
There are many Points Of View Blickwinkel Perspektive Camera Eye Looking at John Lennon‘s guitar the collector said: Let us make a deal … Linked

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Australia news live: Queensland to cut all public transport trips to 50c in six-month trial … We shall see! With my friend from Bavaria at Fingal Heads | Great Day | Credit phb Screenshot | AI Prompt Credit phb |Sydney Light Festival Humanity My Mother on Sat 25 May 2024 singing with her 4 younger sisters in Holstein | Credit phb

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KI und USA

In a disturbing appeal, 25 renowned scientists warn of the advancing self-intelligence of artificial intelligence. This could soon act autonomously and pursue its own goals, manipulate algorithms and direct biological weapons, according to the journal "Science" (background information here). On Tuesday, the EU passed a law for more transparency in the use of artificial intelligence (via dpa). Experts believe that without effective control of AI, the world could soon spiral irreversibly out of control. However, this is also to be feared with the human intelligence currently in use. And soon means the day after tomorrow … The development of drones is an example of what war robots will look like - This is only the Beginning … For sure! Science fiction has already depicted all this very vividly: Novels and film - SOMA like Netflix and Amazon and more … ====++++==== German Version (Original Posting) |Screenshot| Created with Meta Instagram | Vivid Sydney 2024 | prompted by phb Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the image I generated. I was aiming to create a vibrant and dynamic piece that captures the essence of the "Humanity" theme. The explosion of light represents the boundless potential and creativity that arises when we come together as humans, and the colors symbolize diversity, inclusivity, and the beauty of our collective experiences. Thank you for your kind words, and I'm happy to have been…

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Mother’s Day

Maria Ines first time ever to celebrate with her 4 daughters at the Gold Coast The Queen in Queensland Maria Ines | Credit phb Mother’s Day 2024 | Credit phb Credit phb Maria Ines and her Kiddies Casa Da Vovo Burleigh Facebook | Credit phb

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Marcus Tullius Cicero, the illustrious voice of the late Roman Republic, remains one of history's paramount figures—a master orator, influential philosopher, and astute politician. Cicero is perhaps best remembered for his stunning oratory and literary skills. His speeches, letters, and treatises have survived centuries, enabling us to glimpse into the tumultuous world of the late Roman Republic³. Let's delve deeper into his life and achievements: Oratory and Rhetoric: Cicero was educated in Rome and Greece. His extensive writings include treatises on rhetoric, philosophy, and politics. He is considered one of Rome's greatest orators and prose stylists. Cicero's innovative approach to rhetoric became known as "Ciceronian rhetoric"². Political Career: As a statesman, Cicero tried to uphold optimate principles during the political crises that led to the establishment of the Roman Empire. He served as consul in 63 BC and greatly influenced both ancient and modern reception of the Latin language. His work has survived, and he was admired by both ancient and modern authors alike². Notable Works: Cicero's writings cover a wide range of topics: Orations: His speeches in legal cases and political debates showcased his eloquence. Philosophical Works: These include works like "De Oratore," "De re publica," "De Natura Deorum," and "De Officiis". Letters: His correspondence provides insights into the political and social life of ancient Rome. Treatises: Cicero explored ethics, theology, and epistemology in works like "Tusculanae Quaestiones"¹. In a…

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Bush Camping

There is nothing like Bush Camping in Australia, away from the crowds, no power and no shower. But internet is available … Kindly yours from a Hip Camp bush campsite Maria Ines & Peter Bush Camping QLD Gold Coast Hinterland | Credit phb Credit phb On the roads again … Credit phb Going home … Linked

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Elon Musk

www.sueddeutsche.de/wirtschaft/schweden-tesla-streiks-1.6497865 Marie Nilsson, die Chefin der IF Metall, sagte damals, der Brief und der Tonfall von Tesla würden zeigen, "dass die Firma nicht verstehe, dass es sich bei unseren Maßnahmen um völlig legale Maßnahmen handelt". __\\_ Vor allem aber fürchtet er einen Präzedenzfall. Die 130 schwedischen Mitarbeiter machen gerade mal ein Promille der weltweiten Belegschaften aus. Aber sollte er hier nachgeben und einem Tarifvertrag zustimmen, so die Befürchtung, dann wird es aus anderen Ländern ähnliche Forderungen geben.

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It it is all about Pain and Suffering … Jesus Christ!!! I believe in Attitude and Free Breathing instead of Thought Control! Pink and Pinker Music Is The Language Hope Dies Last Happy Easter 2024 P H Bloecker Credit phb Zilgrei Zillo : Greissing German Version at Mosaik Verlag

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