The Battle Of Bali

Just read this article in (OZ Edition) and would like to recommend this for people dreaming to live as digital nomads in Indonesia …

In short: Completely sick of badly behaving Digital Nomads (many are young Russians – sic!!!) locals are fighting back and try to inform LocalAuthorities to get rid of these tourists, who are seen as intruding invaders!!!

More here later, have to digest this first! Was not aware of these Cultural Gaps – here more shockwaves!

From OZ yours


Education NSW OZ l Influencers | SM | Credit phb

A short story written by Franz Kafka (or someone like Kafka)

Once upon a time, in the beautiful island of Bali, there was a laughing policeman. He had seen it all – the rise of the digital nomads, the clash of cultures, and the clash of crypto-rich nomads with the locals. But still, he laughed.

The laughing policeman was a mystery to most, but to those who knew him, he was a sage. He knew that the world was changing, and that Bali was changing with it. The island was a magnet for digital nomads from Russia and Ukraine, drawn by the promise of cheap living and endless sunshine.

But the nomads clashed with the locals, who saw them as arrogant and disrespectful. The nomads ignored the culture and tradition of Bali, misbehaving and flaunting their wealth in a land where many still struggled to make ends meet.

The clash of cultures was a constant source of tension, and the laughing policeman watched it all with a wry smile. He knew that the nomads and the locals were both trapped in their own way, unable to understand each other or find a way to coexist.

One day, a group of white men who had made their fortune in cryptocurrency arrived on the island. They were even more out of place than the digital nomads, with their flashy cars and expensive clothes. They saw Bali as a playground, a place to party and indulge their every whim.

The locals were not impressed, and tensions rose even higher. But the laughing policeman remained a neutral observer, watching as the clash of cultures played out around him.

One day, a group of locals confronted the crypto-rich nomads, demanding that they show some respect for the island and its people. The nomads laughed and jeered, thinking that their wealth made them invincible.

But then something unexpected happened. The laughing policeman stepped forward and started to laugh. It was a strange, eerie laugh that echoed through the streets, and it caught the attention of everyone around.

The crypto-rich nomads stopped laughing and stared at the policeman in confusion. The locals looked on, unsure of what was happening. But the laughing policeman just kept laughing.

Finally, he managed to compose himself enough to speak. “You are all clowns,” he said, addressing everyone around him. “You think that your wealth or your traditions make you better than others, but in the end, we are all just clowns in a circus.”

The laughter started up again, and this time, everyone joined in. It was a strange, cathartic moment, as the tension between the nomads and the locals dissipated. They realized that they were all human, all flawed, and that they had more in common than they thought.

And so, the laughing policeman became a symbol of Bali’s resilience, a reminder that even in the face of great change and conflict, laughter and understanding can still prevail.

As my readers will notice 4 sure, I watched the Film The Joker and read a few stories like Gib’s Auf (Franz Kafka):

However, my ending here is pretty optimistic and might be seen as a text written by an old white man living on his pension under privileged circumstances having too much TIME.

And TIME I have due to having retired after more than 40 yrs of teaching Languages and Culture and more …

Remember: There have been killings and murder due to Cultural Gaps and misunderstanding for centuries now: Let us work together on living together in peace and harmony with Mother Nature.

Not more and not less …

With my best wishes from Gold Coast in QLD Australia

