Renditen und Afterpay | Nachtgedanken

In den Medien wird gefragt, warum die Reichen immer reicher werden ... Hier ein Blick auf Renditen der letzten 10 Jahre Dax und Staatsanleihen in Deutschland. Wer hat, der hat, und zwischen 11 und 5 % per annum sind quasi gesetzt. Von nichts kommt folglich nichts. Und ist der Handel noch so klein ... sagt der Volksmund! Milliarden verdienen mit einer guten Idee: Ratenzahlungen digital gleich Afterpay. Was genau ist an Afterpay denn nun genial? Best yours phb

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Zum Menschenbild – The Teacher

Vademecum Pink Floyd: We don‘t need no thought control … About teaching and learning / My life as a teacher / My father, who worked as a Primary Teacher and Deputy Principal said to me when in Brisbane and 3 months before his death: 1. Never teach people, you are there to educate them, and they have to learn on their own. 2. Never be unfriendly to your students and their parents, because they are your clients, and you are their role model. 3. Never beat your children, because they are most vulnerable: You will damage their soul for ever. 4. Never lose control in front of your students, rather leave the room. 5 Never lose your patience with your students, as they do not know any better. 6 Never interrupt your students while they are speaking. 7. Never lose your sense of humour, because education must be fun and funny as well. 8. Never get stressed, rather keep breathing or get some fresh air. 9. Never get bored while teaching, if you do, something is wrong, and it is not their fault. 10. Observe, do not judge. 11. Expect nothing and you will achieve a lot. 12. In a nutshell: Get to know your students, and guide their learning in response to their individual needs. Best yours phb | @peblogger Link to my Blog on Education Link My Father |…

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