1988 – Arno A Evers Pressearbeit – Zukunft und Innovation

Arno A Evers Ein wunderbares Beispiel für Zukunft und Innovation aus dem Jahr 1988 und wie junge Menschen zum Erfolg gebracht werden: Bildung und Ausbildung und grenzenlosen Vertrauen in das Potential junger Menschen. Vorbildlich. Mehr davon: Wir müssen die Erfolgsmeldungen als Teil des Alltags begreifen und dürfen uns nicht hinter einer Mauer des Wehklagens verstecken. Es gibt viele Erfolgsgeschichten, jeden Tag. In das Gelingen verliebt zu sein ist eine Haltung, die uns motiviert, unser Bestes zu geben, und die uns erfüllt, wenn wir es geschafft haben. Es ist eine Haltung, die uns hilft, unser Potenzial zu entfalten, und die uns inspiriert, andere zu unterstützen. Es ist eine Haltung, die uns Freude bereitet, und die uns dankbar macht. In das Gelingen verliebt zu sein ist mehr als ein Motto, es ist eine Lebensphilosophie. Nach diesem Prinzip haben Arno A Evers und ich über Jahrzehnte gelebt und gearbeitet. Deshalb sind wir Freunde geworden, sozusagen seelenverwandt. Und wir tauschen uns aus, obwohl Arno auf Samal Island in seinem selbstgeschaffenen Paradies lebt, wo ich ihn im Sommer 2023 besucht habe, und ich an der Gold Coast in Queensland lebe seit 2012. Weit weg von unserer gemeinsamen Heimat Raum Hamburg. Truly Northern, Nordlichter, eben … Credit Arno A Evers

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My Dream Home

Write about your dream home. My dream home has two levels, medium sized rooms to withdraw and no room for any cars. My cars are parked under a roof outside my home. My piece of land is rather small, grass in front of the house and a lawn behind the house with a large deck. There is a fence and a rather large pool for myself, my wife and our grandchildren and many tropical plants. The main colour is lush green. And blue for the pool, the colour of the sky. And some rather small palm trees. My Dream Home Our House Beach | The South Pacific Ocean | Credit phb Beach Walking | Credit phb View from kitchen window | Credit phb Credit phb Gold Coast Parkland | Credit phb Bike Trip to Rainbow Beach | Credit phb Parkland Cold Coast | Credit phb Frangipani | Credit phb So, if you are too tired to speak, sit next to me because I, too, am fluent in silence.

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Carat – not a carrot!

More about Gold and Precious Stones to come here soon ... What is a Ruby? For many people first a well written old song ... What is blood - red or pinkish ruby? Linked About Stones and more - like Geology ... written by Peter H Bloecker Read more about Ruby Gap here. Linked Mark Knopfler Linked Profile **Rubies**: Rubies are the red variety of corundum and they contain chromium. A small amount of chromium in corundum will produce a pink colour, but to be considered a true ruby, there must be enough chromium for the gem to be a distinctly red, or slightly purplish-red colour¹. **Sapphires**: Sapphires are also a variety of the mineral corundum. They contain traces of iron, titanium and nickel, giving them a range of colours including green, yellow, blue, orange, black and pink. Blue sapphires are the most common¹. **Opals**: The Australian Outback yields a cornucopia of precious gemstones, with opals being one of the most significant. The interaction of ancient inland seas and the leaching of silica-rich sediments have given rise to opals, those iridescent jewels that seem to capture the very essence of the Outback’s fiery skies⁸. **Other Gemstones**: Australia, with its long geological history, has some of the world’s oldest rocks and minerals and a wide variety of gemstones. Australia is the world’s biggest producer of diamonds and opals and major supplier of…

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On the move …

Bus and Ferry / Straddie ... Maria with our Family & my sister with her Doggie ... Yours P H Bloecker Latest Film I saw at HOTA Gold Coast: Anatomy Of A Fall with Sandra Hueller (German Actor) Lost In Translation and about a blind boy, his wonderful dog Snoop and the language of a marriage ... An excellent film - from my point of view - not be missed! BING AI Review: Anatomy of a Fall is a French courtroom thriller that won the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival in 2023. It tells the story of Sandra Voyter, a German novelist who is accused of murdering her husband, Samuel, who fell from their chalet window. The film explores the complexities of their marriage, which involved three languages: English, French, and German. Sandra preferred to speak in English, while Samuel wanted to live in France and learn French. The film also examines the role of language in the legal system, as Sandra’s trial is conducted in French, with the help of an interpreter. The film is a gripping and intricate puzzle, with a superb performance by Sandra Hüller as the enigmatic Sandra, who keeps the audience guessing about her guilt or innocence. The film also raises questions about society’s attitudes towards women who are ambitious, independent, and bisexual, as Sandra faces prejudice and scrutiny from the prosecution and the…

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On the roads again

Think back on your most memorable road trip. Over the last 50 years my road trips in Europe and later the USA and South Africa and Australia have become part of my lifestyle. You will certainly find text and footage on many of them here following the Link > Profile. Too many, to name them. Kindly yours from the Gold Coast in Queensland Peter H Bloecker Linked Credit phb | House Beach More via my Wordpress Blog like Peter Hanns is Roadtrippin' Linked Updated on SUN 4 Feb 2024 Author and active Blogger Peter Hanns Bloecker Profile Just live your dreams and become who you are meant to be | More about J W Goethe and The Jena Set | Magnificent Rebels | Freigeister 1798. Find out about NOVALIS and his life and dreams as well! Novalis via Wikipedia Credit phb Credit phb Credit phb Credit phb Credit phb 2023

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