South Pacific Ocean

Tweed River | Credit phb Berlin per Rad im Sep 2024 geplant! Subject: Aus der SZ-App: „Berlin ist ein riesiges Freilichtmuseum der Industriekultur“ Artikelempfehlung aus der SZ-App:„Berlin ist ein riesiges Freilichtmuseum der Industriekultur“Einst galt die Stadt als die modernste Metropole Europas. Noch heute zeugen prachtvolle Industriebauten davon. Diese lassen sich hervorragend erkunden – nun auch mit dem Fahrrad. by phb | Linked Credit phb Backyard Gold Coast QLD | phb ————+++———— OZ Words and not my Blog … Write to Kel pls … ———+++—— Kel Richards' Ozword of the Day: "Flubs"  We are all familiar with the verbal problems that President Joe Biden is struggling with. I have written here in the past about the train wreck of a televised debate he had with Donald Trump. A debate so disastrous that it has driven his own political party to call on him to drop out of the presidential race.  Since then he did a prime-time TV interview with George Stephanopoulos to try to set the record straight, but that just increased the damage.  Now a lovely word has emerged for these ‘verbal irregularities’ coming out of Joe Biden’s mouth—they are being called ‘flubs.’  If you Google ‘Biden’s flubs’ you will be offered endless commentary (and plenty of videos) coving the issue.  The word ‘flub’ is an American colloquialism, first recorded in 1924. The Oxford defines the verb ‘to flub’ as meaning ‘to botch…

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