Lob des Handwerks

www.sueddeutsche.de/projekte/artikel/gesellschaft/handwerk-ausbildung-digitalisierung-berufschancen-fliesenleger-mechaniker-handwerksmesse-friseur-baecker-e518891/ Handwerk hat goldenen Boden - so heisst es schon immer im Volksmund! Besonders im Ausland geschätzt sind Deutsche Auswanderer, die WAS KÖNNEN, Schlicht gesagt, was nicht jeder kann ... Best from QLD Australia Yours P H Bloecker

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HOTA Gold Coast QLD Australia

Yesterday I went to see the POP Master Exhibition Andy Warhol and more … Awesome | Very impressive! Do not miss it … Linked ChatGPT writes: Andy Warhol (1928-1987) was an American artist who is widely regarded as one of the most important figures of the pop art movement. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and began his career as a commercial artist in the 1950s. In the 1960s, he turned his attention to fine art and began to produce a series of works that would become iconic examples of pop art. Warhol's work was characterized by its use of bright colors, bold graphics, and images appropriated from popular culture, including celebrities, consumer products, and mass media. He used a variety of media, including painting, printmaking, sculpture, and film, and is perhaps best known for his silkscreen prints of celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley. Warhol was also a prolific filmmaker and producer, and his studio, The Factory, became a hub for artistic experimentation and social activity in New York City in the 1960s and 1970s. He was known for his bohemian lifestyle, his celebrity friends and associates, and his ironic and sometimes controversial approach to art. Warhol's work has had a lasting impact on the art world and on popular culture more broadly. His images and techniques have been widely imitated and appropriated, and his influence can be…

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Putins Propaganda …

Russlands Präsident Putin: „Die Existenz unserer Landes steht auf dem Spiel“ https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article243877247/Wladimir-Putin-Die-Existenz-unserer-Landes-steht-auf-dem-Spiel.html Empfohlen von WELT News für iOSund Android More on https://peblogger.com

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I had a crush on her…

»Fremdverlieben kann man sich auch in glücklichen Beziehungen« Man liebt schon jemanden und verknallt sich trotzdem neu. Die Psychologin Ilka Hoffmann-Bisinger weiß, wann das ein Alarmzeichen ist – und wie Paare dennoch gestärkt aus diesem Dilemma herauskommen. My parents | Credit phb Die Seite können Sie sich unter dieser Adresse anschauen: https://sz-magazin.sueddeutsche.de/92439 SZ Magazin – so bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden: Newsletter: https://sz-magazin.de/newsletter Gern gelesen / hat mir echt gut gefallen: Lohnt sich sehr! Mit sich und seinen Gefühlen im Kontakt sein, sich selbst gut kennen und sich selbst treu bleiben! Super und geht doch ….sehr einfach! From OZ truly yours P H Bloecker Interesse? Dann lesen Sie bitte auch zum Thema Nähe & Distanz, sehr sehr wichtig in Beziehungen, die dauern sollen … »Zu Beginn verschmelzen Menschen oft regelrecht« Wie viel Nähe braucht eine Beziehung? Wie viel Distanz verträgt sie? Und wie bringen Paare ihre Bedürfnisse in Einklang? Der Psychologe Alexander Noyon hat diese Fragen untersucht – ein Interview. Die Seite können Sie sich unter dieser Adresse anschauen: https://sz-magazin.sueddeutsche.de/90798 SZ Magazin – so bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden: Newsletter: https://sz-magazin.de/newsletter

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Sandbar in Burleigh QLD OZ

This is Sandbar in Burleigh Queensland Australia, THE PLACE TO BE ... / still under construction! Sandbar, Burleigh from Morris Property Group on Vimeo. The Building is still under construction, but will be finished in 2023! More to come soon, pls bookmark if you wish more information! Kindly yours from Burleigh QLD Peter and wife Maria Ines Morris Property Group And here the Sandbar at the Gold Coast LINKED

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Van Life at the Ocean Shores & more … NZ & OZ

Fuelled by social media and word of mouth, the number of freedom campers ballooned, from the low tens of thousands in the early 2000s to just over 250,000 in 2019, according to New Zealand’s ministry of business, innovation and employment. My comment will follow later, read first and then decide: First the egg or first the chicken? Here the text of The Guardian ... Bogged in NZ Hunter Valley | Credit phb

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Around The World

Information for educators ... FROM THEIR WEBSITE & BLOG ... quoted!!! anzuk education places exceptional teachers in vibrant education settings around the world. Always helping educators make the right choice. Enjoy personalised support throughout your career journey, whether you're a graduate, returning to work or a community leader. linked & more to come soon ... Website and apply here ... From Queensland with my best wishes yours phb | THE TEACHER

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Market Wrap

More via the Website Realestate.com.au Best via their App! With my kind regards from the Gold Coast in Queensland Australia Where Life Is Good ... Yours phb | THE TEACHER Visit We Are GoldCoast as well! What is on plus Lifestyle and more ... Linked

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