Sehr geehrter Herr Bloecker, Mail Tagesspiegel Background heute aus Berlin … no comment:-( 5 Milliarden Euro wollte die Vorgängerregierung eigentlich in die Förderung von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) stecken. Das war einigermaßen weitsichtig, wenn man bedenkt, wie groß die Umwälzungen am Arbeitsmarkt und in der Gesellschaft vielleicht schon sehr bald sein könnten. Doch der Schwachpunkt dieses Vorhabens war schon immer die Schwierigkeit, das Geld effizient an die richtigen Stellen zu leiten. Mitten im Haushaltsstreit der Ampel-Regierung, der immer noch nicht beigelegt ist, hat Oliver Voß die Lupe ausgepackt und ist auf die Suche nach den KI-Milliarden gegangen. Bürokratie? Unfähigkeit? More later …. By #phb

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Loneliness Loneliness, a pervasive and silent killer, affects individuals across all walks of life. Its impact on physical and mental health demands urgent attention from doctors, analysts, journalists, and professional blog writers alike. By understanding the causes, consequences, and potential solutions to combat loneliness, we can strive towards building a more connected, supportive, and empathetic society. Let us work together to prevent the detrimental effects of loneliness and foster a world where no one suffers in silence. Music Is The Language and Education First! Frohe Pfingsten wünschen allen Peter & Maria Ines from the Gold Coast in QLD Australia

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Ferien auf dem Lande bei LG Raum DAN Diesen Hof hier kann ich wirklich sehr empfehlen, schmuck renoviert und sehr edel, gut für Radfahrer auf dem Weg von Hamburg nach Dresden entlang der Elbe, einfach mal ein paar Tage Pause einlegen und die Gegend erkunden per Rad und Bus, Hamburg per Bahn ab DAN und LG und Busse nach Bleckende, dann per Rad oder wandern ... Traumurlaub an der Elbe.

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Brave New World China zu schlechter Letzt ist mit seiner Mischung aus diktatorischem, auch metaphysisch getriebenem Autoritarismus und seiner sinokapitalistischen Wirtschaft für viele Staaten jenes Vorbild, das die liberale Demokratie nicht mehr ist. Es betreibt eine Politik der Expansion - vorgeblich ohne Einmischung in die "inneren Angelegenheiten" anderer Staaten, tatsächlich aber in dem Bestreben, immer mehr Abhängigkeiten zu schaffen. China hat Großes vor, und befindet sich, anders als das Weltmachtwrack Russland, auch in der Lage, vieles davon zu verwirklichen. Keine gute Aussicht.

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Google And Doodles more here soon by #phb Today’s Doodle celebrates Indigenous Australian social activist, educator, and campaigner, Evelyn Ruth Scott AO. During National Reconciliation Week, we honor Evelyn who fought tirelessly for Indigenous rights. On this day in the year 2000, Evelyn led the Corroboree 2000 — the largest gathering of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous leaders in Australian history — and Walk for Reconciliation. Today’s Doodle was illustrated by Indigenous guest artist, Samantha Campbell, who descended from the Dagoman people from Katherine. Evelyn was born in Ingham, Queensland in 1935. Her life of activism started in the 1960s, when she was denied a wedding dress because of her racial identity. Evelyn joined the Townsville Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advancement League and became actively involved in the 1967 Constitutional ‘Yes’ Referendum, a decade-long campaign to include all Indigenous Australians in population counts — 90% of Australians voted in favor. Fueled by the campaign’s success, she joined the Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders as Vice President and was eventually named its first general secretary. Evelyn also became Chair of the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation in 1997. Three years later, she led more than 250,000 people in the Corroboree 2000 and Walk for Reconciliation across the Sydney Harbour Bridge in demand of an official apology for years of neglect towards the Indigenous population. Eight years later,…

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Simply The Best …

Screenshot taken from SZ App Plus | Thank you SZ | Credit phb   Born Anna Mae Bullock in 1939, Tina Turner is an American singer, songwriter, and actress who rose to prominence in the 1960s and 1970s as part of the musical duo Ike & Tina Turner. With her powerful vocals, energetic stage presence, and soulful performances, Tina Turner became a trailblazing figure in the genre. During her career, Tina Turner delivered numerous soul hits, including "Proud Mary," "River Deep - Mountain High," "Nutbush City Limits," and her iconic solo song "What's Love Got to Do with It," among others. She is known for her distinctive voice, which blends elements of soul, rock, and R&B, and her ability to captivate audiences with her dynamic performances. Tina Turner's contributions to soul music, her success as a solo artist, and her impact on popular culture have solidified her status as one of the genre's legendary figures. She has won multiple Grammy Awards and has been recognized for her influence and talent with various honors and inductions, including her induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.   R&B, which stands for Rhythm and Blues, is a genre of popular music that originated in African American communities in the United States in the 1940s. R&B is a broad term that encompasses various styles and subgenres, but it generally refers to music that…

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Plato & Meno

To understand the Basics of Philosophy or to study Philosophy yourself online I do suggest you follow David Proud via LinkedIn or better via the Medium App (Paywall). Example only here ... Linked

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Bush School written by Peter O‘Brien

This post is about the power of education in remote places around the globe, be it Africa or India or Australia or country villages in Mongolia or northern Germany, where the next High School is so far away, that students have to either walk for hours or ride by horse or stay in a hostel. Where Education matters … Posted on Wed 24 May 2023 by P H Bloecker Credit phb Winter days @ the Tweed | Credit phb Credit phb Read as well ... NOTA BENE Dan Brown ORIGIN About AI and AGI Michael Ondaatje THE ENGLISH PATIENT About real love that never dies ... Umberto Eco THE NAME OF THE ROSE | Il Nome Della Rosa | Anno Domini 1327 | Film with Sean Connery (William of Baskerville) About reading and books From the Gold Coast yours #phb Origin by Dan Brown My rating: 5 of 5 stars I read nearly all his books and find this is a real MUST. Not because of the setting and the characters we know so well: More because of the plot and language, as sophisticated as we have known for so long. At the end Dan Brown sums up his research, and I find it overwhelming! Years of accurate research and a lot of help and support by many people and whole teams. The idea with old and overcome concepts of religions…

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