I am following here Arno A Evers. He is the Hydro Energy Pioneer of the First Hour and started his research and hydrogen ambassador campaign more than 15 years ago! Club Of Rome and UN conferences have discussed the need of renewables for decades getting rid of fossile fuels to save the planet and mankind.

At present, hydrogen production predominantly relies on fossil fuel-based processes such as steam methane reforming, which contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. To establish a sustainable hydrogen economy, we must focus on developing and scaling up low-carbon or carbon-neutral production methods. Advancements in electrolysis, for instance, offer a promising pathway to produce hydrogen from renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydropower. By utilizing surplus renewable energy during periods of low demand, we can generate hydrogen through water electrolysis, resulting in a clean and abundant source of energy.
Moreover, integrating hydrogen into existing energy systems presents opportunities for off-the-grid solutions. By coupling hydrogen production with renewable energy installations, excess energy can be stored and utilized during periods of high demand or when intermittent renewable sources are unavailable. This not only enhances the stability and reliability of energy supply but also facilitates the decentralization of power generation, empowering communities to become self-sufficient and resilient.

Here the Website with the Sunny House Jupiter, where I live at present to learn about Arno‘s plans and his local family and his Eco Village ideas off the grid.
From the Philippines kindly yours
Peter H Bloecker

“Power to the People” betont die Demokratisierung des Zugangs zu Energie, die Menschen sind dabei Eigentümer ihrer Energiequellen.
Die Sonne ist für alle Menschen da wie auch der Wind und das Wasser!
Indem wir uns von der Abhängigkeit von Energiekartellen und Lobbyisten lösen, ermöglichen dezentrale Lösungen lokaler Kommunen und Einzelpersonen (Endverbraucher) selbst aktive Teilnehmer in der Energieerzeugung und -verteilung zu werden.
Die Vorteile von verteilten Energiesystemen liegen auf der Hand, wie zum Beispiel gemeinschaftseigene erneuerbare Energieprojekte, Kooperativen und Mikronetze.
Diese Modelle fördern Energieunabhängigkeit, sie bringen lokale wirtschaftliche Entwicklung voran und Personen oder Gemeinden werden dazu befähigt, nachhaltige Entscheidungen für sich selbst zu treffen.
Neue Denke heisst dabei Zusammenarbeit und ein gerechter Zugang zu Energieressourcen für alle Mitglieder der Gesellschaft.

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Author (Blog): Peter H Bloecker | Copyright Arno A Evers Graphics
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Last Update by Peter H Bloecker (Author) on Sat 1 Jul 2023
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