Just a short interaction today Fri 3 Feb 2023 with Open AI ChatGPT

Can corruption and poverty be overcome? Yes, corruption and poverty can be overcome, although it is a complex and challenging process that requires sustained efforts from multiple actors, including governments, civil society organizations, businesses, and individuals. To overcome corruption, efforts are needed to improve transparency and accountability in government and business, and to ensure that those who engage in corrupt practices are held accountable. This may involve strengthening anti-corruption laws and regulations, as well as improving the enforcement of those laws and regulations. To overcome poverty, efforts are needed to promote economic growth and to ensure that the benefits of that growth are widely shared. This may involve investing in education and training, supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs, and strengthening safety nets and other forms of support for the most vulnerable populations. In addition, overcoming poverty and corruption also requires addressing the underlying social, economic, and political factors that contribute to these challenges, including unequal access to resources and opportunities, discrimination, and ineffective governance and institutions. In conclusion, overcoming poverty and corruption is a complex and challenging process that requires sustained and coordinated efforts from multiple actors. While progress may be slow and uneven, it is possible to make progress towards reducing poverty and corruption, and to create more just and equitable societies. Credit phb Are all politicians corrupt? No, not all politicians are corrupt. Political corruption is a complex issue…

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Walter Kempowski

www.kempowski-stiftung.de/walter-kempowski/der-paedagoge/index.html Lehrer und Archivar und Schriftsteller Schreiben als Passion Einfach alles festhalten, dokumentieren und als Collage gestalten. Zitat von der Website Walter Kempowski: „Ich bin konservativ und liberal, und das darf man in Deutschland nicht sein. Man darf ja auch heute nicht seine Meinung sagen in Deutschland. Versuchen Sie das doch mal! Ein Schritt vom Wege, und Sie sind erledigt.“ – Walter Kempowski, 2007 „Das Einzige, was mich am Tod wirklich traurig macht, ist, dass man als Toter keine Musik mehr hören kann.“ – Walter Kempowski, 2007 „10. Juli 1989: Das Problem der Pädagogik ist, daß es zuwenig intelligente Menschen mit Herz gibt.“ – Walter Kempowski, 2001 In short: Bei allen verschiedenen Interessen im Bereich Schule geht es um Kommunikation, die gelingen muss. Dann gelingen auch die Begegnungen und nachhaltige Förderung aller im Rahmen ihrer Möglichkeiten. Frage: Bei 30 und mehr Kindern in einer Lerngruppe, in vielen Schulen Kinder und Jugendliche mit mangelhaften Deutschkenntnissen, wie soll da guter Unterricht gelingen? Lehrermangel und Ausfall von Unterricht verschärfen die Situation! Wo soll der Nachwuchs im Bildungsbereich Schule herkommen? Wer mutet sich das noch zu? Updated Thu 2 Feb 2023 By phb | THE TEACHER Linked https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Kempowski?wprov=sfti1 Sent by phb |  https://peblogger.com

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Great Road Trip Tamborine Mt

Another beautiful day on Tambourine Mountain Gold Coast Hinterland and a few shots to share: The photos were taken in the late afternoon after 3pm looking WEST ... Coffee at the Polish Place ... Credit phb 27 Jan 2023 Credit phb 27 Jan 2023 Credit phb 27 Jan 2023 Credit phb 27 Jan 2023 My next destination in this area will be Eagle Heights. Kindly yours phb | THE TEACHER Solar Vehicle Aptera Launch Edition Jan 2023

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East Of Alice (Fiction)

Read more about the dangers of the ocean and drowning at the beautiful beaches of the Ocaean at the Gold Coast and beyond - mostly because of lack of knowledge ... Drowning in QLD Linked Just updated my previous post about The Outback of OZ and made it a site, which will be updated soon. More about the novel East OF Alice for readers of English ... Anne Seaton East Of Alice

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HOTA at the Gold Coast

youtu.be/uRu3zLOJN2c A few great films at present and grumpy OTTO with Tom Hanks is a MUST SEE as well ... From the Gold Coast with our best wishes for the week Yours Peter with Maria Ines Maria on Facebook Casa Da Vovo Burleigh (Profile) I Wanna Dance

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