Business German Podcast

Business German Podcast You may eat or order your Dessert First! Hi, I’m Pete …My Aussie mates have changed my name Peter meaning the Rock! About my background as a High School Teacher in Germany, Namibia and Australia. My name is Peter H Bloecker, StD i.R. I am hosting the Business German Podcast, which focuses on teaching authentic German for professional settings. My aim is to help learners navigate the German language and culture from an intercultural perspective with a FOCUS on The Intercultural Gaps. From 1998 to 2005, I worked and served as the German language adviser at the Goethe-Institut Australia, contributing to the promotion of German language and culture in Queensland and in Australia. My office was at the LOTE Centre, Westend, in those days next to the School of Distance Education, now sold and demolished. Now fully retired, I live with my wife Maria Ines at the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. A tree is a tree and has a soul ... More promotion will come here soon, once my free Podcast has hit the target line at Spotify and some other channels. Author & Blogger Peter Hanns Bloecker Linked About us Profile

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Wenn Trump bluehende Landschaften in Gaza verspricht wie Kohl damals in der DDR, ist das kein Scherz: Es ist schlicht der Gedanke eines Real Estate Moguls aus dem Trump Tower in NYCity. Why not, fragt sich augenwischend der Deutsche Michel (Taugenichts)? Habe ich hier was verschlafen? Nichts ist unmoeglich, sagte uns eins Obama, just follow the AD. Was Trump mit Musk offenbar verstanden hat, oder irre ich mich da? Kein Stein auf dem anderen ist Gaza! Wer soll da jetzt wohnen, ohne das Drama noch einmal zu wiederholen? Vorhang zu, pflegte Goethe in Weimar zu sagen! #Faust #Shakespeare #Schlegel #Hegel #Humboldt #Tegel #Berlin #Bubble phb George Town phb phb The Robbers (Schiller) | Credit phb

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John Lennon

To find very cool Photos on the net, I advise to google Bob Gruen in NYCity! Found via NY Times, the good old Auntie from the Big Apple! Fan of Apples… Linked

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Dance me …

What would you do if you won a house or a lot of money in a Lottery?L Cohen RIP I guess I would dance me to the end of love … or so. View and listen the greatest poet next to Bob Dylan here now! Dance me … Linked And of course the real Tango way like here with Al Pacino in the film scene Scent of a Woman … Linked Dance me … with Maria Ines | Credit phb Coffs Coast NSW | Credit phb Dairy Farms Dorrigo NSW | Credit phb So much to see and explore in Australia … From Dubbo with love, kindly Peter and Maria Ines Linked Update Tue 28 Jan 2025 Ural Motorbykes from USSR | Credit phb When leaving Armidale heading south, do not miss out on this shop in Uralla, opposite the campside! Linked Waterfall Way NSW | Credit phb Tree Walk | Credit phb Along the Elbe River Germany | Credit phb More here soon … Germany in 2025 by Peter H Bloecker Linked

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Gondwana: Australia's Ancient Past and Its Impact on QLD and NSW today Introduction Gondwana, the ancient supercontinent, holds a significant place in the geological history of Australia. Formed around 600 million years ago, Gondwana comprised present-day South America, Africa, Antarctica, India, and Australia. The breakup of this supercontinent around 180 million years ago played a crucial role in shaping the landscapes and biodiversity of Queensland (QLD) and New South Wales (NSW). Credit phb Gondwana's Legacy in Queensland Queensland's rich geological history can be traced back to its Gondwanan roots. The lush rainforests of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area are remnants of ancient Gondwanan forests. This region, known for its incredible biodiversity, boasts ancient plant species that have survived since the time of Gondwana. The geological formations in the Glass House Mountains and Great Dividing Range also reflect the tectonic activities and volcanic events that occurred during Gondwana's breakup. New South Wales' Gondwanan Heritage Waterfalls | Credit phb New South Wales is home to the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia, a UNESCO World Heritage site that includes rainforests across the state. These rainforests are living relics of the ancient supercontinent and house unique flora and fauna. Iconic sites like the Dorrigo National Park and Barrington Tops showcase the lush greenery and diverse ecosystems that have their origins in Gondwanan times. The fossil beds in the Blue Mountains provide valuable insights into the…

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Gondwana: Australia's Ancient Past and Its Impact on QLD and NSW today Introduction Gondwana, the ancient supercontinent, holds a significant place in the geological history of Australia. Formed around 600 million years ago, Gondwana comprised present-day South America, Africa, Antarctica, India, and Australia. The breakup of this supercontinent around 180 million years ago played a crucial role in shaping the landscapes and biodiversity of Queensland (QLD) and New South Wales (NSW). Credit phb Gondwana's Legacy in Queensland Queensland's rich geological history can be traced back to its Gondwanan roots. The lush rainforests of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area are remnants of ancient Gondwanan forests. This region, known for its incredible biodiversity, boasts ancient plant species that have survived since the time of Gondwana. The geological formations in the Glass House Mountains and Great Dividing Range also reflect the tectonic activities and volcanic events that occurred during Gondwana's breakup. New South Wales' Gondwanan Heritage Waterfalls | Credit phb New South Wales is home to the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia, a UNESCO World Heritage site that includes rainforests across the state. These rainforests are living relics of the ancient supercontinent and house unique flora and fauna. Iconic sites like the Dorrigo National Park and Barrington Tops showcase the lush greenery and diverse ecosystems that have their origins in Gondwanan times. The fossil beds in the Blue Mountains provide valuable insights into the…

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I copied this on the last day of the year 2024 from the Newsletter Kel sends out: What is Aussie Language? Just subscribe to learn about Aussie Slang and Aussies plus their sense of Humor. Which is not British, and far from German, which is mostly dry like Loriot. Language and the Gap. Cultures and the Gaps, id est Plural! Not to become political on this hot day in Dubbo NSW. OZWORD OF THE DAY: "Neenish tart" Australia has a number of sweet, baked treats. To the best of my knowledge the classic ‘Ice Vo Vo’ is ours. (As a friend of mine remarked: ‘Is it always plural? Or is it possible to have an Iced Vo?’)  In Adelaide you can find a try a frog cake– a small cake shaped like a frog with an open mouth and covered in icing (usually green, although pink and chocolate are also available), invented by Balfours bakery of Adelaide in 1922.  Or, perhaps, you’d like a sinker a solid fruit square, with flaky pastry on the top and bottom and topped with pink icing. Or, perhaps, a German cake – a yeast cake with a crumble topping sometimes with fruit (either apple or apricot) under the crumble.  But then there’s the classic ‘neenish tart’—the great Australian baked treat.  A neenish tart is a small pastry case filled with mock cream and iced in two colours – white and…

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Star Gazing in OZ

The Seven SistersConstellation | Stella | Stars and Significance Navigating with the Seven Sisters: The Pleiades Constellation The Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters, is one of the most captivating star clusters in the night sky. Nestled in the constellation Taurus, this cluster has served as both a cultural icon and a navigational aid for centuries. A Celestial Guide for Ancient Mariners In ancient times, the Pleiades played a crucial role in nautical navigation. The Greeks, for instance, named them after the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione from mythology. Sailors of antiquity, including those on epic voyages like those of Odysseus, relied on the Pleiades to guide their ships. The constellation's prominence in the night sky made it an easy reference point for determining direction and seasons. The heliacal rising of the Pleiades—when they first become visible in the dawn sky—was particularly important. This event marked the beginning of the navigation season in the Mediterranean, signaling safe passage for trading vessels and explorers. A Modern Mariner's Reference Though modern navigators have advanced technologies at their disposal, the Pleiades remain a beloved fixture in the sky. The cluster's bright stars, especially the seven most prominent ones, are easily visible and often used by stargazers and amateur astronomers for orientation. The Stars of the Pleiades The Pleiades consist of over a thousand stars, but seven stand out due to their brightness:…

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Star Gazing in OZ

The Seven SistersConstellation | Stella | Stars and Significance Navigating with the Seven Sisters: The Pleiades Constellation The Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters, is one of the most captivating star clusters in the night sky. Nestled in the constellation Taurus, this cluster has served as both a cultural icon and a navigational aid for centuries. A Celestial Guide for Ancient Mariners In ancient times, the Pleiades played a crucial role in nautical navigation. The Greeks, for instance, named them after the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione from mythology. Sailors of antiquity, including those on epic voyages like those of Odysseus, relied on the Pleiades to guide their ships. The constellation's prominence in the night sky made it an easy reference point for determining direction and seasons. The heliacal rising of the Pleiades—when they first become visible in the dawn sky—was particularly important. This event marked the beginning of the navigation season in the Mediterranean, signaling safe passage for trading vessels and explorers. A Modern Mariner's Reference Though modern navigators have advanced technologies at their disposal, the Pleiades remain a beloved fixture in the sky. The cluster's bright stars, especially the seven most prominent ones, are easily visible and often used by stargazers and amateur astronomers for orientation. The Stars of the Pleiades The Pleiades consist of over a thousand stars, but seven stand out due to their brightness:…

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Ein Bett im Kornfeld

Sie sind ja schon im Grünen schön, aber vor dem Gold dieses Kornfeldes entfalten sie ihre wahre Pracht. Ab und an macht es das Zusammenspiel aus, wie… Ein Bett im Kornfeld Because Music is the Language … More here soon. Winter at the Gold Coast and 23 Degrees Celsius. | Credit phb

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