Quarks & ChatGPT & Bob Blume … Youtube

Tja ... da sind wir also jetzt angelangt - Thank God & finally ... Kurzfassung: Wer also bisher gedacht hat, es gehe bei BILDUNG um ein Auswendiglernen und nachbeten im Sinne des Papageien, der hat sich schliesslich und endlich geirrt, ein folgenschwerer Irrtum, den jede Lehrkraft seit 50 Jahren oder mehr immer wieder versucht hat zu bekaempfen .... Meist vergeblich ... vermute ich als alter weisser Lehrer!!!! Ich muss lernen ... sieht sehr schlicht gesagt ganz anders aus!!! Ich muss lernen zu verstehen und nicht nachplappern, was Lehrer oder Vater / Mutter oder Erwachsene so sagen ...oder gar reden!!! Hier ein sehr gutes Video zum ChatBot, 15:52 Minuten, die sich lohnen ... Sagt Bob BLUME und das sagt auch CHAT, der Bot ... Linked (Youtube) Mehr dazu auf dem Kanal QUARKS ... From Gold Coast in QLD Australia with our best wishes Yours Peter and Maria Ines From Youtube Quarks copied: KI-Tools wie ChatGPT sind darauf ausgelegt, große Datenmengen zu verarbeiten und natürlich wirkende Antworten auf menschliche Fragen zu liefern. Auch auf Nachfragen kann das System antworten und so jedem User genau das liefern, was er braucht. Aber die KI ist keine Intelligenz im klassischen Sinne. ChatGPT “weiß” nicht wirklich, was er schreibt. Er liefert am Ende „nur“ eine Ansammlung von Wörtern, die er nach Wahrscheinlichkeit ausgewählt hat. Künstliche Intelligenz wird trotzdem einen großen Einfluss auf die Gesellschaft und das Bildungswesen…

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Film Review OZ Films

www.filmcritic.com.au/reviews/l/looking_for_alibrandi.html OZ film review: Looking for Alibrandi …. Setting is Sydney 2000 (Year of the Olympics). 23 years ago produced, this film goes to show how much Australia has changed within a quarter of a century! 4 out of 5 stars … for sure! Now on SBS On Demand via App From OZ yours P H Bloecker Book Review Goodreadsphb Credit Linked

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Talk To Me …

Just reading this novel written by T C Boyle and on Sam and Aimee in California and the Prof of Linguistics Guy Schermerhorn. Review in NY Times Linked Yours phb @ Gold Coast QLD T.C. Boyle is a highly respected and widely read author in Germany, where he has a large and dedicated fan base. While the label "hipster" may be somewhat subjective, it's true that Boyle is known for his distinctive style, both in his writing and his personal appearance. He often wears fedoras and colorful shirts, and his author photos feature him with a signature mustache and piercing gaze. This has helped to cultivate a certain "cool" image around him, which may contribute to his popularity with younger readers and fans of alternative culture. That being said, Boyle's appeal in Germany extends far beyond any particular demographic or cultural scene. He is widely regarded as a masterful storyteller with a unique voice and vision, and his work has been translated into many languages and studied in universities around the world. my previous post Eine gesunde Sucht gleich Schreiben .... Website T C Boyle and ask the Author Linked

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#1 Beach Culture

This collection focuses on Life along the Queensland Beaches, taken at the Gold Coast in Australia. My photos were shot on the go and archived since I retired in 2015. Miami Beach QLD | Credit phb

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Wandern quer durch D

www.weitwanderin.de/zu-fuss-durch-deutschland-1500-kilometer-vom-noerdlichsten-zum-suedlichsten-punkt/ das habe ich schon lange vor, zuerst per Rad, aus Zeitgründen jedoch in Etappen ... Mein Tagesschnitt seit ca 7 Jahren liegt bei 10km Tag / gleich 60km Woche. Geplant seit Lektüre der Romantischen Schule wie J v Eichendorf: Ach, wer da mitwandern könnte, In dieser hellen Sommernacht! Credit phb

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Lob des Handwerks

www.sueddeutsche.de/projekte/artikel/gesellschaft/handwerk-ausbildung-digitalisierung-berufschancen-fliesenleger-mechaniker-handwerksmesse-friseur-baecker-e518891/ Handwerk hat goldenen Boden - so heisst es schon immer im Volksmund! Besonders im Ausland geschätzt sind Deutsche Auswanderer, die WAS KÖNNEN, Schlicht gesagt, was nicht jeder kann ... Best from QLD Australia Yours P H Bloecker

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HOTA Gold Coast QLD Australia

Yesterday I went to see the POP Master Exhibition Andy Warhol and more … Awesome | Very impressive! Do not miss it … Linked ChatGPT writes: Andy Warhol (1928-1987) was an American artist who is widely regarded as one of the most important figures of the pop art movement. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and began his career as a commercial artist in the 1950s. In the 1960s, he turned his attention to fine art and began to produce a series of works that would become iconic examples of pop art. Warhol's work was characterized by its use of bright colors, bold graphics, and images appropriated from popular culture, including celebrities, consumer products, and mass media. He used a variety of media, including painting, printmaking, sculpture, and film, and is perhaps best known for his silkscreen prints of celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley. Warhol was also a prolific filmmaker and producer, and his studio, The Factory, became a hub for artistic experimentation and social activity in New York City in the 1960s and 1970s. He was known for his bohemian lifestyle, his celebrity friends and associates, and his ironic and sometimes controversial approach to art. Warhol's work has had a lasting impact on the art world and on popular culture more broadly. His images and techniques have been widely imitated and appropriated, and his influence can be…

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