Toni Morrison – US Writer

Toni Morrison knew how to work. In the course of her singular career, the Ohio-born writer produced eleven novels, nine children’s books, and two plays. She composed poetry, essays, New Yorker articles—even a libretto. Collecting prizes became almost a vocation unto itself—the Nobel, for literature; a Pulitzer, for “Beloved”; a Presidential Medal of Freedom, to name just a few.  But Morrison was also acquainted with other kinds of labor. In “The Work You Do, the Person You Are,” published in 2017, the writer recounts one of her first paid jobs: domestic work for “Her,” an unnamed woman in a wealthier neighborhood. As the young Morrison settles into her role, her relationship with her employer changes, and so does her sense of herself. “Little by little, I got better at cleaning Her house—good enough to be given more to do, much more,” she recalls. “I wanted to refuse, or at least to complain, but I was afraid She would fire me, and I would lose the freedom the dollar gave me, as well as the standing I had at home.” A conversation between Morrison and her father proves helpful; his advice, passed down to us, is simple but profound. It clearly served his daughter well. Credit phb Teaching Literature and working with young adults my role as a coach has been in a nutshell … Become Who You Are! This excerpt from New York…

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Depression – Ein Interview

»Es gibt wohl eine Begabung zum Glück – ich habe sie nicht« Der Schriftsteller Ferdinand von Schirach, dessen Werke sich millionenfach verkauft haben, leidet an einer Depression. Ein Gespräch über Trost und die verlockende Idee eines Opiumrausches im Alter. Die Seite können Sie sich unter dieser Adresse anschauen: SZ Magazin – so bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden:Newsletter: Sent by phb | Dieses Interview habe ich sehr gern gelesen, gelungen!

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Wir haben es versucht …

Ich verneige mich vor einem grossen Politiker ... Sehr guter SZ Artikel zum Tod von Michael Gorbatschow. SZ Plus Ein Nachruf: Zwei Leben. Michail Gorbatschow reformierte die Sowjetunion, beendete den Kalten Krieg und stimmte der Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands zu. Zu Hause wurde er verachtet, im Westen verehrt. Nachruf auf einen, der die Welt verändert hat: World pays tribute to Mikhail Gorbachev   Grmany, the United States and other countries have praised the former Soviet leader for bringing the ar to a peaceful end.   Link ARTE der Film Paradies | Als Download hier. Mehr über ZDF hier ... 🔵 In Moskau haben Tausende Menschen Abschied von Michail Gorbatschow genommen. Vor dem Gebäude, in dem der Sarg aufgebahrt war, bildete sich eine Schlange. Die Trauerfeier für den Friedensnobelpreisträger fand ohne großen Pomp statt - und auch ohne Russlands Präsident Putin. Gorbatbereiter der deutschen Einheit gilt, war am Dienstag im Alter von 91 Jahren gestorben. The European LINK

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Reading Juli Zeh

One of the best living authors in Germany, I have followed Juli ZEH now for more than 20 years ... Honest & very good, self reflective and very smart, writer and Doctor of Jurisdiction. She lives in the country near Berlin. I will write a review on Goodreads. Her Podcast EDLE FEDERN is on the Media_Pioneer with Gabor Steingart, Werkstattgespräche mit Autoren wie Bernhard Schlink und anderen. Besser geht es nicht, denke ich. Thank you Juli Zeh, thank you Gabor Steingart. My Screenshot | phb

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Back in Australia

German Train Station | Credit phb Just arrived in Brisbane QLD - back after 2 months! Very happy to be at home again … Best wishes yours Peter Very happy to be with Maria Ines again: Thank you Love Of My Life for all the thoughts and work you have done here in our House in Burleigh QLD Australia!Casa Da Vovo Burleigh | Facebook Profile Credit phb Last station Fraueninsel at Chiemsee in Bavaria, Germany. Credit phb | City of Hamburg Alster Update 01 Sep 2022 I spent 8 weeks in Germany landing in FRANKFURT end of June 2022. I came back to Brisbane QLD Australia yesterday and am now working on my impressions and will sort out the photos taken - more than 1000 ... and publish well selected photos on my Website and Blog. As I was not able to leave Australia for more than three years, this visit of my extensive GERMAN FAMILIY and my FRIENDS was overdue for sure. I will write about my very positive reflexions coming to my real HOME, which is THE TRUE North of EUROPE. Therefore the slogan I am using on social Media. Thank you all, my dear mother (96 yrs old) and two sisters Antje and Gesa and my son and his great family living near Cologne. And a big thank you to all my friends in Germany who spent their…

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