View from my Home Office | Workplace standing …

Pisa Debacle again and again, but no end in sight! By the way: Would you become a teacher these days yourself? And why exactly? Better, though, why not? Was uns der PISA-Schock 2.0 lehrt: Die seit Jahren für die Misere genannten Gründe bleiben so falsch wie eh und je. Schulen sind vor allem dann gut, wenn sie guten Unterricht anbieten. Die Lehrer spielen eine Schlüsselrolle. Viel Geld wird jedes Jahr neu verschwendet, um diesen Gedanken neu formulieren zu können! Can education succeed? Under certain circumstances yes, but often not! Teaching is always an offer, and since Socrates a dialogue. Never a monologue, as I learnt to differentiate when in a very good High School in the middle of Schleswig - Holstein, beteeen the horizons Baltic Sea right, North Sea left! A teacher becomes a schoolmaster in the course of his life, pupils always remain pupils. Some later become teachers if their teachers were masters. Role models. More on my Wordpress blog: Education And Life Skills. From Australia with my best wishes Peter H Bloecker. Latest updates on reading what / Audiobooks included: Paul Auster Timbuktu. The Brooklyn Follies. Milan Kundera The Unbearable Lightness of Being. The Joke. Film: The Remains Of The Day, better to read the novel first. Author has Japanese Background and lives in Britain: Nobel Prize Laureate like Bob Dylan. And a Must See Film by all means:…

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Biculture | What about Germans in Australia? My idea in short, why not follow these Blogs about cross - cultural encounters and work on this, mutually improving our understanding and all the problems and difficulties in general? Or better in a more positive way: Why not share experiences and reflexions of feeling good in an environment outside your comfort zones? Give it a go ... Just lush after the rain ... Gold Coast Valleys | Credit phb Just contact me once interested! (Form on Website). From Australia truly Northern With my best wishes Yours Peter H Bloecker Access more here ... Linked Arriving in Australia in the late 1850-ies Holtermann Linked Linked Goethe - Institut Australia

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If you could meet a historical figure, who would it be and why? Goethe

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Dylan One of the best of his albums ever produced | Music Is The Languge Visions of Johanna is a brilliant song from Blonde on Blonde. It is widely considered as one of Bob Dylan's finest compositions, and one of the greatest songs of all time. It is a complex and poetic song, full of vivid and surreal imagery, that explores the themes of love, longing, and art. It is also a song that has been interpreted and analyzed by many critics and fans, who have found different meanings and layers in its lyrics. The song is composed of six verses, each with a different rhyme scheme and meter, and a chorus that repeats the line "The ghost of 'lectricity howls in the bones of her face". The song is sung in the first person, by a narrator who is in a room with Louise and her lover, but who is obsessed with another woman, Johanna. The narrator contrasts the mundane and frustrating reality of his situation with the idealized and elusive vision of Johanna, who represents his artistic and spiritual muse. The song also features various characters and references, such as the Mona Lisa, the peddler, the fiddler, and Little Boy Lost, who add to the richness and ambiguity of the song. The song is also notable for its musical arrangement, which features a harmonica, an acoustic guitar, a bass,…

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Liebe statt Hass

Wenn Sie ein nettes Gespräch mit Ihrem Barista in Ihrem Stammcafé führen, werden Sie das Lokal mit ziemlicher Sicherheit besser gelaunt verlassen. Wenn Sie viele dieser Interaktionen erleben, werden Sie, das haben Studien gezeigt, zu einem freundlicheren Menschen. In der Wissenschaft sprechen wir von einer Steigerung des prosozialen Verhaltens. Das heißt, dass Werte wie Großzügigkeit, Vertrauen, Bescheidenheit und ein Gefühl der Verbundenheit zu Ihren Mitmenschen wachsen. Diese Werte werden ebenso in einer gesunden klassischen Beziehung gestärkt.

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Business German

Improve your German via free resources like short videos and newsletter. My method is a Masterplan Learning and improving your German in the world of Business and preparing for Work and Life in Germany or work in any German Company worldwide. Get in touch using a Form on my Websites on Education And Life Skills. > Check our my Profile Newsletter FAZ Ich habe gerade diesen Newsletter gelesen, den ich sehr empfehlen kann. Hier der Link zum Newsletter: by phb | > Profile > Music Is The Language | Steinway & Sons NY City More here soon … From Australia With my best wishes Peter Hanns Bloecker | Author & Blogger Bush Camping QLD Australia | Credit phb The Voice ~ Credit phb

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100 Jahre LORIOT

Humor und die deutsche Gesellschaft Geboren 1923, ist Loriot zum Inbegriff des deutschen Humors geworden ... Die ARD widmet ihm eine ganze Themenwoche ... Wer lachen und Deutschland und die Menschen kulturell verstehen will, gerade im Gegensatz zum britischen Humor, der kommt an LORIOT nicht vorbei ... Landeskunde und interkulturel, besser geht es wohl nicht: Menschen und Hunde. Linked ARD Mediathek LORIOT 100 Jahre ... Credit phb Ein Leben ohne Mops, ist moeglich, aber sinnlos … Und noch viel mehr: Pantoffelhelden auf der Schippe Loriots oder der deutsche Spiesser … Maenner und Frauen passen einfach nicht zusammen! Jodeldiplom …und nicht nur am Herd stehen. From the Gold Coast my best wishes Yours Peter H Bloecker

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