Dec in QLD

Christmas for my Brazilian Family is quite different from my North German Background.The Four Sisters Maria Ines is very proud to have her four daughters here with us at the Gold Coast: They meet more or less every day and Saturday is reserved for coffee outside the house. Check out Casa Da Vovo Burleigh & the Brazilian Community at the Gold Coast. Her Facebook Account with photos and infos, about her bilingual Stand Alone Child Care. Linked Updated on Wed 27 Nov 2024. The Four Sisters | Maria Ines and phb Maria Ines at Byron Bay | Credit phb Heimathafen Husum | Credit phb | Byron Bay with my wife Maria Ines Just listening to Freedom written by Angela Merkel, which was published in English today as well. Audiobook on Audible included in my monthly credits for only 10 Euro. Find this very impressive and believe, the media frenzy in Germany are all missing out on the relevant parts of this book: Authentic, honest, clear, no hybris at all. Down to earth, VW beetle and country life at its best. Two parts, life before and after becoming chancellor of Germany. 1989 Angela was 35 years old, now she is 70 years old. Goethe in Weimar | Credit phb Angela Merkel in einer Goethe Schule in Templin. „Wer schreibt die Geschichte einer Kanzlerin wirklich?“, fragt Anne Will zum Schluss. Kinder von Lehrern…

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I am not so much interested who wins the US elections in 2024, but rather why people there vote Trump at all. In any Democracy the Majority of the population (The People) vote the Government they deserve. USA Electorate and Popular Votes The Blue Wall States Is the Blue Wall going to hold? I find the discourse and comments on the US elections 2024 very interesting, for various reasons. What is Democracy? Democracy is coming to the USA (Leonard Cohen) Music Is The Language What are the expectations? Why this Hype before and trend analysis? My vote would be Kamala Harris, but one vote in millios of votes does not count at all. Only the total numbers are of any relevance counted in per cent. Not voting is a vote: Like I had no time or would not know who to vote for. Voting in Australia is compulsory, Pflicht , for many good reasons: The more votes the clearer the popular view. like 100 % have voted and 52 voted for Trump and 48 for Harris: This would be a very clear popular vote. This does not mean, 48 % of the voters would be happy, but they would accept they lost. The majority is not always rigt. Only the Ocean is right, always right. So why would people vote for Trump at all? What are Swing States? I would contact…

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Communist Regimes have abused terms like Friends: You were supposed to greet total strangers with Freundschaft.George Orwell He was so upset about Stalin and Communism, that he wrote Animal Farm, one of the most successful books ever written. In many schools around the globe, students learn about rebellion and what - all too often - happens next! All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Back to reading and writing and life skills: Have you ever been disappointed by a very good friend you believed you would love for ever? What means dis - illusioned? End of being deceived. Das Ende einer Täuschung = Enttäuschung. Sometimes you learn a lot reading poems or songs. Kindly yours from the Gold Coast in Queensland on a late Friday afternoon, now 17:11 And the sun is going down. Time for a sundowner with my friends. Are they friends? Real friends? Love them while it lasts. Street Art at Penang | Credit phb Fragebogen von Max Frisch zum Thema Freundschaft Fragebogen für Männer und Frauen? Halten Sie sich für einen guten Freund? Was empfinden Sie als Verrat: wenn der andere es tut? wenn Sie es tun? Wie viele Freunde haben sie zur Zeit? Halten Sie die Dauer einer Freundschaft (Unverbrüchlichkeit) für ein Wertmass der Freundschaft? Was würden Sie einem Freund nicht verzeihen: Doppelzüngigkeit? dass er Ihnen eine Frau/einen Mann ausspannt? dass…

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