
music.apple.com/au/album/blonde-on-blonde/178049863 One of the best of his albums ever produced | Music Is The Languge Visions of Johanna is a brilliant song from Blonde on Blonde. It is widely considered as one of Bob Dylan's finest compositions, and one of the greatest songs of all time. It is a complex and poetic song, full of vivid and surreal imagery, that explores the themes of love, longing, and art. It is also a song that has been interpreted and analyzed by many critics and fans, who have found different meanings and layers in its lyrics. The song is composed of six verses, each with a different rhyme scheme and meter, and a chorus that repeats the line "The ghost of 'lectricity howls in the bones of her face". The song is sung in the first person, by a narrator who is in a room with Louise and her lover, but who is obsessed with another woman, Johanna. The narrator contrasts the mundane and frustrating reality of his situation with the idealized and elusive vision of Johanna, who represents his artistic and spiritual muse. The song also features various characters and references, such as the Mona Lisa, the peddler, the fiddler, and Little Boy Lost, who add to the richness and ambiguity of the song. The song is also notable for its musical arrangement, which features a harmonica, an acoustic guitar, a bass,…

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Virginia Woolf and Bloomsbury …. BBC Website Culture.

www.bbc.com/culture/article/20231031-how-virginia-woolf-and-the-bloomsbury-group-unbuttoned-britain "Vain trifles as they seem, clothes have, they say, more important offices than merely to keep us warm. They change our view of the world and the world's view of us." So wrote Virginia Woolf in her 1928 novel Orlando, about a young nobleman who lives for several centuries, changing sex along the way. Britishness and Ways of Change. Orlando British Culture

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Liebe statt Hass

Wenn Sie ein nettes Gespräch mit Ihrem Barista in Ihrem Stammcafé führen, werden Sie das Lokal mit ziemlicher Sicherheit besser gelaunt verlassen. Wenn Sie viele dieser Interaktionen erleben, werden Sie, das haben Studien gezeigt, zu einem freundlicheren Menschen. In der Wissenschaft sprechen wir von einer Steigerung des prosozialen Verhaltens. Das heißt, dass Werte wie Großzügigkeit, Vertrauen, Bescheidenheit und ein Gefühl der Verbundenheit zu Ihren Mitmenschen wachsen. Diese Werte werden ebenso in einer gesunden klassischen Beziehung gestärkt. sz-magazin.sueddeutsche.de/liebe-und-partnerschaft/einsam-singles-alltag-liebe-erleben-93268

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Israel: Besonnenheit und Vernunft

Eine knappe und klare Position in finsteren Zeiten .. www.sueddeutsche.de/kultur/habermas-israel-offener-brief-1.6303356 FAZ News: Zuvor hatte Israels Militärsprecher Daniel Hagari bereits angekündigt, dass die Streitkräfte auch gegen die mutmaßliche Infrastruktur der Hamas in Krankenhäusern im Gazastreifen vorgehen werden. „Die fortgesetzte militärische Nutzung des Schifa-Krankenhauses durch die Hamas führt dazu, dass es seinen besonderen völkerrechtlichen Schutz verliert“, sagte Hagari. „Wir sind gezwungen, vorsichtig und präzise gegen die militärische Infrastruktur der Hamas in den Krankenhäusern vorzugehen.“

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Leibnitz: Chain Rule

German-speaking pioneers of computer science have been active for quite some time. Even the first integrated circuit or chip did not originate in the USA. Werner Jacobi, who studied at the Technical University of Munich, developed it at Siemens and applied for a patent in 1949. The first transistors were not developed by Bell Labs in 1948, but by Julius Edgar Lilienfeld, who discovered the principle of the field-effect transistor in Leipzig in 1925 and then patented it in the USA. Today, almost all transistors are field-effect transistors. From 1936 to 1941, Konrad Zuse developed the world's first programmable general-purpose computer. AI theory and the entire field of theoretical computer science can be traced back to Kurt Gödel, who showed in 1931-34 that there are fundamental limits to computing and therefore to AI. And modern AI with deep differentiable neural networks ultimately goes back to Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz's chain rule from 1676.

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Business German

Improve your German via free resources like short videos and newsletter. My method is a Masterplan Learning and improving your German in the world of Business and preparing for Work and Life in Germany or work in any German Company worldwide. Get in touch using a Form on my Websites on Education And Life Skills. > Check our my Profile Newsletter FAZ Ich habe gerade diesen Newsletter gelesen, den ich sehr empfehlen kann. Hier der Link zum Newsletter: http://cloud.nl.faz.net/newsletter_share?nl=fruehdenker&date=2023-11-07Sent by phb | https://peblogger.com > Profile > Music Is The Language | Steinway & Sons NY City More here soon … From Australia With my best wishes Peter Hanns Bloecker | Author & Blogger Bush Camping QLD Australia | Credit phb The Voice ~ Credit phb

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