Keine Feier ohne Geier. Das Kraut muss weg. Blut lecken Bloody cold Leck mich … Was Kinder ohne Schule so lernen, oder der Heimliche Lehrplan: More here soon | Taster only … Impfgegner: Ich bin gegen das Impfen. Klimagegner: Ich bin gegen das Klima. Klimaleugner: Es gibt kein Klima. (Beispiel Sprachlabor) Peter H Bloecker is a retired Linguist and Literature Teacher, American Studies in Bln with 2 State Exams in 1977. Linked Profile Contact About ——— Entwurf eBook | Author Peter H Bloecker | Active Blogger: Blood pudding, also known as black pudding, is a type of blood sausage that is a traditional delicacy in many parts of the world, particularly in the United Kingdom and Ireland⁶. It's made from animal blood, typically pig's blood, which acts as a binder for other ingredients such as oats or barley. This mixture is then encased and cooked, resulting in a rich, savory sausage that's often served as part of a full breakfast⁷. Cooking with blood is a practice that dates back centuries and is found in various cuisines globally. Blood can be used as a thickener for sauces, a filler in sausages, and even as a solid ingredient in dishes like blood tofu or blood pancakes¹. It's known for its nutritional value, providing a source of iron and protein⁶. Blood sausages are a diverse group of foods, with many regional variations. They can…