Cabarita Beach in NSW

My Road Trip today Tue 17 Jan 2023 from the Gold Coast was into Northern NSW along the coast from Kingscliff, the little and growing township of Cabarita Beach, a stunning endless beach with only a few people and some tourists who love the quiet and small places instead of booking the Gold Coast Hotels or rooms via AirBnB. Screenshot phb | from LOCALE Mag Screenshot phb | Locale Northern Rivers NSW On my way back I passed the newly developed SALT VILLAGE south of Kingscliff, a beach side development for tourists and locals buying house and land often in a package and then move on later if they wish. My first visit here was around 2004 and there was nothing there - just Off The Plan offers and an office in the main road of Kingscliff - I still remember a SAT where people from SYD and the big cities arrived by plane for a few days to purchase their dream unit or house with land for their later retirement. More via the Website of the Locale Magazine Linked Interested to visit Southern Queensland and Northern New South Wales? Just follow me via my Blog, more to come soon. I have retired in 2015 and live permanently at the Gold Coast QLD in Australia. With my best wishes for 2023 kindly yours Peter H Bloecker, Director Of Studies My Web…

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The Tweed

Just back from a 5 hour road trip around the Tweed River Valley, which is only 1 hour from the beaches of the Gold Coast, QLD. Crossing the border into NSW I was stunned again how green and beautiful this area is … Check this out for yourself and come and visit us here! The Place To Be And another gorgeous Summer Day in Queensland and The Northern Rivers of New South Wales, Linked Visit The Tweed Credit David Kelly

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Outback & more …

Just finished the novel East Of Alice which I bought because of the Outback setting and the profile of the Author Annie Seaton ... Will be her follower now, as she seems to be the Australian Charlotte Link! This is my highest reward in Good Reads .... 4 sure More via Goodreads LINKED East of Alice by Annie Seaton My rating: 5 of 5 stars Totally agree with the review of Phrynne and nothing I wish to add …The two time frames past and history plus today are well combined, the outback life of the OZ pioneers is vividly outlined and the story is good, so good I can imagine a good film version like the story of the Brissie Camel Lady! Will check out more from the author! Great and easy vacation reading and of course very good for tourists visiting the Outback around Alice …like Ruby Gap.Will get there one day myself for sure!The author is very successful and travels a lot like myself! Will follow her now and read more Country Stories. She is the Australian Charlotte Link (German Author). View all my reviews In The Bush | Credit phb My Screenshot | phb Mac Lean NSW | Credit phb Old Bridge in NSW | Credit phb My Review East Of Alice published on GoodReads East Of Alice Autorin: Annie Seaton The Early Settlers from Britain and more…

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ChatGPT in our High Schools

And the consequences .... I tend to wait for the next version, which will be better 4 sure ... but this one is tested out here! Find out for yourself - my questions were about good teaching and more ... Linked From Australia yours with best wishes phb CHATGPT Die digitale Allzweckwaffe Die Software ChatGPT wird als nächstes großes Ding gehandelt, vergleichbar mit der Google-Suchmaschine und dem iPhone. Was steckt hinter der Verheißung – die manche als Bedrohung ansehen? Mehr erfahren Sie auf FAZ.NET unter: Gesendet aus FAZ.NET Erhältlich im App StoreDie Halbwertzeit für technologische Innovationssprünge ist mitunter recht kurz. Das jedenfalls war der Eindruck, den Besucher des Weltwirtschaftsforums in Davos in dieser Woche bekommen konnten. Viele Unternehmen hatten sich für das Elitetreffen in den Bergen nämlich Demonstrationen rund um das Metaversum einfallen lassen. Nicht nur der Facebook-Mutterkonzern Meta lud Gäste auf eine digitale Reise zu Bergen und Stränden ein, auch anderswo konnte man an virtuellen Büromeetings teilnehmen oder weit entfernte Städte besuchen. Als die Planungen für die Show in den Schweizer Alpen liefen, ahnte aber noch niemand, wer der eigentliche Star der Veranstaltung sein würde: ChatGPT, die Software, die Anwendungen rund um Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) auf ein völlig neues Niveau hebt und breiten Schichten zugänglich macht. Es gab kaum ein Gespräch, in dem nicht von den neuen Chancen, aber auch potentiellen Risiken die Rede war. Sent by phb | Post updated on Sat…

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#KIKompetenzen Teil 3: Nutzung transparent nachweisen

Die Verfügbarkeit von verschiedenen KI-Tools erfordert eine Vielzahl von Kompetenzen, sowohl bei Schüler*innen wie auch bei Lehrpersonen. In einer … #KIKompetenzen Teil 3: Nutzung transparent nachweisen Ein wichtiger Beitrag Thema Plagiate und deren Nachweise … Regeln muessen klar sein, der Nachweis wird nicht mehr zu leisten sein, oder? Also Konsequenzen? Read my full interview with Open ChatGPT published on Wed 11 Jan 2023 QLD Time 11:45am! Linked

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Our Road Trip Xmas 2022

In 2022 we all had to learn that Russia is capable of making nuclear threats, launching an unprovoked war of acquisition and committing mass war crimes in Europe. People who thought that this kind of nationalist stupidity had ended with World War II were wrong. No person with clear thoughts has anticipated this development in Europe! However, with all these terrible news in the world for many people the year 2022 was not a bad year and Hope Dies Last … Follow our Road Trip from the Gold Coast starting before Xmas 2022 into NSW, planned three years ago, but Covid and closed borders in Queensland did not allow us to travel south before: Finally this trip was possible! From Ebor to Uralla and Tamworth and then the New England Highway Southbound! Credit phb Back 07 Jan 2023. Heute von Tamworth aus Richtung Mudgee / Upper Hunter Valley! Scone ist Zentrum der Pferdezucht (Studs) und Hunter ausser Wein auch Viehzucht und Schafe und Kaese u Fabriken, alles unweit SYD und Newcastle! Weiter dann Blue Mountains und A1 Richtung Coffs Harbour / dann Hinterland Roads Richtung Norden u nach Hause dann am Sat 07 Jan! LG von uns beiden yours P&M Credit phb Renata & Brad from Paris / phb The Clan in France | Credit phb Two Rivers Upper Hunter | Credit phb Credit phb Credit phb Credit phb Credit…

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