Good morning, sunshine …

Today on a Sunday morning at the Gold Coast I wish to share a Video designed and composed by Suzanne Mansour from Sydney. Credit phb | Burleigh Beach QLD More about her soon here … Australian City / Piano and Photos shared on Youtube. With my kind greetings and best wishes for today and the week to come From Australia Yours phb Today trip down the M1 to the Byron Bay Hinterland. Credit phb Credit phb Credit phb Credit phb

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Teachers Are Not Noble …

Screenshot phb | Source Nor Are They Lazy ... Read this in my favourite cafe today Sat 5 Nov 2022 at the Gold Coast and wish to share this with my readers: Teachers are not noble, they are highly skilled professionals with an adequate income in Australia and a fair pension, not more and not less. Not talking about teachers in the USA or in the world. As their lessons are generally discussed at the kitchen table, the quality of teaching in a given country is highly ambiguously JUDGED daily based on impressions of children and students in very vague summaries like ... Again pretty boring or I did not listen at all or I was not interested like always ... plus I do not like her and she smells ... and more of this stuff. According to time consuming research and very expensive studies all over the world, I have not seen any real impact of improvement over the last decades since I started teaching myself in 1977 in West - Berlin, Germany. East Germany (DDR) was a communist country then. Adults tend to remember their school career as pretty awesome or a waste of time all in all or something in between. Self fulfilling prophecies do the rest! And your own experience here? Pls get in touch if you wish summing up your feedback. After 40 years of…

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House Beach | My Outdoor Office

There is only one difference reading about the Life Style of some VIP' s like Richie Branson on Virgin Island: I need no island and I do not have to own it, cause my Backyard stretches from Ballina to Noosa in Sunny Queensland. The Place To Be. From a sunny morning here with best wishes Yours Peter / phb Nota Bene Twitter is derived from Twit ... Follow here Mark Knopfler and his song TRUE LOVE ... | as MUSIC IS THE LANGUAGE | LINK Die hellsichtige ISA geht wandern und findet den Goldenen Berg … Screenshot von phb Arbeit und Struktur (Wikipedia LINK) In Memory Of Wolfgang Herrndorf (Hamburg Norderstedt and Berlin) 26 August 2013. Heute erneut gelesen via SZ App Carolin Emcke Grenzerfahrungen Music is the Language ... Gleichzeitig glaube ich aber, dass es eher eine Seltenheit ist, dass man ohne schwere Phasen durch sein Leben kommt. In irgendeiner Form muss jeder von uns irgendwann die Nerven behalten. Bei Wolfgang und mir gab es diese Fokussierung auf das absolut Wesentliche im Leben. Dieses Gefühl von Im-Hier-und-Jetzt-Sein kann ­einem zumindest in Momenten auch ein glücksähnliches Gefühl geben. Und Wolfgang hat aufgehört, seine Zeit zu vertüdeln. Zitat aus dem SZ Interview mit seiner Frau 10 Jahre nach seinem Tod. Updated on Fri 21 Jul 2023 by P H Bloecker

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Der Blanke Hans

Credit phb Heute wieder mal etwas Sonne und der Blanke Hans an der Gold Coast Miami QLD Australia - allerdings warm trotz Wind. Als Kind war ich oft an der Nordsee, obwohl die Ostsee um die Ecke lag ... Surendorf und Kieler Foerde und mehr ... In der Tat, HEIMAT ist nach Fontane ein weites FELD ... aber was gibt es besseres im Leben als Erinnerungen und schoene Bilder? Auch die gestorbenen Menschen leben in unseren HERZEN for good ... Beste Gruesse von der Gold Coast, Miami Yours phb Credit phb Credit phb More about Storm & Nordsee & Husum & Krabben here ... Credit phb Credit phb Credit phb Credit phb Credit phb Visiting Jellurgal Buleigh Heads National Park

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Education And Life Skills …

Literature and Hemingway | My Screenshot | phb Cartoons and Satire | Credit phb | My Screenshot Literature | Credit phb My Mother Annita pretending my father is BOND, James Bond. There is nothing like a good education! My father was the first born son of a framer in Holstein, North Germany. However he become THE TEACHER after the 2nd WW. A lot of my own learning I owe to my parents, both born on farms north of Hamburg and south of Denmark between the horizons. In this summer 2022 I had the opportunity after three years of Covid, to revisit the two villages where they were born, only 25 km apart. One near IZ and one near RD. I dedicate this post to both my parents and my grandparents. My father died in 2000 at the age of 75, my mother is now 96 yrs old and wants to become 100 years old. Good on her … From Australia with best wishes Yours phb Credit phb

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