and The Jena Set | Magnificent Rebels | Freigeister 1798. Find out about NOVALIS and his life and dreams as well! Novalis via Wikipedia Credit phb Credit phb Credit phb Credit phb Credit phb 2023

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What makes you feel nostalgic? When I see an old Vespa in Europe or in Australia, I feel very nostalgic, nothing like an old Vespa, when 18 years old and your first ride after you received your German Full License Heavy Motorbikes! Was able later, to transfer directly into my QLD license … for my 1975 BMW 80 / and now my Suzuki 1000. Pretty cool, starting in 1967 August 28! From Gold Coast my best wishes for 2024! Peter H Bloecker Credit phb

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If you could meet a historical figure, who would it be and why? Goethe

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Pathway …

What is your career plan? More academic or dual (Company & University) More manual like Master of Carpenter or Roof or Building or Engineering or more … More my own way like working and travelling and Practical Experience around the world. Other … Flow and River | Credit phb There are many ways to a successful career in life!

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