Judith Schalansky: Wortmeldungen

Wortmeldungen | Credit phb Linked (Download Full Text Version PDF) Essay zum Thema Klima und mehr … Sinn finden im Leben, Kunst und Künstler, Musik und Kunst und leben und lesen. Credit phb Auszug aus dem Essay | Credit phb Band 4 Wortmeldungen Crespo Foundation p. 19 | Credit phb Schreiben oder auch: Das ungelebte Leben integrieren Lesen als Erweiterung der Erfahrungen Youtube Linked Akademie der Künste Antrittsrede Judith Schalansky Bücher sinnlich gestalten | Deutsche Welle Linked Updated Fri 25 Aug 2023 by Author #phb Ich folge vielen Podcasts in Deutschland, die gute Programme und Autoren vorstellen, Buecher oder auch Kultursendungen. Als Beispiel hier Jan Philipp Reemtsma ueber Gewalt. HR2 Doppelkopf heisst die Serie. Linked Jeden Tag ein wenig schlauer und mehr via ARD Mediathek Linked Ein Gespraech mit dem Schriftsteller Pascal Mercier (Peter Bieri) ueber das Schreiben … Linked

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Toni Morrison – US Writer

Toni Morrison knew how to work. In the course of her singular career, the Ohio-born writer produced eleven novels, nine children’s books, and two plays. She composed poetry, essays, New Yorker articles—even a libretto. Collecting prizes became almost a vocation unto itself—the Nobel, for literature; a Pulitzer, for “Beloved”; a Presidential Medal of Freedom, to name just a few.  But Morrison was also acquainted with other kinds of labor. In “The Work You Do, the Person You Are,” published in 2017, the writer recounts one of her first paid jobs: domestic work for “Her,” an unnamed woman in a wealthier neighborhood. As the young Morrison settles into her role, her relationship with her employer changes, and so does her sense of herself. “Little by little, I got better at cleaning Her house—good enough to be given more to do, much more,” she recalls. “I wanted to refuse, or at least to complain, but I was afraid She would fire me, and I would lose the freedom the dollar gave me, as well as the standing I had at home.” A conversation between Morrison and her father proves helpful; his advice, passed down to us, is simple but profound. It clearly served his daughter well. Credit phb Teaching Literature and working with young adults my role as a coach has been in a nutshell … Become Who You Are! This excerpt from New York…

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Auf der Suche nach dem Ich

Artikel-Empfehlung aus der SZ-App:Psychologie - Warum bin ich so?Entwicklungsforscher arbeiten mit komplexen Methoden daran, den Einfluss der Kindheit auf den späteren Weg eines Menschen zu entschlüsseln. Über eine Expedition an die Quelle des Ichs.https://sz.de/1.5154656 LinkSent by phb | https://peblogger.com

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