Hope Dies Last

What change, big or small, would you like your blog to make in the world? My Blog is about Higher Education and Life Skills. Take responsibility for your words and actions. Family First. To know and not to know … Shakespeare and Goethe and Schiller and Humboldt and Schlegel. Noblesse Oblige. Why? The Mother of all questions … Cui Bono! Updated by Author & Blogger #phb on Thu 8 Aug 2024. Ex High School Teacher in the true North of Germany. Africa & Australia The Place To Be. Ort & Zeit.

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What are you curious about? Curiosity drives children and adults all the time, even in their dreams. Was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält …(Goethe). This is why small children cannot stop asking WHY? And adults should not stop them asking … With my best wishes from Australia … Yours Peter H Bloecker and Maria Ines Linked Writing | Literature | Byron Bay | Credit phb Read about history and new development De Luxe Theatre Burleigh Heads | End of Light Rail Gold Coast … The Place To Be Linked De Luxe Burleigh Development Linked Escape Gold Coast Luxury Apartments | Total Property Group | Check out Burly as well … Linked Beach Walk | Credit phb

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Credit phb Copied from eMail as an example only: Kel Richards' Ozword of the Day: "Bugs"  With the world stunned by a global computer outage, we find ourselves bombarded by the word ‘bug’—this was not, we are told, a hacking attack, it was a small ‘bug’ in a program patch. But why is such a thing called a ‘bug’?  Well, there is a story behind this use of the word, and, as it happens the story is wrong. But it’s so widespread, let me explain it and then debunk it.  The story is that the word was first used by computer language pioneer Dr Grace Hooper. On September 9, 1947, she was part of team working on Harvard University’s Mark II computer that found a bug gumming up the works—a moth had squeezed into one of the machine’s components—creating a short-circuit.  After extracting it, Dr Hooper taped it to the logbook with the caption ‘first actual case of a bug being found.’ That logbook, with moth intact, is in the collection of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History.  It's a great story, and I’m sure it really happened.  But it’s not the origin of the use of ‘bug’ for a defect or fault in a machine or in a process (especially an electrical or electronic one).  That use of the word ‘bug’ has been traced back to at least…

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Rache ist Blutwurst

Keine Feier ohne Geier. Das Kraut muss weg. Blut lecken Bloody cold Leck mich … Was Kinder ohne Schule so lernen, oder der Heimliche Lehrplan: More here soon | Taster only … Impfgegner: Ich bin gegen das Impfen. Klimagegner: Ich bin gegen das Klima. Klimaleugner: Es gibt kein Klima. (Beispiel Sprachlabor) Peter H Bloecker is a retired Linguist and Literature Teacher, American Studies in Bln with 2 State Exams in 1977. Linked Profile Contact About ——— Entwurf eBook | Author Peter H Bloecker | Active Blogger: Blood pudding, also known as black pudding, is a type of blood sausage that is a traditional delicacy in many parts of the world, particularly in the United Kingdom and Ireland⁶. It's made from animal blood, typically pig's blood, which acts as a binder for other ingredients such as oats or barley. This mixture is then encased and cooked, resulting in a rich, savory sausage that's often served as part of a full breakfast⁷. Cooking with blood is a practice that dates back centuries and is found in various cuisines globally. Blood can be used as a thickener for sauces, a filler in sausages, and even as a solid ingredient in dishes like blood tofu or blood pancakes¹. It's known for its nutritional value, providing a source of iron and protein⁶. Blood sausages are a diverse group of foods, with many regional variations. They can…

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Visiting Miama Marketta today on a Lazy Sunday Afternoon … Screenshot More about my Lazy Sunday Afternoon in Miami QLD OZ here later … Author | Blogger Peter H Blöcker Trout Fishing ~ Thank you for Photo ~ Credit phb Hesse züchtete seine Rosen! Und schwieg lieber, nachdem er den Nobelpreis erhalten hatte! Alles gesagt und geschrieben! Silence Is Golden | Schweigen ist Gold! Geht mir auch so! Immer mehr … More soon via My Blog My Website I never promised you a Rose Garden! Music Is The Language! Here a copy from Bluezones Mails Not my work, sorry, folks … ______ Pasted from Mail Bluezones dot com ————     Bug-Repelling Plants to Grow in Your Garden  By Lee Park We do our best to plant the flowers that attract bees and other local pollinators to our yards. But there are times we want to roll up the welcome mat and repel insects, especially mosquitoes. You can do this without using repellents containing chemical ingredients which kill the friendly bugs as well as the nuisances. It’s not all about citronella​​ There are as many ways to foster natural pest control as there are reasons to repel insects like mosquitoes. These pests are the deadliest creatures on earth, killing about a million people a year. They harbor diseases like Malaria, dengue,West Nile virus (and there are no vaccines or medicines to prevent or treat this virus…

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Portraits of the little Artists

Wouldn‘t it be nice …? To be a child again and start at the age of 4 at Casa Da Vovo Burleigh in Queensland? Credit phb Credit phb | House of Granny Group of max 5 children from 8:30 am to 5 pm. Working with Maria Ines, who is an experienced art teacher from Niteroi Brazil and now living here in Burleigh 600m from a most beautifil beach of the South Pacific? More via the FB Account and many many photos of activities here … Linked With an active Facebook Account you may wish to follow Maria Ines and the activities here or get in touch, should you wish to register your child at Casa Da Vovo, Burleigh QLD 4220, Australia. Bilingual Stand Alone Child Care and registered Small Business at Gold Coast City Council. More here soon … Maria Ines (born in Niteroi) is my wife, and we are celebrating in June this year 20 years of our shared pathway into happiness with our Brasilien Family and Grandchildren plus a growing Community of Ex – Pats from Brasil. Many of them have started a new life here at the Gold Coast in Queensland. Kindly yours with our best wishes Peter H Blocker (German) and Maria Ines Linked My website My Blog Linked Profile and More

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What quality do you value most in a friend? Screenshot prompted by phb DALL.e View from my deck | Credit phh Hmmmm … There are mates and friends. Reading Max Frisch and his Fragebogen Freundschaft first. Nachtgedanken #12 Then I wonder … Freundschaft was a Salute like G’d day mate in the Communist German Democratic Republik. What is a true friend? Some say my dog. Others will call some name or start thinking. I would think Friends are the rare ones, who really listen to you before they judge you. Who never try to teach you. Accept you like you are. Expect nothing but your friendship. Hard to find in fact. My best friends live far away from my Home. But I can come any time and visit them and stay. They would not ask, when are you leaving again … They are happy to see me. These are my friends, and I count them on the fingers of my left hand. From OZ kindly yours P H Bloecker and wife Maria Ines Linked Lennon: Music Is The Language Linked My Website Go to Profile ---+++--- Music and Language Why Music Is The Language Music #23 Denn .. Music Is The language Zaho de Sagazan: Die 24-Jährige begeistere Frankreich mit großen Chansons, elektronischem Pop und überwältigenden Auftritten, schreibt Johanna Adorján (SZ Plus). Ihr Artikel ist nicht nur interessant - er macht auch Lust,…

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Australia news live: Queensland to cut all public transport trips to 50c in six-month trial … We shall see! With my friend from Bavaria at Fingal Heads | Great Day | Credit phb Screenshot | AI Prompt Credit phb |Sydney Light Festival Humanity My Mother on Sat 25 May 2024 singing with her 4 younger sisters in Holstein | Credit phb

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Mother’s Day

Maria Ines first time ever to celebrate with her 4 daughters at the Gold Coast The Queen in Queensland Maria Ines | Credit phb Mother’s Day 2024 | Credit phb Credit phb Maria Ines and her Kiddies Casa Da Vovo Burleigh Facebook | Credit phb

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Crystals & Stones

Peter goes Intrepid Linked Sympathy For The Devil Youtube linked There are many ways to spread love! Here are some ideas: First of all: Be kind to yourself - if you do not love yourself, find professional help. Only loving yourself, you can love others Tell someone you love them and why Laugh often and asap Let go of grudges and forgive Donate what you can to a charity you care about Volunteer if you wish Make gift baskets for the homeless with items they may need¹ Offer to run errands for someone who is homebound² Write a love letter or love “text” to a person you appreciate and send it to them³ Do a small favour for a person you care about (buy them a coffee or tea, make them dinner)³ Give blood⁴ Only talk positive self-talk to yourself⁴ Be grateful and practice gratitude for the people and things that you have⁴ Smile at yourself when you look at yourself in the mirror⁴ Admit your mistakes and apologize where necessary⁴ Let go of past grudges⁴ Source: Conversation with Bing, 12/04/2023 (1) 50 simple ways to be kind and spread love in the world. https://arisesociety.com/blogs/arise-society-blog/ways-to-be-kind-and-spread-love-in-the-world. (2) 50 Ways to Spread Love and Become Happier Person. https://positivecreators.com/spread-love/. (3) 25 Ways to Spread Love - Pretty Wellness. https://prettywellness.com/spread-love/. (4) 101 Ways to Spread Love In the World (& Why We Should) - Peaceful…

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