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In a disturbing appeal, 25 renowned scientists warn of the advancing self-intelligence of artificial intelligence. This could soon act autonomously and pursue its own goals, manipulate algorithms and direct biological weapons, according to the journal "Science" (background information here). On Tuesday, the EU passed a law for more transparency in the use of artificial intelligence (via dpa). Experts believe that without effective control of AI, the world could soon spiral irreversibly out of control. However, this is also to be feared with the human intelligence currently in use. And soon means the day after tomorrow … The development of drones is an example of what war robots will look like - This is only the Beginning … For sure! Science fiction has already depicted all this very vividly: Novels and film - SOMA like Netflix and Amazon and more … ====++++==== German Version (Original Posting) |Screenshot| Created with Meta Instagram | Vivid Sydney 2024 | prompted by phb Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the image I generated. I was aiming to create a vibrant and dynamic piece that captures the essence of the "Humanity" theme. The explosion of light represents the boundless potential and creativity that arises when we come together as humans, and the colors symbolize diversity, inclusivity, and the beauty of our collective experiences. Thank you for your kind words, and I'm happy to have been…

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Just a short interaction today Fri 3 Feb 2023 with Open AI ChatGPT

Can corruption and poverty be overcome? Yes, corruption and poverty can be overcome, although it is a complex and challenging process that requires sustained efforts from multiple actors, including governments, civil society organizations, businesses, and individuals. To overcome corruption, efforts are needed to improve transparency and accountability in government and business, and to ensure that those who engage in corrupt practices are held accountable. This may involve strengthening anti-corruption laws and regulations, as well as improving the enforcement of those laws and regulations. To overcome poverty, efforts are needed to promote economic growth and to ensure that the benefits of that growth are widely shared. This may involve investing in education and training, supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs, and strengthening safety nets and other forms of support for the most vulnerable populations. In addition, overcoming poverty and corruption also requires addressing the underlying social, economic, and political factors that contribute to these challenges, including unequal access to resources and opportunities, discrimination, and ineffective governance and institutions. In conclusion, overcoming poverty and corruption is a complex and challenging process that requires sustained and coordinated efforts from multiple actors. While progress may be slow and uneven, it is possible to make progress towards reducing poverty and corruption, and to create more just and equitable societies. Credit phb Are all politicians corrupt? No, not all politicians are corrupt. Political corruption is a complex issue…

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