
Credit phb Credit phb Credit phb Family First I am Peter H Bloecker, StD i.R. Linked Retired Educator from Germany with a German Background, but living at the Gold Coast with Maria Ines and her beautiful family since 2015. About us Linked I have left the active school scene in Germany behind, since I retired in 2015 in the True North of Germany near Hamburg and Berlin. Now a freelance writer and active Blogger, as my name is Blocker! Nomen Est Omen Blocking trees for 1000 years in the True North of Germany between the Horizons: This is my Family Background. Later some of my ancestors named Blocker became Free Farmers in Holstein between Denmark (FL) and Hamburg (HH) and the North Sea (Blanke Hanns) and the Baltic Sea stretching East into Russia and the Baltic States and Scandinavia. My HOME VILLAGES were in Holstein Huje (IZ) and later Kiel Ottendorf (RD). I spend most of my time with my wife Maria Ines and her family from Rio. Op Shop in the Country in OZ | Credit phb Stieg Larsson Stieg Larsson was a Swedish writer and journalist, best known for his Millennium Trilogy A. He was born on August 15, 1954, in Skelleftehamn, Sweden, and spent much of his life in Stockholm A. Larsson was an investigative journalist who focused on exposing right-wing extremist groups B. Larsson died unexpectedly on…

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