We Are Family …
This was before 2000 | Father With His Daughter ... In memory of my father JDB, who died in Feb 2000 in Kiel, Germany. My parents: When We Were Young ... My parents at my home near Hamburg, helping me to fence the large garden....
This was before 2000 | Father With His Daughter ... In memory of my father JDB, who died in Feb 2000 in Kiel, Germany. My parents: When We Were Young ... My parents at my home near Hamburg, helping me to fence the large garden....
My Auntie now 83 and myself, now 73 - I went to her wedding when I was 13 years old, and today we meet again in the village, where we both were born: Between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea - both Truly Northern. We are family ...
Meine Eltern in guten alten Zeiten, fröhlich und sehr aktiv: Hier helfen sie einen neuen Zaun zu bauen, Raum Lüneburg damals ...
Credit phb | 1995 In memory of my brother Jens, on the left my son Johannes ...This was some time ago, for sure ... Johannes now over 40 yrs old. Jens died July 2021 after his birthday and was 70 yrs old. Yours phb
We are family & here in Hamburg Germany a few years ago ...will be beck in Hamburg in July 2022 after 3 years of Covid. Best wishes yours phb
sz.de/1.5446661 Verletzungen und mehr … Warum gelingende Kommunikation so wichtig ist! Unter Partnern, aber auch mit den Eltern …
Geschwister: "Und Margot hat gepetzt" | ZEIT ONLINE Link https://www.zeit.de/gesellschaft/2020-12/geschwister-streit-aufgaben-kindheit-erziehung-margot-kaessmann/komplettansicht Gern gelesen, zumal ich 5 Tanten habe, meine Mutter die aelteste von 5 Schwestern!