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Credit phb | The Australian Sunday 09 Oct 2022, p. 35 Die Fragen waren gut ausgewaehlt, nur Zuschriften mit vollem Namen! "Wir werden den Krieg gewinnen" zu Beginn, weil es keine andere Wahl fuer die Ukraine gebe ... Am Schluss aber: Sofortige Waffenruhe und Ruf nach Vermittlung, Merkel, Schroeder und der Papst werden genannt, aber auch UN Truppen ... Die Bedingungen sind natuerlich bei dieser Uebermacht der russischen Truppen zu verhandeln! Also muss Putin in Moskau direkt besucht und fuer Ende des Krieges gewonnen werden! Vielleicht hat er ja verstanden, dass sein Angriff alles andere als klug war ... Es sterben jeden Tag zu viele Menschen, wofuer? Und auch die Soldaten auf beiden Seiten sind ja Kinder ... Unfassbar! Unertraeglich! Schluss mit diesem Krieg und Schluss mit jedem Krieg, weltweit! Jetzt ...Nie wieder Krieg!

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Putin and #ukraine

Fear spreads in Europe / from cold to real war within the borders of the old Soviet Union after WW2: Anyone who has read Views of a Clown (Boell) will not subscribe to the narrow meaning of “an idiot”! In the context of Britain / Brexit BJ was called a clown, what he is not at all! On the contrary, he is very clever, can think and formulate, even if he likes to play the clown from time to time, because he has already learned that at home and at the elite - College Eaton: Take nothing seriously, the world is a stage, the fools laugh themselves to death ... politics is a game! And to stay in the picture: What is happening right now in Ukraine and Russia and the EU and NATO is very very sad and sick! Because politicians who have been organising world summits for decades, flying in and not getting simple truths right, are failing completely! How do we organise the world together by respecting each other, balancing interests and negotiating without using violence and war? Any school class can clarify and fix this in a project day better than our World Leaders! The arms dealers and manufacturers are rubbing their hands! Successful, business secured for decades! Cui bono is always my number one question! A scandal without equal, and it makes me very very angry!…

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