The Voice

Mark Knopfler explains, why Music Is His Language! BBC Breakfast April 2024 Linked Navigation | Light House Fingal Maria Ines: Love Of My Life at Fingal Heads NSW | Credit phb Invasive Bamboo | Credit phb Invasive Bamboo | Credit phb From my Blog … My Third Life in Australia - Retired, but not tired! (Follow my friend Arno, he lives on Samal Island, close to Davao). How would you improve your community? As an educator for more than 35 years and now retired at the Gold Coast, my advice is never teach someone. Just set up conditions, so that people learn on their own and help each other. There is nothing like Family First, then friends and a good neighbourhood plus community. And always go local first and for everything, like small business and local Heroes and more … This is more my Aussie view since 2012 in my Third Life. More about my childhood and youth (1st life) and 2nd life in the Link Lehrerleben Peter Hanns On The Move … From the Gold Coast in Australia Kindly yours Peter H Blocker Linked Burleigh Beach | Credit phb High Rise Constructions Burleigh Head | Credit phb Tweed Marina | Credit phb Tweed Marina | Credit phb Tweed Marina | Credit phb Understanding Franz Kafka via SZ App Linked Ceterum Censeo No #1 - Berufswahl und mehr ... Du willst…

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Bush Camping

There is nothing like Bush Camping in Australia, away from the crowds, no power and no shower. But internet is available … Kindly yours from a Hip Camp bush campsite Maria Ines & Peter Bush Camping QLD Gold Coast Hinterland | Credit phb Credit phb On the roads again … Credit phb Going home … Linked

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Fingal Heads and Kingscliff Cudgen have developed recently significantly! Today we had the chance to re - visit this area across the QLD border into New South Wales, after heavy rainfalls. A lighthouse in navigation is like a steadfast guardian, its beam a guiding whisper across the tumultuous sea, ensuring safe passage through the treacherous embrace of the waves. 🏮💡🌊 Credit phb Credit phb Credit phb The Fingal Head Lighthouse, located in New South Wales, Australia, has a rich history dating back to the 1860s. The first lighthouse was lit in 1872 to address the dangers posed by reefs and deep waters near the shore. The current lighthouse, completed in 1879, was designed by Colonial architect James Barnett and is the oldest public building in the Tweed Shire¹. William Arnold was the first lighthouse keeper, assuming his duties on March 30, 1879. He, along with his wife Henrietta and their 11 children, lived at the lighthouse keeper's residence for 27 years until his retirement on September 1, 1906. The residence was demolished in 1923 when the lighthouse was automated¹. The lighthouse's original apparatus was a Chance Bros 4th order Catadioptric fixed lens, illuminated by a two-wick burner. It underwent several upgrades over the years, including conversion to automatic acetylene operation in 1923 and to mains electricity in 1970. In early 2021, it was converted to an LED light source¹. The life…

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Elon Musk Marie Nilsson, die Chefin der IF Metall, sagte damals, der Brief und der Tonfall von Tesla würden zeigen, "dass die Firma nicht verstehe, dass es sich bei unseren Maßnahmen um völlig legale Maßnahmen handelt". __\\_ Vor allem aber fürchtet er einen Präzedenzfall. Die 130 schwedischen Mitarbeiter machen gerade mal ein Promille der weltweiten Belegschaften aus. Aber sollte er hier nachgeben und einem Tarifvertrag zustimmen, so die Befürchtung, dann wird es aus anderen Ländern ähnliche Forderungen geben.

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SPD und Schröder Diesen Film der ARD habe ich mit grossem Interesse gesehen, dazu den Artikel in der Welt gelesen ... Anders gesagt: Mir wird langsam klar, warum er sich so dezidiert distanziert, eben immer mit viel Freude am ICH BIN HALT ANDERS Gegen den Strich ... Eine echt gute Sendung der ARD, und der junge Mann ringt stellenweise selbst mit der Fassung, die Antworten des Alten Kanzlers betreffend? Das ficht Sie nicht an? Wissen Sie ... Ich und die SPD ... Spannende Sendung und klasse der Schluss: Die 60 Jahre in der SPD - Feier in Hannover, mit Siegmar Gabriel und Otto Georg Schily, der mich oft beeindruckt hat durch seine Haltung. Und dann noch das Kirchenfenster: Die Rede der Priesterin und der Kuenstler selbst: Ich bin stolz darauf, dein Freund zu sein. DAS nenne ich HALTUNG .... Dazu: Max Frisch ueber Freundschaft ... und wahre Freunde. Steinmeier laesst einen Automaten unterschreiben ... MORE LATER ON THIS ISSUE ... Ich werde die Diskussion in Deutschland via FAZ und SZ nach der Ausstrahlung verfolgen und hier dann einen abschliessenden Kommentar schreiben ... Noch ein zweites Mal gesehen: Frau Kim Schroeder sehr beruehrt in Moskau, ich bete zu Gott, er moege den Frieden moeglich machen: Ehrlich und gut! Die Insider Party in Hannover 60 Jahre Mitgliedschaft: Alle gut drauf und Gerd ist happy ... die jetzige Parteifuehrung, nun ja, eben Zeitgeist! Da flolgt…

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Nina Hoss On Amazon one of the best films I have noticed - Staffeln 1 bis 4: Etwa Bond Quality and one session per night is a good dose for me. From Australia kindly yours Peter H Bloecker Blogger and Author

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#Language and new words and meaning #No 1 Proxy - Proxies and Proxy Servers - Proxies in Politics Proxy comes from a contracted form of the Middle English word procuracie (meaning “procuration”). A proxy may refer to a person who is authorized to act for another or it may designate the function or authority of serving in another’s stead. In the latter sense, it generally is preceded by the word by (“vote by proxy”).  Proxy has recently taken on meanings in computing, where it is found in such phrases as proxy server, a computer system that facilitates the exchange of data between users on a network.

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