Describe a phase in life that was difficult to say goodbye to.
Once a teacher, always a teacher …
The problem obviously is, you cannot stop curiosity!
But you can stop educating or even teach people.
Some people love teachers, but most people hate teachers!
The Mother of all questions …
Why do you ask?

About me
Author and Blogger Peter Hanns Bloecker
Bio and Profile
About us
Peter H. Bloecker is an accomplished educator and language teacher with a rich career spanning over 35 years. Born in 1949 north of Hamburg, Germany, he has taught English and German languages, culture, and literature in various locations, including Kiel, Berlin, Windhoek (Namibia), and Brisbane (QLD, Australia) A B.
Before retiring from the German high school system in Aug 2015, Peter worked in a small town between Hamburg and Berlin A. He has also published blogs focusing on life skills for adult learners and young students, emphasizing education and autonomous learning beyond the classroom A B.
Peter continues to share his knowledge and experiences through his blogs and online courses, contributing to the field of education and life skills A C B.

Kersten Reich’s work is heavily influenced by the educational philosophies of John Dewey. Dewey, a prominent American philosopher and educator, is known for his advocacy of pragmatism and progressive education. Reich builds upon Dewey’s ideas, particularly the emphasis on experiential learning, the importance of the social environment in education, and the belief that education should be a process of active inquiry and participation.
Reich’s Interactionist Constructivism shares several key principles with Dewey’s educational philosophy:
- Learning by Doing: Dewey believed that students learn best through hands-on experiences and active involvement in their learning process. Reich’s approach similarly emphasizes the importance of engaging learners in practical, interactive activities that promote critical thinking and problem-solving.
- Social Interaction: Both Dewey and Reich recognize the significance of social interactions in the learning process. Dewey viewed education as a social process that takes place within a community, and Reich’s constructivist approach underscores the role of dialogue and collaboration in constructing knowledge.
- Student-Centered Learning: Dewey advocated for a student-centered approach to education, where the needs and interests of learners are prioritized. Reich’s methods also focus on creating a learner-centered environment that encourages students to take an active role in their education.
- Flexibility and Adaptability: Dewey championed the idea that education should be adaptable to the changing needs of society and individuals. Reich’s Method Landscape promotes flexibility in teaching methods, allowing educators to adjust their strategies based on the needs and contexts of their students.
In essence, Reich’s work can be seen as an extension and adaptation of Dewey’s educational principles, applied within the framework of constructivist pedagogy. By integrating these ideas, Reich has developed a comprehensive approach to teaching and learning that remains relevant and impactful in contemporary education.
John Dewey
Kersten Reich is a prominent figure in the field of constructivism, specifically known for his development of interactionist constructivism. This approach emphasizes the sociocultural aspects of learning and is heavily influenced by John Dewey’s pragmatism A B.
Reich’s interactionist constructivism focuses on the roles of observers, participants, and agents in their interactive contexts, highlighting the importance of communication and lived relationships in education C. This aligns with the constructivist belief that knowledge is constructed through social interactions and experiences.
Peter H. Bloecker’s teaching methods, which emphasize student-centered learning, cultural awareness, and practical application, do share similarities with Reich’s constructivist principles. Both educators value the importance of interactive and inclusive learning environments.
More here soon …
Fri 28 Feb 2025.
Kersten Reich’s Methodenpool and Methodenlandschaft are integral parts of his constructivist approach to education.
The Methodenpool is a comprehensive collection of teaching methods developed by Kersten Reich and his colleagues at the University of Cologne. It was initially created in 2003/2004 and has since been modernized to include a wide range of methods based on recent learning research and practical experiences A. The Methodenpool is designed to be a practical and didactically meaningful platform, freely accessible to all interested parties. It includes six main categories:
- Experimentieren und Erfahren (Experimenting and Experiencing)
- Zusammenhänge verstehen (Understanding Connections)
- Soziales Lernen (Social Learning)
- Digitales Lernen (Digital Learning)
- Üben und Wiederholen (Practicing and Repeating)
- Reflexion und Feedback (Reflection and Feedback)
Each category contains a variety of methods that are continuously updated and expanded A.
The Methodenlandschaft (Methods Landscape) is a metaphorical framework that encourages learners to reflect on their learning processes and methods. It was developed by Kersten Reich as part of his constructivist didactics B. The Methodenlandschaft uses the metaphor of a landscape to describe the various paths and perspectives that learners can take in their educational journey. It emphasizes the importance of self-reflection, metacognition, and second-order observations.
In the Methodenlandschaft, learners are invited to explore different “landscapes” of learning, which are already constructed by people and named with specific criteria. This approach encourages learners to reflect on their learning experiences and methods, considering the interconnectedness of actions, observations, and communications B.
Reich’s constructivist didactics aim to create a dialogical and interactive learning environment where learners and educators engage in meaningful discussions about effective teaching and learning methods. This approach fosters a holistic understanding of education, integrating cognitive, emotional, and practical aspects of learning B.
You can find more detailed information on the Methodenpool and Methodenlandschaft through these links.
Consulting High Profile plus Coaching by Reich and Partners in Germany, NWR.
In the fields of education beyond NRW, of course.
Fortbildung kann gelingen!
Verliebt ins Gelingen!
Zeitrahmen mindestens 5 Jahre, besser 10 bis 15 Jahre.
Verantwortlich in der Firma (Betrieb) (System) sollte neben der Leitung (z B Schulleitung) eine Person sein, die teambereit und teamkompetent und erprobt ist: Ausbildung ist nachzuweisen, nicht so sehr durch wertlose Zertifikate, besser durch Werdegang, Erfahrungen und Feedback Nachweise.
Mehr dazu hier asap …
Author and Blogger Peter Hanns Bloecker
Updated on 28 Feb 2025.

Trees have a soul, and we all need someone, we can lean on …
Music is the Language
The Wall
Why we do not need any thought control and more to come here soon …
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