India – unknown continent

Could India Become a Champion of the Climate Crisis? Link “I have seen women defy old customs and cast their first vote. . . . I have seen ‘untouchables’ walk for miles to stand in the voting line next to Brahmans.” He concluded, “In Asia, as in America, I know no grander vision than this, government by the consent of the governed.” Get the writers you love, plus your favorite cartoons, on your phone or tablet. Downloaded The New Yorker Today. For 3 months … Sent by phb |

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Moments (Borges)

Jorge Luis Borges Moments If I Could Live My Life Again Full text translated into English Poetry If I could live my life again. Next time, I would try to make more mistakes. I would not try to be so perfect, I would relax more. I would be sillier than I have been. I would take fewer things seriously. I would be less fastidious. Accept more risks, I would take more trips, Contemplate more evenings, Climb more mountains, and swim more rivers… I would go to more places where I have not been, Eat more ice cream and fewer beans. I would have more real problems and less imaginary ones. I was one of those people who lived sensibly and meticulously every minute of their life. Of course I have had moments of happiness. But if I could go back in time, I would try to have good moments only, and not waste precious time. I was someone never went anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water bag, an umbrella and a parachute. If I could live again, I would travel more frivolously. If I could live again, I would begin to walk barefoot at the beginning of the spring and I would continue to do so until the end of autumn. I would ride more merry-go-rounds, I would contemplate more evenings and I would play with more children. If I…

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Start der Koalitionsgespräche: Neue Regierung schon Mitte Dezember? |

SPD, Grüne und FDP haben zum Start der Verhandlungen über ein Regierungsbündnis ihren Zeitplan vorgestellt: Bis Ende November soll ein Koalitionsvertrag vorliegen. Scholz könnte schon in der zweiten Dezember-Woche zum Kanzler gewählt werden. — Read on Ehrgeiziger Zeitplan, gut so! Und bitte nicht verzetteln in den vielen Arbeitsgemeinschaften ... Viel Erfolg wünscht von der Gold Coast in Queensland Yours Peter | @phb

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