Reading Juli Zeh

One of the best living authors in Germany, I have followed Juli ZEH now for more than 20 years ... Honest & very good, self reflective and very smart, writer and Doctor of Jurisdiction. She lives in the country near Berlin. I will write a review on Goodreads. Her Podcast EDLE FEDERN is on the Media_Pioneer with Gabor Steingart, Werkstattgespräche mit Autoren wie Bernhard Schlink und anderen. Besser geht es nicht, denke ich. Thank you Juli Zeh, thank you Gabor Steingart. My Screenshot | phb

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Back in Australia

German Train Station | Credit phb Just arrived in Brisbane QLD - back after 2 months! Very happy to be at home again … Best wishes yours Peter Very happy to be with Maria Ines again: Thank you Love Of My Life for all the thoughts and work you have done here in our House in Burleigh QLD Australia!Casa Da Vovo Burleigh | Facebook Profile Credit phb Last station Fraueninsel at Chiemsee in Bavaria, Germany. Credit phb | City of Hamburg Alster Update 01 Sep 2022 I spent 8 weeks in Germany landing in FRANKFURT end of June 2022. I came back to Brisbane QLD Australia yesterday and am now working on my impressions and will sort out the photos taken - more than 1000 ... and publish well selected photos on my Website and Blog. As I was not able to leave Australia for more than three years, this visit of my extensive GERMAN FAMILIY and my FRIENDS was overdue for sure. I will write about my very positive reflexions coming to my real HOME, which is THE TRUE North of EUROPE. Therefore the slogan I am using on social Media. Thank you all, my dear mother (96 yrs old) and two sisters Antje and Gesa and my son and his great family living near Cologne. And a big thank you to all my friends in Germany who spent their…

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On the way to FRA Airport now!

After 2 months I am ready to fly back to Australia today, back at the Gold Coast on 1st Sep 2022. One of the best summers for me with my family and friends. Thank you everybody hosting me and spending some days with me: I am most grateful to all of you! From the train to Frankfurt with kind greetings and best wishes yours Peter Credit phb Credit phb Credit phb Credit phb Credit phb Credit phb Credit phb Credit phb Hamburg | Credit phb

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NOK – The Kiel Canal – Cycling

Great trip along the Canal between Kiel and Elbe ... Most beautiful day with my sister from Hamburg. Cycling and on the water in The True North of Germany and Denmark along the coast - A Dream Summer 2022 for me. From Aachen yours phb Baecker Schlueter stellt ein ... Zum Portal More on Working in Germany? No problem at all ... Stellenausschreibungen ueberall in Deutschland! Deutschland sucht Fachkraefte - where ever you are!

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With my sister Gesa in Schleswig-Holstein

Great bike ride with my sister near Hamburg visiting the Villa Wachholtz in NMS with an awesome sculpture park and garden and various exhibitions: From tomorrow on Jeppe Hein (14 Aug – 18 Dec 2022) in the middle of Schleswig-Holstein, between the Northsea and Baltic Sea.Will be back next year for sure!best yours phb Route Google Maps | phb Villa Wachholtz | credit phb (from their Website) Website Gerisch Skulpturenpark | credit phb Gerisch - Skulpturenpark | credit phb With Gesa | credit phb Credit phb Credit phb Credit phb My Sister Gesa | phb Und hier der Link zur Gerisch Stiftung und zum Skulpturenpark in Neumünster in Holstein, Germany. Link Credit phb Credit Screenshot phb Website Gerisch Stiftung | phb

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