Moments (Borges)

Jorge Luis Borges Moments If I Could Live My Life Again Full text translated into English Poetry If I could live my life again. Next time, I would try to make more mistakes. I would not try to be so perfect, I would relax more. I would be sillier than I have been. I would take fewer things seriously. I would be less fastidious. Accept more risks, I would take more trips, Contemplate more evenings, Climb more mountains, and swim more rivers… I would go to more places where I have not been, Eat more ice cream and fewer beans. I would have more real problems and less imaginary ones. I was one of those people who lived sensibly and meticulously every minute of their life. Of course I have had moments of happiness. But if I could go back in time, I would try to have good moments only, and not waste precious time. I was someone never went anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water bag, an umbrella and a parachute. If I could live again, I would travel more frivolously. If I could live again, I would begin to walk barefoot at the beginning of the spring and I would continue to do so until the end of autumn. I would ride more merry-go-rounds, I would contemplate more evenings and I would play with more children. If I…

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Start der Koalitionsgespräche: Neue Regierung schon Mitte Dezember? |

SPD, Grüne und FDP haben zum Start der Verhandlungen über ein Regierungsbündnis ihren Zeitplan vorgestellt: Bis Ende November soll ein Koalitionsvertrag vorliegen. Scholz könnte schon in der zweiten Dezember-Woche zum Kanzler gewählt werden. — Read on Ehrgeiziger Zeitplan, gut so! Und bitte nicht verzetteln in den vielen Arbeitsgemeinschaften ... Viel Erfolg wünscht von der Gold Coast in Queensland Yours Peter | @phb

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