
Morgenstunde Winter QLD | Credit phb Anne Evans, (1820–1870) The summer sward is somewhat hardMethinks as here I lie;Yet here I stay, because I loveTo look into the sky,To place behind me for a whileThe world and all its ill.And gaze into the space of space,How pure, and O, how still! With thanks to David Proud!

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The Hashashin, also known as the Assassins, were a secretive and formidable group of Nizari Ismaili Muslims active from the late 11th to the late 13th centuries in Persia and Syria¹². They were founded by Hasan-i Sabbah, a charismatic leader who established their headquarters at Alamut Castle in the Alborz mountains of Persia¹². The Hashashin were known for their strategic use of targeted killings to eliminate political and military opponents. Their preferred methods included stealthy dagger attacks, often carried out in public to maximize psychological impact². They posed a significant threat to various ruling powers, including the Fatimid, Abbasid, and Seljuk authorities, as well as Crusader leaders¹². One of the most intriguing aspects of the Hashashin was their network of mountain fortresses, which provided them with secure bases from which to operate. These fortresses, including Alamut and Masyaf, were nearly impregnable and allowed the Hashashin to maintain their influence over a wide region¹². The group's name, "Hashashin," is believed to be derived from the Arabic word "hashish," reflecting the belief that they used hashish to induce a state of euphoria and fearlessness before their missions². However, some historians suggest that this etymology might have been a later invention, possibly to discredit them². The Hashashin's influence waned in the mid-13th century when the Mongols, led by Hulagu Khan, launched a series of campaigns against them, eventually capturing and destroying many of their…

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Green and greener …

If you could host a dinner at the White House with Biden and Obama, who would you invite?Dublin In The Green BAERBOCKS VERZICHT Kommt jetzt der neue grüne Anlauf in Richtung Volkspartei? Die Grünen stehen nach Baerbocks Verzicht auf die Kandidatur an einer Weggabelung, die Rollenspiele gehen weiter. Führt der Weg zurück in die Nische oder in einen neuen Anlauf Richtung Volkspartei? Mehr erfahren Sie auf FAZ.NET unter:  Linked Sent by phb | Mit Robert als Vize kann sie quasi im Amt bleiben (und im Flieger) … klappt gut bisher | besser als ich gehofft hatte! Es grünt so grün … Music Is The Language! Nur Fliegen sind schöner! Kindly from the Gold Coast in OZ P H Bloecker Author & Blogger Linked

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W G Sebald and Vertigo

I found a website I wish to share with all my avid readers around the globe. The German-born writer Sebald lived in Great Britain and died in a car accident. The website Vertigo: Just check Sebald out for yourself via the link provided here. Linked here ... Greek Tribute to Sebald | Vertigo ( Quoted from the website Vertigo: W.G. Sebald is a writer whose roving takes us from the beginning of each of his texts to an out there, to an exteriority, where we paradoxically come closer to ourselves as it overwhelms us with knowledge of a complete self-awareness. And this paradox... Sebald is a stranger, and with us as his personal friends in a foreign land, he departs to observe critically from a supervisory distance of epic proportion and always with the pursuit of a certain tension in mind, as he once said, often ominous and threatening. Perhaps here the blurriness of his scattered images and photographs, the levitation embedded in them... Read the full text via the link. Author: Vasilis Papageorgiou Greek Tribute to Sebald | Vertigo ( —- Mr. Vertigo written by Paul Auster, published in 1994. This novel tells the story of Walter Claireborne Rawley, also known as Walt, a neglected orphan who is taken under the wing of Master Yehudi. Yehudi promises to teach Walt how to fly, both literally and metaphorically. Plot Overview Walt's…

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Music Is The Language

What is your favorite genre of music? Blues followed by County | honest and pure … And Music from Heart & Soul. Bob Dylan started with Hank Williams and US Blues reflects the Soul of US Country Folks. Music Is The Language Linked Daniel Levitin's book, "This Is Your Brain on Music," explores the intricate relationship between music and the brain. Levitin, a cognitive neuroscientist, delves into how music is processed in the brain and its profound impact on our emotions, behavior, and memory. Elements of Music: Levitin explains fundamental components like pitch, rhythm, tempo, timbre, harmony, and melody. Neuroscience of Music: The book discusses how these elements are interpreted by the brain, linking them to neuroanatomy and cognitive psychology. Evolutionary Perspective: Levitin argues that music played a crucial role in human evolution, aiding in social bonding and communication. Cognitive Models: The book examines how music exploits cognitive processes such as categorization and expectation. Levitin's work makes complex scientific concepts accessible, showing how deeply intertwined music is with our cognitive and emotional lives. Source: Conversation with Copilot, 06/07/2024More via Wikipedia. Credit phb Author phb as a young man | Credit phb Gold Coast QLD | Credit phb Homo Ludens | Credit phb —- Naidoc Aunty Dulcie Flower is a respected elder who has made significant contributions to the Indigenous community in Australia. She was born in Cairns in 1938 and…

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South Pacific Ocean

Tweed River | Credit phb Berlin per Rad im Sep 2024 geplant! Subject: Aus der SZ-App: „Berlin ist ein riesiges Freilichtmuseum der Industriekultur“ Artikelempfehlung aus der SZ-App:„Berlin ist ein riesiges Freilichtmuseum der Industriekultur“Einst galt die Stadt als die modernste Metropole Europas. Noch heute zeugen prachtvolle Industriebauten davon. Diese lassen sich hervorragend erkunden – nun auch mit dem Fahrrad. by phb | Linked Credit phb Backyard Gold Coast QLD | phb ————+++———— OZ Words and not my Blog … Write to Kel pls … ———+++—— Kel Richards' Ozword of the Day: "Flubs"  We are all familiar with the verbal problems that President Joe Biden is struggling with. I have written here in the past about the train wreck of a televised debate he had with Donald Trump. A debate so disastrous that it has driven his own political party to call on him to drop out of the presidential race.  Since then he did a prime-time TV interview with George Stephanopoulos to try to set the record straight, but that just increased the damage.  Now a lovely word has emerged for these ‘verbal irregularities’ coming out of Joe Biden’s mouth—they are being called ‘flubs.’  If you Google ‘Biden’s flubs’ you will be offered endless commentary (and plenty of videos) coving the issue.  The word ‘flub’ is an American colloquialism, first recorded in 1924. The Oxford defines the verb ‘to flub’ as meaning ‘to botch…

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Disruptions Haben wir dazugelernt oder siegt erneut die Dummheit? Watch Babylon Berlin new series Episode three - Berlin 1929 In den USA verloren 25 % der Menschen auf dem Lande alles … just read John Steinbeck and study the country ballads of the USA … Three Chords and the Truth Viele Menschen haben sich damals erschossen statt neu anzufangen … Nazis in D waren auf dem Vormarsch: Kommunisten und SPD haben sich damals sehr stark bekaempft, was Hitler und seinen Faschisten sehr gelegen kam / so unter anderem gelang ihm die finale Machtuebernahme! Neben der Unterstuetzung durch die Junker … Nachdenken und Ruhe bewahren, aus den Fehlern von damals lernen … And no worries anyway / im Notfall schliessen die Börsen eben / kein Grund, sich die Kugel zu geben! Aber etwas Gold und Silber im Garten vergraben und Rotwein im Keller verstecken und einen LKW mit Toilettenpapier kommen lassen: das macht schon Sinn! denkt sich yours phb "Babylon Berlin" has been a resounding global success, captivating audiences with its intricate storytelling and rich historical backdrop. Here are some key factors contributing to its widespread acclaim: Authenticity and Historical Richness: The series is set during the Weimar Republic, a period of great cultural, social, and political upheaval in Germany. It captures the essence of 1920s Berlin, a city that was the epicenter of progress and modernity but also teetering on the…

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My Boots

What’s the oldest thing you own that you still use daily? They are made for walking, and I bought them 20 years ago! Had to replace the sole three times, but hand made and weekly polished, these boots are made for Life. Brand: R M Williams | The Real Boots. Keep on Walking, boots … From Gold Coast QLD with my best wishes Yours P H Bloecker My Aussie Brazilian Family | Credit phb From my Bookshelf | Credit phb Boots Credit phb More here soon … Peter H Bloecker Linked

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Oskar Söhngen, Luthers Theologie der Musik: “Jedes Geschöpf, jedes geschaffene Ding hat den Zweck, Gott auf seine eigene Art und Weise zu preisen. …

Luthers Theologie der Musik (Luther’s Theology of Music) Von Oskar Söhngen 1. Es sollte nicht nötig sein, zu beweisen, dass zwischen Musik und … Oskar Söhngen, Luthers Theologie der Musik: “Jedes Geschöpf, jedes geschaffene Ding hat den Zweck, Gott auf seine eigene Art und Weise zu preisen. … Anders und sehr kurz: Music Is The Language

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Rache ist Blutwurst

Keine Feier ohne Geier. Das Kraut muss weg. Blut lecken Bloody cold Leck mich … Was Kinder ohne Schule so lernen, oder der Heimliche Lehrplan: More here soon | Taster only … Impfgegner: Ich bin gegen das Impfen. Klimagegner: Ich bin gegen das Klima. Klimaleugner: Es gibt kein Klima. (Beispiel Sprachlabor) Peter H Bloecker is a retired Linguist and Literature Teacher, American Studies in Bln with 2 State Exams in 1977. Linked Profile Contact About ——— Entwurf eBook | Author Peter H Bloecker | Active Blogger: Blood pudding, also known as black pudding, is a type of blood sausage that is a traditional delicacy in many parts of the world, particularly in the United Kingdom and Ireland⁶. It's made from animal blood, typically pig's blood, which acts as a binder for other ingredients such as oats or barley. This mixture is then encased and cooked, resulting in a rich, savory sausage that's often served as part of a full breakfast⁷. Cooking with blood is a practice that dates back centuries and is found in various cuisines globally. Blood can be used as a thickener for sauces, a filler in sausages, and even as a solid ingredient in dishes like blood tofu or blood pancakes¹. It's known for its nutritional value, providing a source of iron and protein⁶. Blood sausages are a diverse group of foods, with many regional variations. They can…

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