This post is about the power of education in remote places around the globe, be it Africa or India or Australia or country villages in Mongolia or northern Germany, where the next High School is so far away, that students have to either walk for hours or ride by horse or stay in a hostel. Where Education matters … Posted on Wed 24 May 2023 by P H Bloecker Credit phb Winter days @ the Tweed | Credit phb Credit phb Read as well ... NOTA BENE Dan Brown ORIGIN About AI and AGI Michael Ondaatje THE ENGLISH PATIENT About real love that never dies ... Umberto Eco THE NAME OF THE ROSE | Il Nome Della Rosa | Anno Domini 1327 | Film with Sean Connery (William of Baskerville) About reading and books From the Gold Coast yours #phb Origin by Dan Brown My rating: 5 of 5 stars I read nearly all his books and find this is a real MUST. Not because of the setting and the characters we know so well: More because of the plot and language, as sophisticated as we have known for so long. At the end Dan Brown sums up his research, and I find it overwhelming! Years of accurate research and a lot of help and support by many people and whole teams. The idea with old and overcome concepts of religions…