Portraits of the little Artists

Wouldn‘t it be nice …? To be a child again and start at the age of 4 at Casa Da Vovo Burleigh in Queensland? Credit phb Credit phb | House of Granny Group of max 5 children from 8:30 am to 5 pm. Working with Maria Ines, who is an experienced art teacher from Niteroi Brazil and now living here in Burleigh 600m from a most beautifil beach of the South Pacific? More via the FB Account and many many photos of activities here … Linked With an active Facebook Account you may wish to follow Maria Ines and the activities here or get in touch, should you wish to register your child at Casa Da Vovo, Burleigh QLD 4220, Australia. Bilingual Stand Alone Child Care and registered Small Business at Gold Coast City Council. More here soon … Maria Ines (born in Niteroi) is my wife, and we are celebrating in June this year 20 years of our shared pathway into happiness with our Brasilien Family and Grandchildren plus a growing Community of Ex – Pats from Brasil. Many of them have started a new life here at the Gold Coast in Queensland. Kindly yours with our best wishes Peter H Blocker (German) and Maria Ines Linked My website My Blog Linked Profile and More

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Vom richtigen Umgang mit der Wut

Oder auch Wut als Superkraft … Gern gelesen, aus der SZ App und Serie Psychologie: Warum Wut wichtig sein kann und mehr! Ein Kind wird richtig wütend, wie gehe ich als fortgeschrittener Erzieher damit um? Gibt es schlechte Gefühle? Soll ich lernen, meine Wut zu schlucken? Was sage ich einem Wutbürger? Blinde Wut und reifer Umgang mit der eigenen Wut. Über die Superkraft eines gefürchteten Gefühls – und wie man am besten damit umgeht.https://www.sueddeutsche.de/gesundheit/wut-aggressionen-maren-urner-rene-hurlemann-wutausbrueche-fight-or-flight-reaction-lux.WYPw8q7e6jNwFQeYedioCCSent by phb |  https://peblogger.com Linked

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What quality do you value most in a friend? Screenshot prompted by phb DALL.e View from my deck | Credit phh Hmmmm … There are mates and friends. Reading Max Frisch and his Fragebogen Freundschaft first. Nachtgedanken #12 Then I wonder … Freundschaft was a Salute like G’d day mate in the Communist German Democratic Republik. What is a true friend? Some say my dog. Others will call some name or start thinking. I would think Friends are the rare ones, who really listen to you before they judge you. Who never try to teach you. Accept you like you are. Expect nothing but your friendship. Hard to find in fact. My best friends live far away from my Home. But I can come any time and visit them and stay. They would not ask, when are you leaving again … They are happy to see me. These are my friends, and I count them on the fingers of my left hand. From OZ kindly yours P H Bloecker and wife Maria Ines Linked Lennon: Music Is The Language Linked My Website Go to Profile ---+++--- Music and Language Why Music Is The Language Music #23 Denn .. Music Is The language Zaho de Sagazan: Die 24-Jährige begeistere Frankreich mit großen Chansons, elektronischem Pop und überwältigenden Auftritten, schreibt Johanna Adorján (SZ Plus). Ihr Artikel ist nicht nur interessant - er macht auch Lust,…

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There are many Points Of View Blickwinkel Perspektive Camera Eye Looking at John Lennon‘s guitar the collector said: Let us make a deal … Linked

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Australia news live: Queensland to cut all public transport trips to 50c in six-month trial … We shall see! With my friend from Bavaria at Fingal Heads | Great Day | Credit phb Screenshot | AI Prompt Credit phb |Sydney Light Festival Humanity My Mother on Sat 25 May 2024 singing with her 4 younger sisters in Holstein | Credit phb

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Family First

Who would you like to talk to soon? My mother and my two sisters in Northern Germany and my son and grandson and my best friends .. just booked my annual flight to the True North of Germany, between Baltic and North Sea and Hamburg and Denmark. Nothing like Homecomings once per year .. if possible. From Gold Coast in QLD with our best wishes and kind regards Yours Peter and Maria Ines Linked Update on Fri at 15:52 Local Time 24 May 2024 My Brother Jens | Family First | Credit phb In Aachen 2022 | Credit phb Listen to Beethoven via ABC Australia Classic 2 Linked My Mother (middle) with her sisters singing | Credit phb |Dated Sat 25 May 2024. We are Family | Sat 25 May 2024 my Mother with her 4 Sisters and their children and partners | Credit phb With my happy mother summer 2023 | Credit phb

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KI und USA

In a disturbing appeal, 25 renowned scientists warn of the advancing self-intelligence of artificial intelligence. This could soon act autonomously and pursue its own goals, manipulate algorithms and direct biological weapons, according to the journal "Science" (background information here). On Tuesday, the EU passed a law for more transparency in the use of artificial intelligence (via dpa). Experts believe that without effective control of AI, the world could soon spiral irreversibly out of control. However, this is also to be feared with the human intelligence currently in use. And soon means the day after tomorrow … The development of drones is an example of what war robots will look like - This is only the Beginning … For sure! Science fiction has already depicted all this very vividly: Novels and film - SOMA like Netflix and Amazon and more … ====++++==== German Version (Original Posting) |Screenshot| Created with Meta Instagram | Vivid Sydney 2024 | prompted by phb Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the image I generated. I was aiming to create a vibrant and dynamic piece that captures the essence of the "Humanity" theme. The explosion of light represents the boundless potential and creativity that arises when we come together as humans, and the colors symbolize diversity, inclusivity, and the beauty of our collective experiences. Thank you for your kind words, and I'm happy to have been…

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How do you balance work and home life? Having retired after 40 years of hard work, I only work from home. Trying to finish my daily tasks by 2pm. Then I only do what I like doing until the next day! Credit phb with Stephan at Fingal Heads NSW Free views now from our Deck | Credit phb Before | Credit phb

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Ceterum censeo …

Gelesen auf der Website aus Berlin: Cicero dot de Teile ich als Anregung, und nicht im Ganzen meine Meinuung, weil es immer zu differenzieren gilt: Was ist angemessen Cui Bono Vorbilder Zeitgeist Die gute alte Vorbildfunktion (From Website Cicero) see above - quoted: ... "Das meine ich dann auch, wenn ich weiter oben schreibe, dass man die Debatte über die Beauty-Ausgaben der Bundesaußenministerin – und überhaupt jede Debatte über jeden Euro, den die Bundesregierung irgendwohin überweist – in einem größeren Kontext betrachten muss. Anders formuliert: Es ist schlicht unglaubwürdig, wenn man in Medien und Politik den Verzicht predigt, aber so tut, als seien 137.000 Euro für eine Visagistin oder 180.000 Euro für einen Fotografen, finanziert vom Steuerzahler, nur eine kaum relevante Randnotiz.  Und weil dem so ist, fällt mir am Ende dieses Beitrags meine Mutter wieder ein. Bevor die sich einen neuen Hosenanzug von der Stange oder einen günstigen Lippenstift vom Drogeriemarkt kaufte, wurde erstmal der Kühlschrank gefüllt, dafür gesorgt, dass daheim alles läuft und sauber ist, dass es den eigenen Kindern an nichts mangelt und alle Rechnungen bezahlt sind. Schon deshalb, weil sie mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen wollte. Mittlerweile ist meine Mutter 62 Jahre jung und hat ein neues Hobby für sich entdeckt: Sie strickt den Großteil ihrer Klamotten jetzt einfach selbst – und sieht, wenn sie aus dem Haus geht, immer noch blendend aus." Interested? More via my Blogs…

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